After the summer holidays, the teacher asked her class to write an essay on how and where the children had spent their vacation. Johnny worked on his essay for almost an hour, yet he wasn’t sure how the teacher would take it.
essay сочинение; after the summer holidays после летних каникул; spend (spent, spent) проводить; vacation каникулы; almost почти; hour час; yet тем не менее; be sure быть уверенным; how the teacher would take it как учительница это воспримет
And indeed, when the teacher opened his exercise book, she frowned, because she saw something she never expected to see. This is what she saw:
But the next moment she smiled and said to herself, “This little rascal is really very talented. I hope he liked his stay in—”
In what country? Where did Johnny spend his summer holidays?
indeed в самом деле; frown хмуриться, нахмуриться; expect ожидать; the next moment в следующее мгновение; smile улыбаться; said to herself сказала сама себе; rascal негодник, шельмец, плут; talented талантливый; hope надеяться; his stay in его пребывание в