
This book is dedicated to what allowed me to get here, with the good and the bad things.

Family is sometimes a curse and others the greatest blessing.

Here I have to thank my great-grandparents and my grandparents, since I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t had them.

They are fundamental pieces in my life, and don’t think that, although you are reading this book, everybody believed in magic.

Some of my family members were witches and sorcerers and others were pragmatic and very sceptical.

Thanks to them I am the person you know today: a person who fights, studies and can share the values they gave me and I am very proud of them.

When you come to a family, whether biological or adopted, and you receive their surname, they give you a lot of years, a lot of experiences and a lot of energies.

You must become strong against them and if they teach you how to use them it can be one of your best aces in life.

This book is all the wisdom my great-grandmother transmitted to me, teaching me to do my ‘little things’ and stand on my own, anywhere and in any situation.

Never judge someone by their appearance, they can deceive you. Fragility is not on the outside, it is something that cannot be seen: you create strength little by little, forging it with your values and experiences. This was the greatest lesson they taught me.

You will learn something from everything you do and you will move forward in this path because you will become stronger and discover more qualities and weaknesses that you will have to work.

Go ahead!! We have a lot of work to do.

Maga Beth
