Отец семейства (лат.). – Прим. ред.
Wilson, England’s apprenticeship, 41, 263.
De Vries, Economy of Europe, 92.
Israel, Dutch primacy, 356 – 357, 385, 410.
Levere, ‘Relations’, 47 – 48, Multhauf, ‘Some observations’, 48 – 49.
Lintsen et al. (eds.), Geschiedenis techniek, vol. I, 28 – 29, и многочисленные примеры в других томах серии.
Stromer, ‘Nuremberg as epicentre’, esp. 41, idem, ‘Eine «industrielle Revolution»’.
Sella, Commerci, idem, Crisis, Rapp, Industry.
Mokyr, Lever of riches, 207.
Mokyr, Lever of riches, 207, Cardwell, Turning points, 210.
Nelson and Wright, ‘Rise and fall’.
De Vries and Van der Woude, First modern economy, esp. 668 – 673.
Ames and Rosenberg, ‘Changing technological leadership’, Cardwell, Turning points, 190, 206, Musson and Robinson, Science, 9, Mokyr, Lever of riches, 207, Harris, Essays, 164, Nelson and Wright, ‘Rise and fall’, Davids, ‘Shifts of technological leadership’.
Maddison, Dynamic forces, 30, 69.
Nelson and Wright, ‘The rise and fall’, 1931.
Производная от термина «внешнеторговый баланс» – отношение стоимости товаров, вывезенных из страны, к стоимости ввезенных товаров. – Прим. ред.
Harris, ‘Industrial espionage’, 164.
Davids, ‘Openness or secrecy’.
Harris, ‘Industrial espionage’, 164 – 165.
Hilaire-Perez and Verna, ‘Dissemination’.
Stromer, ‘Nuremberg as epicentre’, 41 – 42.
Nelson and Wright, ‘Rise and fall’, 1933 – 1934.
Mokyr, Lever of riches, 186 – 190, idem, ‘Cardwell’s Law’, 573, idem, Gifts of Athena, 282.
Mokyr, Lever of riches, 266 – 269, idem, ‘Technological inertia’, idem, ‘Political economy’, ‘Cardwell’s Law’, Gifts of Athena, chapter 6.
See especially Mowery and Rosenberg, ‘Influence of market demand’, Dosi, Technical change, 8 – 11, Mokyr, Lever of riches, 151 – 153.
Dosi, Technical change, 10.
Понятие, которое означает «овеществление» – превращение абстрактных понятий в якобы реально существующие явления. – Прим. ред.
Rosenberg, Perspectives, 108 – 125.
Marx and Smith, ‘Introduction’, xii.
Marx and Smith, ‘Introduction’, xiii.
Persson, Pre-industrial growth, 7 – 12, 124 – 125.
De Vries, European economy, 94, 252, idem, ‘Holland: commentary’, 57, Elvin, Pattern of the Chinese past, 312 – 315.
Dosi, Technical change, 14 – 20, Nelson and Winter, ‘In search of a useful theory’, Hughes, ‘Technological momentum’, Rosenberg, ‘Path dependent aspects’, Staudenmaier, Technology’s storytellers, 199 – 200.
См., напр., Mokyr, Lever of riches, 273 – 299, Basalla, Evolution of technology, passim, Nelson and Winter, ‘In search of a useful theory’. Nelson, Understanding technical change.
Nelson and Winter, ‘In search of a useful theory’.
Cf. Basalla, Evolution of technology, 45.
Basalla, Evolution of technology, chs. 5 and 6, Mokyr, Lever of riches, 276 – 277, 283, Nelson and Winter, ‘In search of a useful theory’.
Olson, Rise, chapter 3 esp. p. 74.
Staudenmaier, Technology’s storytellers, 192 – 199.
Landes, Unbound Prometheus, 1, 3.
Lynn White, Medieval technology, idem, Medieval religion, 77 – 80, Gimpel, Medieval machine, Pacey, Maze of ingenuity, chapters 1 and 2, Reynolds, Stronger than a hundred men, chapter 2, Gille, Histoire des techniques, 508 – 579, Stromer, ‘Eine «Industrielle Revolution»’, Troitzsch and Wohlauf (eds.), Technik-Geschichte, 105 – 138, Frances and Joseph Gies, Cathedral, forge and waterwheel. Вместе с тем теорию «промышленной революции» подвергают критике, напр., в Richard Holt ‘Medieval technology’ and Adam Lucas, ‘Industrial milling’.
Nef, ‘Progress of technology’, Rosenband, ‘John U. Nef’.
Heller, Labour, esp. Chapter 7 on the ‘inertia of history’ in publications by Annales-historians.
Международное объединение ученых, существовавшее в эпоху Возрождения и Просвещения. – Прим. ред.
Pacey, Maze of ingenuity, 56 – 58, Keller, ‘Mathematical technologies’, 11 – 13, White, Medieval religion, 250.
Eisenstein, Printing press, 20 – 21, Keller, ‘Mathematical technologies’, 22 – 23, idem, ‘A Renaissance Humanist’, 345 – 365, Spedding, Ellis and Heath (eds.), Works Bacon, vol. I Novum Organum, Aphorism CXXIX, [Johannes Stradanus] Nova Reperta, Heller, Labour, 180.
Цит. по Heller, Labour, 180.
See e.g. Troitzsch, Ansätze technologischer Denkens.
Parker, Military revolution, Landers, Field and forge, esp. part II.
Eisenstein, Printing press, 552 – 557.
