10. The Ant Throws a Party

One day, the Ant decided to throw a party. The Grasshopper, the Bee and the Ladybug came, even the Dragonfly showed up.

ant муравей; throw a party устроить вечеринку; decide решить, принять решение; grasshopper кузнечик; bee пчела; ladybug божья коровка; dragonfly стрекоза; show up появиться

The host asked the guests to wipe their feet, and they did so without complaining. Only one guest didn’t like it. Guess who.

host хозяин; guest гость; wipe вытереть, вытирать; and they did so и они так и сделали; complain жаловаться without complaining без жалоб, безропотно; guess догадаться, угадать
