25. Sick Leave

A member of a military band came to the surgeon.

“I have a terrible throat ache,” he complained.

“Let me see your throat,” said the doctor. “Oh, that’s not so bad. You’ll be all right in a day or two. I think you’d better rest a little for a week or so.” And with these words the surgeon gave the man sick leave.

sick leave отпуск по болезни; member участник ◊ member of a military band музыкант военного оркестра; surgeon хирург, врач; terrible ужасный; throat горло; ache боль; complain жаловаться; you’d better rest a little вам лучше немного отдохнуть

A week later, the surgeon met the bandsman in the street.

“How’s your throat?” he asked.

“Oh, I feel much better now,” was the reply.

“I’m glad to hear that,” said the surgeon. “You can go back to your duty now. By the way, what instrument do you play in the band?”

The bandsman told him.

meet (met, met) встречать; bandsman оркестрант; You can go back to your duty now. Вы теперь можете вернуться к своим обязанностям; by the way кстати, к слову, между прочим

What instrument did he play in the band?
