I passed the telepathy test

I do not intend to describe either the test itself, or its tasks and interpretations, but I would like to share the emotional experience I had during the telepathy session.

Practically everyone is capable of telepathy, but only few know how to perceive and to transmit the information. One can recall the situations, when someone says in a dialogue: “You are reading my thoughts! I was going to say the same!”

Telepathy is by definition transmitting thoughts. In no way is telepathy a fairy tale, but a working phenomenon, furthermore, the phenomenon carefully studied and often implemented in practice. Virtually any person can learn it. During the session, my nerve system cloned the processes, which took place in the nerve system of a person, which was separated with me by thousands of kilometers. My Teacher and I used a simple method of opening up chakras during the session – the meditation: with closed eyes and stable calm breath. On each breath-in, I imagined a bunch of energy coming from earth and moving towards my first chakra, to be taken by the first chakra, then the same with the second chakra, the third one, etc. On each breath-out, I imagined this bunch of energy leaving the first chakra and passing through my body towards the third eye and going to the Teacher. As result, my mind reproduced the same images, which were in the mind of the person, whose mind created those images. I perceived the information by color, any image, vibrations, I had to trust my intuition and only perceived what I felt. Verbalization was hard – it is the stage of evaluating the information that was obtained by telepathy. The first time, it was complicated for me to prevent my mind from commenting; and to realize, what was obtained, unbiased, like “we have what we have”.

Importantly, energetic impoverishment of the body might have easily nixed the entire attempt to carry out the experiment. It is not about the energy affecting the process, but rather I, myself, felt uncertainty.

Nevertheless, testing results were good, provided this was the first time. The highest extent of the testing – sensory feeling appearance – was on the level of touching various parts of the body. Such kind of telepathy may hardly be called willful during the initial stage. Sensory feelings bring realizing the phenomenon from outside.

What a miracle it is – to understand that we all are something larger, than just a physical body! Each person irradiates and perceives tangible energy, which, in turn, influences people nearby. We all are a part of huge and weird and invisible information energy fields that define the state of health for both any individual and the entire planet, and one may learn controlling the energy!

Tatiana Fedina, 2010—07—11
