15. Dutch Courage

The man had already paid a visit to several bars. He was so drunk, he could hardly stand. His hands shook, and he spilled several drops of whiskey on the floor. Suddenly, a mouse appeared at the table, and drank up the spilled whiskey.

Dutch courage храбрость во хмелю (букв.: храбрость голландца); already уже; pay a visit нанести визит, посетить; several несколько; bar бар; He was so drunk, he could hardly stand. Он был настолько пьян, что едва держался на ногах; shake (shook, shaken) дрожать; spill пролить; drop капля; appear появиться

This went on several times. At last, the drunkard decided that it was time to go home. He took his small booze companion with him. On the way, he turned over a few trash cans.

this went on several times это повторилось несколько раз; at last наконец; drunkard пьяница; it was time пора было; booze companion собутыльник; turn over опрокинуть; a few несколько; trash can мусорный бак

The noise woke up the neighbourhood. A man leaned out of a window, and cried out:

“Hey, you! Do you have to make so much noise?”

“Stop shouting! Come out, if you are a man! We shall talk here,” answered the drunkard.

“Right,” said the mouse. “And don’t forget to bring your ______.”

Your what? Finish the sentence.

noise шум; wake up (woke up, woken up) разбудить; neighbourhood квартал; lean out of a window высунуться из окна; Do you have to make so much noise? Неужели непременно нужно так сильно шуметь?; Stop shouting! Перестань кричать; right правильно; forget забывать; sentence предложение
