Chapter 3

The hall of the Earth Keepers was filled with bright sun beams and birds’ singing.

Flowers were growing all around Super Queen-Mother, waterfalls were jetting here and there.

Numerous animals were peacefully grazing off in open areas.

Motley birds and butterflies were flying and fluttering on the screen.

People were walking in the parks, moms were sitting on the benches, and their kids were playing in sandboxes. Seas were full of fish.

Plants covered the most part of Earth.

The variety of shapes and colors was surprising.

Life was in full swing even in deserts, lifeless at first sight. Small animals, reptiles and insects animated endless sand dunes.

This beauty of Earth was shown to her as a reminder of what she would be fighting for.

The voice of the Earth Keepers said:

«It is time. We won’t say „farewell“. We believe in you. Come back. The Galaxy’s spaceships are here to take you.»

Super Queen-Mother came up to her diamond bed and stopped. Her live body was lying quietly, as if it was sleeping.

Super Queen-Mother left her combat body for a moment and entered her live body.

Having opened her eyes, she saw herself, near the bed. Super Queen-Mother said:

«I do not say «goodbye». I will come back by all means. Wait for me!», and, having left her live body, came into her combat double. This time she really said goodbye». Super Queen-Mother looked over the Earth Keepers’ hall once more and left it. The rock closed behind her, and the big adjacent room quickly filled with water. Water muscles enveloped her body; part of the rock went aside and let her out into the waste of waters.

In a minute, Super Queen-Mother was already swimming in the sea, calling for her friend to come. Having looked back, she saw the dolphin nearly flying to her on wave ridges.

It stopped sharply and pressed its body against Super Queen-Mother. Then not turning off, it started swirling around her. It understood why she had called it and was trying to tell something to Super Queen-Mother.

We don’t understand dolphins yet, but Super Queen-Mother felt the meaning: they were the words of support to her. It was enough for her.

If she received something from the dolphin, very important to her and to it, she was very grateful. May be, sometime in the future, she would understand it. Super Queen-Mother embraced the animal, kept it in her arms for a while, and swam to the shore.

At the road turn she looked back – the dolphin was not far from the shore. It was swimming there until she disappeared at the turn.

Her parents were waiting for her at home. Her mother kept silence and fixed her eyes on her daughter, and her father said only two phrases: «You’ll be back. You’ll be back, whatever it might cost you».

Super Queen-Mother went up to the veranda and looked at the bay. It seemed everything was as before – the motion of the waves, and the lights of dwellings. Cars were rushing along the highway; a regular train was coming up to the station, warning careless passengers about arrival with its whistle.

Only birds’ singing and grasshoppers’ chirring were not heard any more. Super Queen-Mother understood the reason for such behavior.

A yellowish-waxen tint colored the surroundings. This confirmed the Earth Keepers’ words.

They were here already.

Suddenly four round spaceships appeared above the bay. They were slowly flying towards her house.

Super Queen-Mother went down, closed the dogs in the house and came into the yard. The dogs also felt the presence of something incomprehensible and started barking all together.

Three ships formed a triangle, and the fourth one, in the middle, began to slowly go down to the terrace.

Their external lights slightly illuminated the whole slope.

Silence settled all around. Cars and people stopped. From time to time a dry electric crackling was heard. Many-colored flashes went over the sea and the mountains, surrounding the house.

One more moment and Super Queen-Mother was pulled inside the ship on a light lift. The next moment her ship disappeared in the vast cosmic space.

The other ships disappeared after it…

Thousands of position-radar stations tried to detect where she ships had gone, but failed. Deep space did not want to share its mysteries…

Nobody knew how long the battle would last.

The work of all ground services reached its heights.

Shelters were being filled with people, water, food and other things, indispensable to life.

The military arrived at their positions and put their machinery on an alert, not paying much attention to their personal comfort.

Thousands of position-radar stations targeted their antennas into space, carefully listening out to what was happening far from Earth.

Space battle stations and orbit satellites were turned to space. The astronauts were defending not just their ship or country; they were protecting the whole Earth – their common house.

They had no enemies on Earth now, but got many new friends. The whole Earth became their safe guard. In case of trouble, they could rely only on each other.

All orbit stations and satellites were transferred to manual actuation. They became directly subordinated to astronauts. The Department of Military Cosmic Alignments on Earth reserved the right to assist and control.

Astronauts got all the codes to use the weapons. There were no previous events in the history of the sixth civilization on Earth when such enormous power was concentrated in several hands.

Dark secrets that countries had kept for a long time, opened now.

Orbit stations and satellites were only shells hiding weapons inside them. Dozens of the most powerful thermonuclear bombs, nuclear-pumped lasers were turned off from Earth and directed into space, ready for actuation.

Military cosmic alignments formed the first safety layer of the Earth planet.

Millions of people were looking into the sky through their telescopes, and even binoculars.

Religious services never stopped – one followed after another.

Hundreds of millions of people did not leave squares, united by one goal – to help Super Queen-Mother to win.
