Chapter 2. Steps on the way to your attention

It is not easy to bridge the vast Gulf between the invisible, floating particles and the practical, easily visible nature of our daily lives. But it is possible.

When I built this bridge myself, I began to see this process in terms of"steps." Each "stage" actually denotes certain understandings and experiences that can be passed through to "pass" to the next stage. This can be compared to the "keys to the door", when with each new understanding it becomes easier for you to move to the next stage, or level of understanding, through which we will pass. When you go through one step, new doors open, new experiences are explored, and you can move on to the next step.

These steps are the "keys" to your Attention, and therefore to your desired reality.

My point is not to create another key or model for a group of people to follow, but to provide you with simple exercises that stimulate new experiences in practitioners; in such a way that your so-called desired reality can begin to shift. Each step includes one concept and a sequence of exercises by which this concept can be experienced at all levels – mentally, sensually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Psychology and psychotherapy is based on the principles of Newtonian physics-a simplistic view of the world: everything can be reduced to small units, acting and reacting to each other, cause-and-effect measurable, predictable way. I. e. about any Attention and consciousness to us do not speak and do not take it into account. When consciousness and attention are still accepted as a working concept, it is seen as something to be remade, reinterpreted, cured, changed, elevated, or healed.

Here, on the contrary, I provide you with experiential experiences by which you can begin to perceive the desired reality and establish a connection with it through your Attention.

Many psychologists focus on combining the" parts " of a person. For example, let's say your part as a child, pretends that everything is fine, and behaves in a way that your mother loves you. And the other part is very angry and always tries to prove my mother wrong. Conventional psychotherapeutic approaches would encourage the evil child inside to Express himself, and the helpful child to stop pleasing his mother in everything. Or two of these parts could be "understood" as a mechanism of growth that contains resources that you can use in adult life. Perhaps your desire to prove your mother wrong has further led you to develop good business skills. Some therapists would argue that if a given psychoemotional state is "recognized" as part of the personality, the problem (whatever it may be) will be solved. Most forms of psychotherapy involve trying to create a" new "belief on top of an old problematic one, suggesting and evaluating that it is better to have a "positive" program, belief, or solution than a "negative" program, belief, or solution.

My experience, which we are talking about, creates stages of understanding that lead you to experience the situation not as conflicting parts, but as a relationship.

Ultimately, the point is to experience a common relationship in all reactions. When you experience (such as fear or anger), specific reactions begin to lose their certainty and importance.

So my method does not nurture the Association of false selves of early childhood; it does not re-think trauma as a resource; and it does not reprogram beliefs.

First of all, my method is interested in those who are beyond all parts, all traumas, all false selves. Indeed, the pure experience of your Attention is not directed toward the unification of something; it is directed toward the awareness and experience of the oneness, absence, or interaction of all parts. It is in this experience of oneness that the real wholeness can be experienced and it is this wholeness that is the context for everything else. More importantly, it is the context that already exists. It is a matter of realizing what is, namely the common unity in which we all participate. This is the space where problems disappear and you appear!

Let us now briefly examine the seven steps before examining their origins and conclusions. Each step represents a "quantum leap" or simply a "click" in understanding.

This will happen to you at each of the stages of understanding, which in turn will "remove" the levels of limitation. At some point, perhaps after the practice and exercises that accompany each step or "quantum leap", there is a change and you find yourself on a new stage. With each step, the sphere of your perception expands, embracing an ever-expanding horizon.


As an observer of the contents of my mind (thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, associations), I am more than the contents of my mind.

Anyone interested in Eastern practices will recognize the obvious sources of this first level. The cornerstone of most meditation disciplines is the practice of observing, "witnessing," or becoming aware of the contents of one's mind or state of existence. In this way one observes concrete thoughts, images, sensations, feelings, emotions, and in the process one acquires the feeling that one is separated from the flow of content and is something more.

When the observer begins to realize that he is not his thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but rather someone watching, the beginning of the process of disidentification opens, which is gradually built as the first bridge to your Attention.

Second stage

Everything consists of the energy of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, Association.

In the second stage we will consider our relationship with energy. When you experience yourself as an observer, you can begin to experience how all that you have observed as happening in "your mind" consists of the same fundamental energy. Anger consists of the same energy as joy. The second level allows you to remove titles or content and then you will automatically negate the charge of any experience that you observe.

Third stage

I am the Creator of what I observe.

The practical importance of the third level is that it will give you the opportunity to move from the passive position of the witness to the active position of the Creator. When you realize, for example, that you are creating your anger, fear, or anxiety, you can stop creating it. This step will lead you further out of thought to the extended freedom of your Attention.

Fourth and fifth stages

The physical universe consists of energy, space, mass, and time.

Now in the fourth stage we will better study the time aspect of our universe and how we create the concept of time. In the fifth stage, we will pass through an aspect of our world: the omnipresent space. At this level, we come into contact with the unchanging nature of space, and explore how our experience is transformed by touching it.

The energy we experience on the second level can be more accurately described as the unfolding and folding of energy, space, mass, and time.

When I realized that my fear consists of energy, space, mass and time. The observer-Creator (I) consists of energy, space, mass, and time, and the situation I fear consists of energy, space, mass, and time, it has become easier for me to experience the illusory nature of the boundaries I create and temporarily believe in.

In other words, we as creators and what we create-the objects of our creation-are all made of the same substance.

Sixth stage

"Everything interpenetrates everything else»

David Bohm

Here in practice, this level will remove those divisions that we take for granted. For example: we assume that the feelings "I love" and "I hate" are fundamentally and irrevocably different. That success is obviously different from failure. The world as we know it is crowded with boundaries that mark differences.

In the sixth stage, we will experience how the manifested and invisible are constantly "folding" and "unfolding", where all the boundaries are created by ourselves, and not given by nature.

Seventh step

"Everything consists of emptiness, and form is condensed emptiness.» (Einstein)

In other words, everything is made of the same substance.

Everything in physical reality has a form.

Agreed boundaries define how we normally perceive the world, how we live on an explicit level of form. When we see that these boundaries do not exist, that the perceived, open space consists of the same particles as the objects that we perceive as dense and "physical – – then our limitations, experiences of "you" and " I " dissolve in the cozy space of unity.

At this stage there is pure, unbroken " is-ness."
