In this chapter, my beloved kings and queens, we will delve into the essence of leadership messaging. What should we remember when we communicate as leaders on social media? We know all too well that people have needs. To effectively engage with our audience, we must appeal to these needs, inviting them to listen and follow our message. If your words and communication fail to resonate with the hearts of your audience, they will likely go unheard.
So, to which audience needs can we appeal? First and foremost, we must connect with their experiences and empathy. Experience and empathy are fundamental human needs and core qualities of our nature. It’s inherently human to empathize, to relate to another—especially the hero!
Remember, you are a superhero!
People naturally identify with the heroes of your posts, the protagonists in films, celebrities and the stars of your videos. Keep these moments at the forefront of your mind, allowing this understanding to become second nature. Once it does, you won’t need to consciously think about how to apply these principles; they will manifest effortlessly in your posts. Your subconscious mind readily absorbs all information, even if it feels like you’ve missed a thought. Your conscious mind has rigid frameworks, while your subconscious is attuned to everything.
What other aspects can we leverage to lead others? We can tap into well-being, another fundamental human need. We are consistently aware of our identities, our appearances, and how others perceive us. While comparison can lead to suffering, it can also bring comfort. Through your interactions, people often seek to fill voids in their lives—imagining what has not yet materialized.
What other needs are essential? One is the need for knowledge. Why do you eagerly tune in to my broadcasts, listen to my podcasts, and read my books? You seek knowledge from me. Humans are inherently inquisitive, and our thirst for understanding persists from birth to our final days. We are drawn to the world, its mysteries, and its challenges. By aligning your communication with this desire for knowledge, you fill gaps within your audience, allowing them to explore the unknown through you.
What else can we explore together? Spirituality. While it has historically been a challenge for individuals to articulate this desire, recent years have seen a rise in conversations about spirituality. People have become more open to recognizing a higher essence beyond mere materialism. There exists a longing to connect with what is intangible. When you address these topics, your audience will intuitively resonate with your message.
Lastly, you can engage openly with people about self-awareness. By appealing to their desire for self-discovery, you can inspire a wide audience. The journey of self-awareness is profoundly abstract and uniquely individual for each person. By inviting them on this exploration, you can foster deeper connections and empower their personal growth.
Self-awareness is the journey of discovering one's unique place in life. Regardless of how you seek to address another person's challenges, your efforts will ultimately be beneficial for them. This is a topic that holds the potential for healing and growth, as the subconscious mind tends to reject any knowledge that may be detrimental.
You may not have expected to encounter such insights in a book about social media, but throughout all of my training sessions, I consistently delve deeper than the surface-level content promised. I believe in fostering a profound dialogue with you, one that transcends the conventional boundaries of discussion. You can witness this depth in all of my books and articles.
And speaking of articles, let’s explore further…
Creating Charismatic Texts
How do you craft words that captivate and enchant? Texts so charismatic that they position you as a leader in the realm of blogging? As a writer deeply immersed in the art of writing—boasting my own unique teaching method—I often find myself pondering the flood of articles available online that promise to reveal “How to Write a Good Text,” “How to Craft an Article,” or “How to Pen a Book.” I believe that novice authors, adolescents, and aspiring writers seeking publication are frequently misled by such resources.
Texts should never resemble mere templates created by others. I maintain a skepticism towards conventional copywriting, particularly trends like “social media copywriting.” In my writing courses, I implore my students not to diminish the value of my extensive knowledge and experience by resorting to universally applied methods. Can you envision the kind of audience you’ll attract by employing the same tired tactics as countless others online? You risk blending into a sea of bloggers—anonymous, lacking in distinctiveness.
In truth, the topic of copywriting became obsolete long before its emergence. Now, with the advent of neurocopywriting and other buzzwords, we encounter concepts that are inherently flawed and already played out. What is neurocopywriting, after all? It is said to influence the brain through text. Yet, remember that any piece crafted by a skilled author has the power to touch the mind and heart. Reflect on your favorite childhood tales, perhaps the enchanting world of Harry Potter. You’ve journeyed through life alongside the characters from your beloved books long before the term “copywriting” ever existed.
