28. Captured by Cannibals

This is a story about a hunter who was unfortunate enough to be captured by cannibals. The cannibals brought him to their village, and tied him to a pole. After a while, they started to make a fire. One of the cannibals approached the prisoner, and asked him his name.

capture захватить; взять в плен; hunter охотник; unfortunate незадачливый who was unfortunate enough to be captured by cannibals которому не повезло оказаться в плену у каннибалов; village деревня; tie to привязывать к; pole шест; after a while через некоторое время; approach приближаться к; prisoner пленник

“What do you need my name for?” asked the prisoner, hopefully. “Maybe they are not going to eat me, after all? Otherwise, they wouldn’t ask me my name,” he thought.

His heart sank when he heard the answer.

Maybe they are not going to eat me, after all? Может быть, они всё же не станут меня есть?; otherwise иначе, в противном случае; sink (sank, sunk) опускаться; погружаться his heart sank у него душа ушла в пятки

What did the cannibals want his name for?
