Chapter 4

Super Queen-Mother was committed to the requirement to be always accompanied by her guard. She visited different places only in her combat body, trusting it more than her security.

Her activity timetable was set up for months ahead.

Nevertheless, Super Queen-Mother found the time to carry her asteroids from the Moon to Earth, or, to be more exact, to one of the mineral separation plants situated far from the town. Its personnel worked on rotation.

The first tons of the enriched ore showed a concentration of diamonds amazing for Earth. The golden asteroid consisted of pure high-carat gold, without any additions.

Super Queen-Mother decided that her gold and precious stones would become the base for creation of the Earth’s Single Currency.

Before taking this important decision, she decided to ask for the advice of the specialists.

Super Queen-Mother understood that many important issues could just drown in numerous discussions and adjustments and decided to do as follows: to ask for advice from two groups of specialists, and, in case of the same opinion, to accept it.

When opinions differed she invited a third side to research the matter of argument and accepted the decision of the majority.

As a rule, this approach gave the best results, and she was not going to abandon it.

It was not long until everybody saw the results of her managerial activity.

War conflicts ended; mass construction of factories and plants, producing remarkable, fantastic devices and equipment for the sixth civilization, began.

The most important issues for Super Queen-Mother were the problems of hunger and insufficient accommodation.

Alongside with the production of food, the issue of the redistribution of the products that had been produced already was not less important. Many concerned parties tried to oppose her in this.

In such cases Super Queen-Mother acted very quickly and very sternly.

She had much work. A great deal of work.

An inexhaustible flow of information was gushing in from the Galaxy “Milky Way”. Super Queen-Mother at once split it in into small streams and passed it on to corresponding institutions.

In spare minutes of rest she monitored the construction of the complex “Island” and “Mountainous plateau”. It was growing very quickly.

The constructors started finishing work on the buildings. Numerous splendid rare trees and bushes were planted in the park. Fish were introduced into man-made ponds.

Super Queen-Mother was satisfied to see that her thoughts and wishes were put into effect.

The architects, managing the complex project, did not overlook her slightest requests and did an excellent job. Her main desire was that all parts of the complex had to be comfortable and convenient. All people who came there felt this, though the buildings were not finished yet.

As far as the construction was coming to an end, Super Queen-Mother decided to visit all countries of the world. She provided her security with the data about the time and the place of her stay in every country.

Super Queen-Mother decided to travel on Earth with her guard in short intervals; in space she would be protected by the guard of the Galaxy “Milky Way”.

The receptions took place in presidential palaces, but Super Queen-Mother always found time to meet popular representatives and came out to adjacent squares to talk to people.

The meetings were always emotional and were well-organized. People were glad to see Super Queen-Mother, who had saved them from ruin.

The sincere joy during such meetings was mutual. Super Queen-Mother, in high spirits, moved from one place to another to meet new people.

The countries were different, and the people were different, but now they all were one big family – the sixth civilization of Earth.

Super Queen-Mother did not get tired of the numerous meetings. On the contrary, they filled her with light energy and pride for what she had done.

Only direct communication could tell the truth about attitude to one’s deeds. It meant all her preparation work and sufferings were not for nothing.

People understood that very well and were proud of her.

Super Queen-Mother managed to visit twenty to thirty countries a day. She visited hot and cold, rich and poor countries, which had boundaries and their governments.

Soon her tour across the countries and continents came to an end.