Why introduce this perspective? Up to a threshold of 5,000 subscribers, traditional techniques like copywriting, content plans, and template-driven approaches may yield results. However, if we aspire to create something genuinely new—authentically our own—we must write from the heart. I believe that the ability to write is a natural gift, part of our essence since birth. Just as we engage in spoken conversation with ease, we can likewise articulate our thoughts in writing. When we speak, we don’t deliberate over the mechanics; writing shouldn’t be any different.
Before you put pen to paper—or fingers to keyboard—ask yourself the right questions. You don’t need to scrutinize each piece rigorously. The insights you gain will naturally enrich your writing, leading to results that surpass your previous efforts. Suppose you’ve drafted a post; before hitting ‘publish,’ pose a series of reflective questions to evaluate your text:
– Do you genuinely like what you’ve written?
– Would you recommend this text to friends or colleagues?
– Does your writing convey a lightness, like a feather, feeling graceful and inviting?
By embracing these principles, you can create charismatic texts that resonate with your audience and elevate your unique voice in the landscape of social media.
Here, based on my observations, I see people divided into two distinct categories: those who love their texts (that’s me!) and are eager to share and repost them, and those who declare, “I will never show my texts to anyone.” When I ask, “How can you not share these with anyone when you’re posting on social media?” they respond, “I have no friends here; these are just other people.” Do you see? They don’t even view their followers as friends, as part of their community or team!
Can your words truly impact others?
Can your text create meaningful change in someone’s life?
I’m not referring to grand transformations; rather, I’m talking about those fleeting changes in mood. Imagine someone feeling down who reads your text; they smile, and their spirit brightens. This momentary shift is something the subconscious registers profoundly. The reader may not fully understand why their mood has changed, but they will subconsciously develop an affection for your blog. This phenomenon explains our love for comedic films; we laugh and don’t necessarily connect our joy solely to the film itself—rather, we associate it with the genre of laughter. The cleaner, the more informative, and the more subtly humorous our blogs are, the easier it becomes for us to engage our audience and guide them to become followers.
I encourage you to reflect on whether your posts embody leadership qualities. This is essential. For instance, I am quite clear about the message I want to convey, and I continuously monitor my posts to ensure they effectively communicate my ideas.
Moreover, ask yourself: does your post offer something new to the reader? Will they discover fresh insights from your material?
Honesty is key here.
I know many individuals curate their social media presence using rigid content plans. While their blogs may look visually appealing, they often lack life and energy. These posts feel stale, almost musty. For example, some people dedicate an hour on Sunday or Monday morning to create a week’s worth of posts, allowing themselves freedom for the rest of the week. However, there’s a critical point these individuals often overlook: the energy you invest in social media is the same energy that returns to you.
By infusing your posts with authenticity and vitality, you’ll foster a deeper connection with your audience and inspire genuine engagement.
This principle applies to all aspects of our lives. If you genuinely invest your love and care into your social media presence, nurturing every detail and showing appreciation for each follower, it will come back to you in abundance. How will these returns manifest? Through gifts, collaboration opportunities, invitations to intriguing places, and more. I'm sharing this not just as a social media influencer, but as an energy practitioner. I consistently experience remarkable returns from my social media interactions. I receive gifts regularly, invitations to exquisite venues, and my opinions are sought after. I am viewed as an opinion leader and trendsetter—why is that? Because I share the purest and highest quality energy.
Don’t think that we need to strive for something overly grand or extraordinary. Often, in the quest for grandeur, people create overly abstract content—beautiful wrappers filled with clichés. When we try to craft something too impressive to win over our audience, we end up with a striking yet hollow facade. Unfortunately, I notice this more often than I’d like on social media—posts overflowing with clichés and emojis. As leaders crafting charismatic posts, our goal is to write in a manner that is simple, accessible, elegant, and crystal clear.
Grace and beauty lie in simplicity.
This concept extends beyond just writing; it permeates everything. Timeless elegance is always appreciated and is, in its essence, very straightforward. The simplicity of phrases often mirrors the color combinations found in the world’s greatest masterpieces. And the same simplicity applies to writing—the simpler, the better. Avoid writing as if you’re a novelist or a stand-up comedian. Instead, let your words flow from the heart.
Before you write or share something on social media, take a moment to focus.
Close your eyes to open your inner vision and release your energy.
Ask yourself:
– Do I genuinely want to say this now?
