Max decided to take a shortcut through the forest when he came across an old house he had never seen before. The house seemed deserted. He took a step inside, and the next moment the door behind him slammed shut.
shortcut короткий путь, путь напрямик ◊ take a shortcut срезать путь; come across наткнуться на; seem казаться; deserted заброшенный; take a step сделать шаг; inside вовнутрь помещения; slam shut захлопнуться
“Anybody here?” he asked.
A husky voice replied, “I’m here.”
“And who might you be?”
“I’m the keeper of this house.”
“Why can’t I see you?”
“You cannot see me because ghosts can’t be seen in the daytime.”
Anybody here? Здесь есть кто-нибудь?; husky хриплый; voice голос; reply ответить; And who might you be? И кто же вы такой?; keeper хранитель; ghost привидение, призрак
“Am I your prisoner?”
“No. However, you cannot leave this house unless you find the key to the door. If you don’t, you’ll stay here forever. You’ve only got one try.”
“Can you at least give me a hint?” Max asked.
“Very well,” the voice croaked. “The key is hidden behind one of the paintings in the drawing room. Find it, and you are free.”
prisoner пленник; however однако; unless если только ты не; stay оставаться; forever навсегда; try попытка; at least по крайней мере; hint намёк; croak хрипеть, прохрипеть; прокаркать; hide (hid, hidden) прятать
These are the paintings Max saw in the drawing room. Which of them hides the key?