Chapter 5

Super Queen-Mother carefully looked around.

She was in the middle of the stadium, but there were no stands around it.

All judges were hanging in the air, one above another, forming a triple level ring around the stadium.

Everybody had a piece of the map of the Galaxy «Milky Way» above him; the planet, he had arrived from, was lit on it.

Super Queen-Mother lifted her head up – there was also a piece of the general map of the Galaxy above her, with the shining Earth planet on it.

She reduced her weight to zero, rose above the field, slowly turning around with her whole body, and surveyed all of them.

Their looks varied: curious and business-like; some were indifferent, but there were also glares full of hatred.

Judging from these looks, she instantly defined the degree of danger.

She did not care what looks they had. If she had such an opportunity, she would have torn off them all, without fear or regret.

The appearances of the representatives of the Galaxy were also different:

– They were short and very tall;

– Some had suckers all over their bodies, as on an octopus’s feelers;

– The bodies of some of them were quite hairy; the others had no hair at all;

– Some were twinkling in the dusk, and some were quite transparent, as if filled with water;

– They were of different colors – red, blue, yellow, white, purple, black, and others;

– Some had huge heads and eyes, but small bodies;

– Some looked like elongated flames of cold plasma;

– Others resembled dense fog, taking different shapes.

«On Earth we call such creatures ghosts», thought Super Queen-Mother.

– Some looked like big smooth stones, moving by over rolling;

– From afar, some judges resembled plants of different shapes, colors, but in a state of flux;

– Many of them looked like earthly lizards or insects;

– There were also quite exotic species – spiraling saucers, pulsating balls, and the bundles of energy, changing their colors.

No one was like her, except, perhaps, distantly.

Many of them did not have eyes, but she felt the look of everyone.

The preparations for the battle began. Though there was no discharge of the starter’s pistol, everybody understood this.

A white film covered all participants. A white cloud wrapped up the judges. They were not seen any more.

The stadium floor had also changed. Now it reminded her of thick glass in its structure.

Super Queen-Mother jumped several times on it – it appeared to be an exact copy of the floor in her training center. The familiar place strengthened her assurance in the victory.

Super Queen-Mother did not want to wait for them to kill her.

«If the judges attacked me before the battle, why can’t I attack them here the first in response? The final word will rest with me in any case», Super Queen-Mother thought.

She jumped up and launched such a powerful energy strike around her that it could destroy the continents, as the Earth Keepers had said. The effect of unexpectedness was in the suddenness of her actions.

The energy discharge was so powerful that it threw Super Queen-Mother up still higher, and she saw the aftermath of her blow beneath her.

The nearest mountain on the horizon just disappeared; huge layers of cracked and splayed ground were coming over each other, creating blockages of many kilometers.

Something started gurgling inside the planet, and big columns of smoke and flame erupted together with white-hot lava and ashes. The roaring of the planet and the howling of red-hot stones, flying at great speed, filled the surroundings.

«It’s your mistake to get in touch with an angry woman», Super Queen-Mother thought, going down to the field. «I will spoil everything here».

She imagined the feelings of the observers. They did not expect such agility from her, and on some reason there was no response from them.

«An encore blow», Super Queen-Mother thought, and sent the energy of the same power once more.

This time all her energy was blocked. Super Queen-Mother saw that the energy she had released seemed to come to some barrier and began to flow along it in flame tongues, rising up from the ground and forming a ball a mile in diameter.

Bright reddish-yellow balls with energy enclosed in them were flowing down from the walls, slowly floating in the air. When they touched each other, a directed explosion tore off the planet’s surface, forming narrow but bottomless chasms.

Super Queen-Mother shifted her look to the stadium field. It did not exist anymore. After her first blow it was covered with concentric fractures. After the second strike it disappeared. Super Queen-Mother was on a small islet, which had remained intact under her. The limiter on her weapon had gone off, creating a dead zone around her, to prevent her from wounding herself. It worked as a guide block of cannon, creating a small safe circle around her. Farther there was a bottomless abyss, or, to be more exact, emptiness.

Super Queen-Mother launched the energy for the third time, having decided that «plenty was no plague». If the third blow would add to the second one, it would be a sight to behold.

But the effect of unexpectedness was lost, and the third blow was also blocked. The enormous energy she had shot went away into the space depths in the form of a lonely beam.

At the spot where the beam had hit the planet, a canyon was formed half a mile wide and a mile deep. Its edges were like fritted glass and shone in the light.
