Chapter 7

When Super Queen-Mother got home she:

– switched on the TV;

– shifted to an empty channel;

– put a coffee table with a switched on video camera on it in front of the TV and sank in the armchair.

She imagined her friend – the CLOUD – and mentally sent a powerful signal to it. The response came quicker than she expected.

The TV screen began to twinkle, then tuned and showed the explosion in the sea.

The action on the screen was set in from its end to the beginning, that is, the CLOUD was showing her everything in a reverse order. Nevertheless, everything was clear to her.

The dolphin was quickly swimming back-to-frontwards. When the episodes were insignificant the film was shown in quick motion. The shore was quickly approaching. The battle dolphin swam backside into a fishing net, held by two men.

They unfastened the special apparatus from the dolphin and, crab-wise, carried it to a lorry, standing on the upper road.

They opened the back door of the lorry and put the dolphin into a big basin, taking the whole cargo module. The picture stopped, and the CLOUD turned the car to her – its license plate number was clearly seen on the screen. Then it returned it to the previous position, and the film went on.

The two men closed the back door, and, crab-wise, came through the front door, to the driver, who was talking to somebody on a mobile phone.

A visible white thread appeared in the air; the camera quickly shortened the distance and showed whose telephone it was leading to. It was a man from her guard.

Super Queen-Mother saw as he, walking in the park back-to-frontwards, noticed the telephone number, written with chalk in the corner of the stone fence, and rewrote it into his pocket-book.

Then the plot developed in accelerated tempo. A new character showed up.

The camera showed who had been writing the phone number with chalk, and who gave him the order to write it down.

The man, crab-wise, came back to the car. The car moved on the road backwards.

The picture was again replayed in quicker motion.

Streets and buildings flickered one after another. The car left the town and in some time stopped at the entrance of an old villa.

The man, crab-wise, entered the house, went upstairs and came into a study.

Super Queen-Mother saw the person who gave the order to kill her. This organization was a commercial structure – a private military division, teaming up “wild geese” all over the world.

She understood this from the documents on the table. They differed from the signboard she saw on the villa’s entrance door.

The camera showed the leader of the organization. It also showed all who executed his orders.

At this event Super Queen-Mother decided to change the USB stick. The most interesting things began from this moment. She wanted to know – who gave the order to the leader of the gunmen to neutralize her?
