I took the gift from the Universe

The abundant Universe sent a gift to me, and Valery Ivanovich kindly tests me for telepathy!

Nothing to be proud of, the results are below the average.

It was really hard. I saw Valery Ivanovich doing his best to find the approach specifically to my individuality, but all in vain.

Finally, he somehow succeeded in finding the channel we were waiting for, so I finally saw the first correct answer. Then a correct answer was once more. Yet again, a more complicated task ruined everything again.

I would have been disappointed earlier, I guess. But as for now, I see this event in my life in much better colors.

Above all, I understood that it is the opening up chakras, what opening up the Third eye and telepathy in general reside upon. Now is the time for me to proceed with opening up my chakras, more intensively.

Next, I now have the methodology that I can now use myself. Catching some aspects of it allows understanding how it works in general, and it is the most essential.

Now it is my turn to wish, to need and to be ready. Discovering my power myself – is there anything more wonderful?

I am grateful to Valery Ivanovich for such generous gifts, essential in everyone’s life. Let your generosity, kindness that you give to people, come back to you multiplied thousand times with the Universe Abundance stream coming down on You.

I love You!

Participant of testing, 2009—08—10
