Chapter 6 – The Days

Throughout these rituals you will discover that there are favourable phases of the Moon that make them more effective. Well, the same things happen with the days of the week.

It is important to do the spell on the indicated day, otherwise in magic there is no use in doing it.

Below I briefly explain the things you can ask for for each day of the week.

Monday: this day is a general road opener to attract all kinds of relationships, to attract friendship and love, to promote a change of luck at work, for money or to unblock situations.

Tuesday: this day has extra strength and energy to clean and purify homes, workplaces and personal clothing, to remove toxic people and those who disturb you, and to clean your environment.

Wednesday: this day is ideal to strengthen all kinds of unions, whether emotional or business. Also to improve health and harmony between people. It is the best day to activate communication.

Thursday: use this day to create your talismans, light candles for cleanings and for rituals for prosperity and material well-being. Also to ask for a job, activate the economy and to ask for clarity to see where to go.

Friday: this day is special to get a job, remove negative vibrations, and boost love and personal magnetism. To believe in oneself, to decide which paths to follow, to work at a spiritual level, to attract and think what type of relationship you want in your life, and if in a relationship to strengthen it even more.

Saturday: this is the right day to influence love conquest and unblock stagnant issues. It is the day for cleansing and removing anything negative, both for you as for anyone you love.

Sunday: to move away or remove any kind of bad vibrations. It is the best day to connect with your higher Self.
