Someone had stolen some bananas from the zoo. The gorilla hung out a warning: “Who stole my bananas? If I catch the thief, I will tear off his paws, and twist his ears! Gorilla.”
bet пари; steal (stole, stolen) украсть; hang out (hung out, hung out) вывесить; warning предупреждение; catch поймать; thief вор; tear off оторвать; paw лапа; twist his ears надеру (букв.: выкручу) ему уши
The next day, the Gorilla read under his own announcement: “You won’t. Wanna bet?”
These words were followed by a signature.
Who had dared to challenge the Gorilla? This rebus may give you a clue.
announcement объявление; You won’t. Wanna bet? Не надерёшь. Спорим?; follow следовать ◊ These words were followed by a signature. За этими словами следовала подпись; dare посметь, осмелиться; challenge бросить вызов