By knowing yourself, you know the Creator, or my telepathy testing

I underwent testing for my abilities in telepathy, by Valery Ivanovich. I asked Valery Ivanovich for this test, as I needed to understand my abilities, my issues and myself. I would like to thank this wonderful and kind man for not denying me.

The testing results are: I had only four middle chakras opened up, the lower and the upper chakras did not work at all.

I messed up the first test completely, as I did guess the digit at the fifth attempt out of five.

The repeated test was better, and the correct answer was at the second attempt.

It turned out I do not trust my intuition completely, because I used my conscious to verify the answers obtained, and the correct answers, which I was receiving, inevitably turned incorrect. The mind initiates guessing, with very low chance for guessing actually. Yet, intuition provided clear and correct answers. During testing, it could suddenly disappear, but then reappear again.

I always had issues with smelling, for I work in a chemical laboratory, not too good for my nose.

I shall not describe every stage in detail, as many did it before me, I just want to mention, that by the end of testing I clearly saw, which carpet is in the room of Valery Ivanovich, I managed to describe profession, actual job, job position and the visual appearance of his fellow scientist, the one who brought the stuffed penguin from Antarctica.

When intuition worked, I clearly perceived the visual image of the painting, and I described such details, which once cannot guess. Cannot guess…

And yet, I only had three middle chakras opened up, and the fourth one barely working. I can only guess what it would have been like, if the entire Kundalini had worked in full. What a power it would have been…

E.A. Tsvetaev, a famous psychiatrist and hypnotizer, compared Kundalini to the atomic energy, and working with it should be very delicate. Yet, the one, who invokes it, obtains tremendous abilities and possibilities!

I wish good luck to all participants of our Esoterica-369 society, be patient in your self-knowing and development! There is no limit for self-improvement!

Work on yourselves and love yourselves, for you all are so wonderful, kind, clever, individual and so very beautiful! Remember that there is no other like you on Earth! Each of you is unique on this amazing and the most wonderful planet. Give love to all existing, bring Light and be happy, my dear good people! I love you all so much!

Always yours, Marina

Marina Nesterenko, 2010—05—31
