One day, the animals decided to have a masked ball.
The Wolf soon got tired of dancing. He approached a group of animals, and suggested a game of cards. Several animals agreed to keep him company.
masked ball бал-маскарад; decide решить, принять решение; soon вскоре; gеt tired of dancing устать танцевать; approach подойти, приблизиться; suggest предлагать; a game of cards партия в карты; several несколько; agree соглашаться; keep him company составить ему компанию
“But I warn you,” said the Wolf, taking out a deck of cards from his pocket. “If I catch any of you cheating, the swindler is going to get it in his impudent, ginger snout.
warn предупреждать; deck колода; pocket карман; if если; catch поймать; any of you кого-либо из вас; cheat обманывать, мошенничать ◊ catch cheating поймать за обманом; swindler мошенник; impudent наглый; ginger рыжий, рыжеватый; snout морда (животного) ◊ is going to get it in his snout получит по морде; address адресовать
Who did the Wolf address his words to? Solve this rebus to find out.