CHAPTER 2: The Essence of Your Digital Charisma

The queen is thriving. She effortlessly governs the realm, exuding beauty through all that she creates with her hands and soul. A true queen never forgets her identity. Today, my beautiful kings and queens, I invite you to tap into that royal energy residing within you! Look at prominent influencers; they carry themselves with the aura of stars, captivating their audiences who greet them like royalty.

Begin crafting your royal digital life right now! Everything you do can reflect your regal nature—even your everyday shower. Picture yourself standing beneath a tropical waterfall, surrounded by fluttering butterflies. Feel the refreshing mist and the gentle droplets of water caressing your smooth skin…

When you embody a royal spirit, others will perceive you as such. Emerging from your shower doesn’t just signify stepping out as an ordinary person; you transform into a radiant wild queen. After such a magical experience, your posts will be filled with enchantment! Gaze into the mirror and see the queen staring back at you. Catch your reflection in your front camera and embrace that magical feeling! You have the power to dwell in this world of your dreams as often as you desire. Remember, 80% of people already live within dreams and fantasies, but what are those dreams?

– “Someday, everything will improve.”

– “Someday, my partner will be faithful.”

– “By summer, I will definitely lose weight.”

– “I’ll start on Monday.”

This brings me to my favorite concept: the Pareto Principle. A mere 20% of individuals lead the remaining 80%. Only 20% of influencers rise to the top because 80% remain entrapped in dull, gray dreams. Yet, the 20% of leading figures venture into dreamscapes that words cannot capture, nor can any film or social media image convey their beauty.

D R E A M B I G!

Let me make you unstoppable!

This is how I interpret the Pareto Principle as it relates to charisma and leadership in social media. Only 20% of people guide the other 80%, who are eager to be led—even those who dream of becoming significant influencers themselves. I have applied the Pareto Principle for years, and it has never failed me.

Even a single minute spent in this energetically charged state can rejuvenate your hormonal system. By shifting your consciousness, you can harness the power of just one minute. Your brain will follow your commands.

Imagine telling your brain just before your magical shower: “For me, this one minute feels like 40 minutes in the most luxurious tropical spa.” Your brain may initially resist, bewildered by the concept.

BUT you are more than just a brain.

You are stronger than your thoughts.

You are the embodiment of beauty!

You are a charismatic, magnificent queen!

Embracing Your Inner Warrior

You declare with conviction: “Stop! I am so much more than I thought! I embody soul, body, and spirit. They exist to serve my will. My soul and spirit are my driving forces.” When you unite your spirit and soul, your mind cannot help but surrender.

The brain is merely a tool for rational thought and reasoning. I command its power to fulfill the mission of my soul. I came into this world with a purpose: to enrich, elevate, and brighten the lives of others. This fuels my vitality—I need that energy to inspire vast audiences!

With the strength of your spirit, you guide your mind. Life can often feel like a grand, albeit serious, jest. You gently but firmly tell your brain, with a sweet smile gracing your lips: “This one minute will feel like a day in the most luxurious spa.” As you wash your face, you will feel rejuvenated. If you dedicate a moment to your beauty in this way every day, soon you will be astonished at how radiant you look. Remain steadfast and embrace the essence of a warrior.

The warrior's stance transcends gender. You are neither simply woman nor man; you are a human being! You embody the spirit and soul, a universal representation of all that is magical, beautiful, and extraordinary on this planet. This warrior mentality forms your inner core, allowing you to stand tall and confident, even in the face of negativity from others—thoughts your mind, your servant, may resist.

However, adopting the warrior position isn’t about engaging in battles. When I say, "Embrace the warrior within," I do not imply contention. We are sovereigns in our own realms. If you embody the essence of a queen, there are no competitors for your throne! Of course, you will need this warrior mindset during interviews, discussions with influential figures, or moments when you need to assert yourself—you will instinctively recognize that power.

For me, it all begins with this realization: first and foremost, I am a writer. I articulate my thoughts beautifully and meaningfully, especially since I envision myself as a goddess. Every word that flows from my lips is precious, akin to diamonds cascading from my mouth. Once I embraced this self-perception, I understood that I cannot merely speak or write for the sake of it; everything I express is infused with significance. When you carry yourself with dignity, others will reflect that same respect back to you. This is another layer of our understanding of charisma.
