Once upon a time, there lived a king who had a daughter, a beautiful princess. So beautiful she was that princes from all over the world would come to ask for her hand in marriage. The girl, however, did not like the idea of getting married, so much so that she would not allow any of the suitors to come near her. She would always say that only the one she touched would become her husband.
once upon a time, there lived жил-был некогда (зачин сказок); from all over the world со всего мира; would come ask for her hand in marriage приезжали просить её руки (модальный would указывает здесь на то, что действие происходило многократно); however однако; so much so настолько (ей не нравилась эта идея, что); allow позволять; suitor поклонник; she would always say она постоянно твердила; touch прикасаться ◊ only the one she touched только тот, до которого она дотронется
Many princes had come, only to leave empty-handed, until one day, a prince came from a far-away kingdom. So resourceful was this young man, that he managed to marry the princess. Although she had never seen him before, she touched him nevertheless.
leave empty-handed уйти с пустыми руками, уйти несолоно хлебавши; resourceful изобретательный; although хотя; nevertheless тем не менее
How did he make her do that? If you don’t know, this rebus may give you a clue.