– Am I compelled to post this because of a self-imposed content plan I created or downloaded?
– Who is placing limitations on me?
– If I truly want to express this, have I already articulated it before?
When you write about something you know well, it may seem simple and evident to you; however, it’s not always clear to your audience.
I want to discuss the concept of a personal brand because when we talk about leadership, we inevitably touch upon it. We cannot ignore this vital subject. Many of you have likely heard the term "personal brand," and intuitively understand that those who possess a strong personal brand enjoy significant advantages. Individuals with recognizable names attract excellent deals, gifts, and opportunities. About 10-15 years ago, consumers primarily bought from companies and trademarks; now, they prefer to purchase from individuals. There is indeed an official definition of a personal brand—serious and straightforward—but I find it pretty dull. I have developed my own definition, one that I use in my work to convey the concept to my students and clients, and they resonate with it deeply.
A personal brand is an instant and stable image that emerges in people’s minds when they hear your name. In other words, it is a consistent energy-informational layer of reality that you have created, shaped, and refined to maximize its impact.
…Do you realize the depth with which I approach the concept of a personal brand? I possess a keen understanding of its dynamics. For several years, I have been advising large companies and private clients on how to enhance their personal brands, and they have seen remarkable results.
A personal brand is a sustainable energy-informational layer of reality that we actively shape. Since it encompasses both energy and information, we channel our energy and gather insights from the world around us. We express what lies within us alongside our external experiences. By combining these elements with the strength of our intention, we create the very essence—the core—of our personal brand, imbued with incredible strength and power.
We can choose to follow my path—or we can adopt the simplistic approaches that are often found online in articles about "how to create a personal brand." Such suggestions as "create a page, then establish a presence on social media, and so on" are misguided. People do not connect with a mere facade; they seek authenticity and depth. Without this, personal brands can become hollow.
As charismatic leaders, it is crucial for us to build a global brand that bears our name, so that people can trust and recognize us. I've previously discussed the myriad opportunities that a well-crafted personal brand can provide. I often state: if you cultivate an audience that genuinely appreciates you, others will be inspired to help you realize your wildest dreams—often those who are not even part of your existing audience. This phenomenon does not surprise me; it is a reflection of a unified energy-informational field in the Universe. When you express a desire, the pathways become clear.
You are the definer of your personal brand! You have the power to shape how you are perceived—as a charismatic leader or a unique brand. Simply affirm: "I want to be a distinctive brand." It truly is that straightforward. For some, a personal brand offers the chance to travel the globe sharing knowledge and becoming a prominent figure; for others, it provides the means to thrive within their local communities—and that is perfectly valid.
Why is it essential for us as leaders to cultivate a personal brand? Between two individuals with the same knowledge base, people are more likely to gravitate toward the one who has a larger audience. This connection is often rooted in the energizing presentation they offer. People are instinctively drawn to the leader who can give them that energy.
Each of you possesses valuable knowledge; the challenge lies in learning how to convey it effectively. The topic of personal branding is intrinsically linked to image, and transforming your image involves much more than superficial changes in clothing or adopting a mask. It is about creating a holistic lifestyle and sharing that lifestyle with your audience. Embrace your own unique lifestyle and make it your own. Whether it's trendy or unconventional doesn't matter—be the trendsetter. Start small, and even one person’s interest can geometrically multiply to reach 10, and so on. This is the foundation upon which a brand is built.
You can forge an image and construct a personal brand in two distinct ways—let me share both methodologies, drawn from my deep study of this topic through the lens of energy. First, you can identify your target audience and discern what they wish to see in a leader. Then, embody that vision. While this method may require less energy and imagination, it does yield results; however, it often results in brands that lack depth. You may notice such figures on mainstream media, shining brightly for a few months only to fade away, quickly forgotten within a year.
In contrast, a robust personal brand is built on authentic connection and engagement, transcending fleeting trends and superficialities. By nurturing your essence and aligning it with your audience’s needs, you can create a lasting impact that resonates deeply.
The Force of Attraction
Here's a fundamental truth: every strong entity or fact possesses an inherent power to attract. This is a serious topic, reflecting a basic principle of physics—stronger objects draw in those with weaker energy fields. If you are a strong individual, authentically being yourself, your audience will naturally gravitate toward you. This audience will not only be drawn in but will also remain loyal to you for many years.
