My first steps to the world of the unknown, yet so attractive!!!

Who on Earth could even think that abilities in telepathy are virtually in everyone of us? And yet, it is we, who are busy all the time, who are unable to listen to our intuition, who do not improve them, and many are not even aware of it, thinking they do not have such abilities at all.

I passed testing for telepathy by Valery Ivanovich. Strange feelings were only at the first minutes, as excitement was preventing from concentrating and relaxing, but then… step by step, you start seeing certain pictures, digits, card suits, etc. Each time a surprise how it might be possible.

Energy channels, chakras, were opened up in an interesting way…

My chest felt warmth, sometime a little too much warmth; there was tingling feeling near the bottom of the stomach…

I could not get used to it for some time, but then it became normal for me.

The next part of the test was devoted to identifying taste and odor…

Valery Ivanovich asked me, what is the taste that I feel – sweet, bitter, acidic or salted? – I was tuning and felt the taste of a lemon in my mouth…

The same was with the odors…

I still cannot believe it, but that is a fact!!!

I can sometime feel emotions of others to me. Still, it is not easy for me to tune my intuition right, if I am not assisted by someone else.

I hope Valery Ivanovich might kindly help me to further develop my tiny abilities!!!

** – – **, 2009—06—02
