Chapter 5 – The Winds

Winds are yet another phenomenon of nature and, as such, they must be taken into account when performing any ritual.

In some countries such as Argentina, the magicians of Tierra del Fuego never do rituals when the winds blow from the North. However, if the ritual must be done, they recite a spell at the same time and cast nine seashells on it.

In Scotland, when the witches had to start a wind blowing for a spell, they used to soak a piece of cloth, hit it three times on a stone and said the following spell:

“I hit this stone with this cloth so that the wind starts blowing and won’t calm down until I want to.”

Wind from the North: this wind is very favourable to ward off the negative energies that disturb us, both for a personal work or for other people.

Wind from the South: this wind is a very favourable force for any type of ritual. It is very important to accept its influence in those rituals in which the spell is intended for love, passion or for recovering the loved one.

Wind from the East: bear in mind this wind when you want to promote communication, telepathy or new unions.

Wind from the West: this wind is considered by all magicians as the cleansing wind at all levels: mental, physical and spiritual.