This loyalty stands in stark contrast to the more superficial approach, where an audience may only stay as long as their immediate needs are met—often by someone younger, more attractive, or more adept at delivering momentary entertainment. Yet, building true connection requires effort. I can already hear some of you groaning, “Oh no, not another mention of hard work!” But remember, you are reading this book to create meaningful change in your life—and change demands action.
You must be willing to transform many aspects of your existence because, let's face it, you may have spent a considerable amount of time feeling dissatisfied, yearning for happiness that somehow remained out of reach. You’ve undoubtedly noticed influencers on social media who seem to live the life of your dreams, and it's easy to feel stuck in your current circumstances.
As a blogger, I can tell you that the immense internal and external efforts behind those glossy social media displays are often hidden from view. What you see online is usually just the polished result, and it’s not guaranteed that such outcomes are even truthful.
However, there will come a day—sooner than you think—when you will showcase your own results. The scale of your impact—whether localized to a neighborhood, a city, a region, or even the entire world—does not alter the methods through which you reach your audience. What changes is the breadth of your target audience.
We are fortunate to live in a time where a single touch of a button can project our thoughts to hundreds, thousands, or even millions. Never before in history has there been such an opportunity! In the past, artists and poets often died in obscurity, unable to share their work with the world. But today, we have the chance to connect and communicate! Yet, surprisingly, many still lament that achieving popularity feels unattainable.
All it takes is that one button press—so get ready to embrace it.
Some individuals may post reviews for sponsor gifts, while others share content purely for entertainment. However, if we truly seek to cultivate a lasting audience and engage on a deeper level, we must pause before each post to ask ourselves: “Am I expressing what I genuinely want to convey? Is this relevant to my audience today?”
As leaders, we must consider the nuances that typical bloggers often overlook. There are leaders, and then there are bloggers—and I believe everyone here aspires to be a leader. For instance, consider a Sunday evening: is it really the right time for typical bloggers to dive into philosophical discussions, or should they focus on light entertainment?
I want to emphasize that if you cultivate a sustainable energy presence and a strong personal brand, you can post anything at any time. Your audience will remain loyal and embrace your content wholeheartedly. Personally, I share articles without concern for the day of the week, upcoming holidays, or other trivial considerations. My audience consistently engages with and absorbs the knowledge I provide.
Embrace the power of attraction that comes from being a strong, authentic leader, and prepare to connect with your audience in meaningful ways.
Readers ask:
– Should I create new terms and words for my articles?
– This is a fantastic question! During the writing course, my students invented new words. However, you don’t necessarily need to go that route. You don’t require that technique, to be honest. Instead, focus on using your own original words. This will ensure that your texts stand out from the constant stream of content people see every day on social media.
– Is it necessary to delete old posts on social media? I’m feeling disappointed by them now.
– I wouldn’t recommend deleting old posts. People appreciate seeing your growth and progress over time. They’re on their own journeys and find inspiration in watching you strive for success. Your evolution can motivate and uplift your audience.
– I don’t have a personal brand, and I don’t want to create one.
– The truth is, you already have a personal brand, whether you acknowledge it or not. This realization can be empowering for some and daunting for others. Just remember: you have an image and a presence that people perceive. It’s entirely up to you to either maintain the status quo or take control of how you’re represented. People see you every day—make sure they recognize the leader within you!
– It’s easy for you to say—you have a lot of subscribers. I wish I at least had 1,000.
– Have you heard of Kevin Kelly? He famously stated that you can change the world with just 1,000 true fans. Gaining 1,000 followers isn’t as daunting as it seems. I grew my own following through a simple method: by engaging thoughtfully on the profiles of popular bloggers. Rather than leaving generic comments like "Wow! Cool!" or "Awesome outfit!", I contributed meaningful feedback. Each blogger invites their audience to respond to a question they pose in their posts. By providing detailed, insightful answers, I sparked curiosity—”Who is this person?”—which led them to check out my profile and stick around.
– Is it important to develop accounts on other social networks?
– Let me put it this way: social media is becoming increasingly dominant. This platform is doing everything it can to overshadow others. Each month—or even each quarter—new features are added..