Chapter 6

The sun was lazily rolling in the sky dome, inevitably approaching the horizon, and losing big pieces from the pie, called a “sun heat”, on its way.

The convoy came to the sea. A developing evening breeze drove away the remnants of the stuffy heat from the shore front.

Super Queen-Mother came into a changing booth on the beach, put on her swimming suit and went to the sea. Small pebbles, mixed with the sand, warmed, but were not too hot for her feet.

Super Queen-Mother walked in the shallow water, along the beach strip for some time, and then came into the sea with great pleasure. She bathed near the shore a little, then turned onto her back and swam beyond the buoys.

In the distance she saw her dolphin. Super Queen-Mother wondered – how did it come to know that she was there?

She looked more attentively at the animal and noticed that it did not jump out of the water, did not utter any sounds, but was quickly rushing towards her. Super Queen-Mother thought:

“Maybe, something had happened to it?”

Suddenly, she understood that it was not her dolphin. Super Queen-Mother attentively looked at the approaching dolphin once more, and in support of her guess, the picture became yellowish-waxen.

The dolphin swam up quite close to her, and Super Queen-Motherу saw an apparatus fastened to it.

She intensified the color, swam aside and dove deep into the sea. From there she watched the dolphin with the apparatus coming into the zone she had just left.

A powerful explosion tore its body into small pieces, and only black flecks of the sea foam were swimming on the sea surface. Soon the sea dissolved them too. Nothing reminded her of what had just happened there.

Were it not for the alarm signals, which seemed to ring from all sides.

Boats with the teams of military swimmers were hurriedly put off from the ships.

Helicopters took off from the decks, blocking the whole perimeter.

Submarines started to move to the shore.

Planes formed a circle above the place of the incident.

The whole foreshore was instantly encircled by the military.

When Super Queen-Mother swam to the surface and saw all the arrangements of the military people, she thought about her friend-the-dolphin in the first place, who could be easily killed in this situation.

She quickly swam up to the nearest boat, came on its board and, having connected with the military commander of the sea group via the communication service, told him about the problem.

The commander did not readily agree with her. He was in rage because of the attack and wanted to sterilize the part of the sea, which Super Queen-Mother used, from everything alive in it.

The boat took her to the center of the closed zone, where Super Queen-Mother called her friend. She did not have to wait for long.

It swam up to her, and, as it seemed to her, quizzically looked at the pistol in her hands. Super Queen-Mother patted it and said:

“Bear with me. It’s your safety certificate”, and shot a radio beacon into its body. Then she again petted it and slightly pushed it off. It was not the right time to play with it.
