One cold winter day, a man was walking through a thick forest. Soon, night fell, and it became very dark. Suddenly, the traveller saw a hut. He knocked, and an old woman answered the door.
“Let me spend the night at your house, Granny,” said the man. “I’m chilled to the bone. I will pay you as much as you say.”
traveller здесь: путник; witch ведьма; thick forest дремучий лес; hut хижина; knock стучать; answer the door открыть деверь (в ответ на стук); let me spend the night позволь мне провести ночь; I’m chilled to the bone. Я продрог до костей.
“Come in,” said the old woman. “As for your money, you can keep it. Humans may need money, but I don’t.”
“You wouldn’t be a witch, would you?” asked the traveller, studying her ugly face.
“The very same. They call me the Bony Leg. But you need not to be afraid of me. I won’t do you any harm.”
As for your money, you can keep it. Что до ваших денег, то можете оставить их себе; humans люди (в отличие от других существ); may need money, but I don’t могут нуждаться в деньгах, но я в них не нуждаюсь; You wouldn’t be a witch, would you? А ты, случаем, не ведьма?; ugly уродливый; The very same. Она самая; bony костлявый; костяной; do harm причинять вред
“You can warm your chilly bones by the fire, and even stay for the night, but I have one condition,” continued the witch.
“Name it.”
“You must solve one of my riddles.”
“Deal! Ask your riddle.”
“How can a man go eight days without sleep?”
“Oh, that’s very simple. I think I could do that,” said the man, and went on to explain.
condition условие; Name it. Назови его; Deal! Договорились!; explain объяснять
What did he say? How can a man go eight days without sleep? Solve this rebus to find out.