Chapter 6

Super Queen-Mother felt the danger. It was multiple and was approaching her at a great speed from all sides. The surroundings instantly became yellowish-waxen.

Super Queen-Mother saw many bright energy arrows, flying towards her. They were portions, or bursts of light in the form of arrows.

Super Queen-Mother raised her both arms, stretched herself and started to perform a snake dance on this «stage» she had made.

«Well, let them use their brains, in the meantime the score is 1:0 in my favor», thought Super Queen-Mother.

She did not want to think that the score 1:1 was just impossible.

Lots of fiery energy arrows actually made her «dance» all kidding aside.

Her body was curving to such extent that it seemed it would break the next moment. She made a sharp bend and then fixed the movement at the extreme point. Her body worked as a stroboscope – every split second it was already at the opposite side. She was trained enough to do such gymnastics.

Arrows meant to kill her flew away into the distance.

«It’s time to stop this strip show, otherwise they can like it», Super Queen-Mother thought and substituted a room with glassy walls for herself, full of crystal ware on glass shelves.

Crystal ware also was on glass shelves of several showcases in the middle of the room. It was one of her tricks up her sleeve that she had prepared at home.

Only a woman could notice such an interesting detail while cleaning shelves with crystal ware: directional light was reflected by all crystal ware. She had tested this finding by directing a beam of the laser pointer on the crystal.

Now the natural laws she had noticed served her a good turn.

The effect was fabulous. Even she, standing next to the room, couldn’t find out in this flash of lightning if there was somebody inside it.

Each beam was broken into dozens of beams by crystal facets; new beams, falling on the facets of other crystal ware and reflecting in the mirror in addition, created myriads of beams, blinding everybody around.

These fireworks of light gave a respite to her and the possibility to return attacks, following one after another.

Using her pictures on the site of the battle – tricks, prepared beforehand – did not mean she had transferred herself to a different place. They were holographic images, which transferred only some properties, characteristic of real things.

For judges’ better moods, Super Queen-Mother began to send her energy not in all directions, but only to those who had the most evident hatred in their looks.

However, judges were of minor concern for Super Queen-Mother; the main thing was the site of the battle.

The wall they had put up protected them quite well, transferring her blows into beams of yellow-white color, bright and sharp. It caused unpleasant moments for those judges in whose direction Super Queen-Mother sent her energy.