Long, Openness, secrecy, authorship, 5 – 15, 92 – 93, 244 – 250.
Popplow, ‘Verwendung’, passim, idem, ‘Erfindungsschutz und Maschinenbücher’ passim, idem, Neu, nützlich und erfindungsreich, esp. Einleitung.
Goodman, Power and penury, Garcia Tapia, Tecnica y poder, Heller, Labour, chapters 4 and 6, esp. p. 118.
Wrigley, Continuity, chapters 1 and 2, Landers, Field and forge, 1 – 3, 47 – 71, Radkau, Technik in Deutschland, 59 – 73.
Wrigley, Continuity, 50 – 67, 103 – 104, 113 – 114, idem, ‘The Dutch triumph’, esp. pp. 284 – 285, cf. also Landers, Field and forge, 1 – 2, 119 – 122.
Van der Wee, ‘Continuiteit en discontinuiteit’, 275 – 280, idem, ‘Industrial dynamics’.
Van Zanden, Rise and decline, 4.
Idem, 29 – 41, 171 – 172, idem, ‘Taking the measure’, esp. 133 – 140 and 149 – 157; некоторые гипотезы об обстоятельствах изменений между 1350 и 1500 гг. изложены в Van Bavel and Van Zanden, ‘Jump start’.
Торговое поселение. – Прим. ред.
Israel, Dutch primacy, 6 – 11, 383, 389, 408 – 415.
De Vries and Vander Woude, First modern economy, 693.
De Vries and Van der Woude, First modern economy, 665 – 666.
De Vries and Van der Woude, First modern economy, 687 – 693, 720.
De Vries and Van der Woude, First modern economy, 698 – 699.
De Vries and Van der Woude, First modern economy, 676, 699. Landers, Field and forge, 121; Van Zanden, Rise and decline, 172 признает важность технического прогресса для возникновения масштабной промышленности, но не обсуждает этот вопрос в своей работе о расцвете и упадке торгового капитализма в Нидерландах.
Jacob, Cultural meaning, chapters 5, 6 and 7, idem, ‘Radicalism’, 235 – 239.
Jacob, Cultural meaning, chapters 5, 6 and 7, idem, ‘Radicalism’, 235 – 239.
Jansen, ‘Scheepvaart’, 90.
Jansen, Welvaart in wording, 96, 126 – 133, 294 – 296, Winchers, ‘Bijdrage’, 62 – 69, Zeiler, ‘Textielnijverheid Kampen’.
Blockmans et al., ‘Tussen crisis en welvaart’, 44 – 45, Prevenier and Blockmans, Bourgondische Nederlanden, 30 – 34, 391.
Blockmans et al., ‘Tussen crisis en welvaart’, 46 – 47, Prevenier and Blockmans, Bourgondische Nederlanden, 34, 391.
De Boer, Graaf en grafiek, passim, Jansen, Hollands voorsprong, Lesger, Hoorn, 65 – 74, Van Zanden, Rise and decline, 29 – 35.
Brünner, Order buitennering, passim, Van Zanden, Rise and decline, 29 – 35.
Blockmans, ‘Economic expansion’, 44 – 45.
Jansen, ‘Handel en nijverheid’, 156 – 161, 169 – 171, Verhulst, ‘Occupatiegeschiedenis’, 83 – 92, 95, 99, Van Uytven, 191 – 195, Nicholas, ‘Poverty’, 33 – 37, Thoen, Landbouwekonomie, 836 – 837, 1041 – 1042.
Van der Wee, ‘Industrial dynamics’, 323 – 333, 335 – 336.
Thoen, Landbouwekonomie, 980 – 1021, Mertens, ‘Landbouw’, 24 – 34, 41.
Van Houtte and Van Uytven, ‘Nijverheid en handel’, 108 – 109, Jansen, ‘Handel en nijverheid’, 175 – 176, Mertens, ‘Landbouw’, 28 – 29, Nicholas, ‘Poverty’, 27 – 28, Van der Wee, ‘Industrial dynamics’, 322.
Jansen, Welvaart in wording, 197 – 202, Jansma, ‘Betekenis van Dordrecht’.
Enthoven, Zeeland, 1 – 18, Van Tielhof, Hollandse graanhandel, 60 – 63, Jansen, Welvaart in wording, 115 – 116, Van Zanden, ‘Holland en de Zuidelijke Nederlanden’, 360 – 363.
Blockmans, ‘Economic expansion’, 50 – 58, Van Tielhof, Hollandse graanhandel, 169 – 184, 228 – 230, Jansen, Welvaart in wording, 248, Lesger, Handel in Amsterdam, 23 – 64.
Jansen, ‘Handel en scheepvaart’, 97, 101, Boelmans Kranenburg, ‘Visserij’, 286 – 288, Unger, Dutch shipbuilding, 29 – 32.
Blockmans, ‘Economic expansion’, 54 – 56, Van Bavel, ‘Early proto-industrialization’, 1130 – 1140, Kaptein, Hollandse textielnijverheid, chapters 1 – 3, Unger ‘Brewing’, Van Uytven, ‘Haarlemse gruit’.
Tracy, Holland under Habsburg rule, 24 – 31, Kaptein, Hollandse textielnijverheid, 112 – 147, Van Zanden, ‘Holland en de Zuidelijke Nederlanden’, 364 – 365.
Tracy, Holland under Habsburg rule, chapter 3, Israel, The Dutch Republic, 56 – 64.
Blockmans, ‘Representatieve instellingen’, Leupen, ‘Representatieve instellingen’.
Parker, Dutch Revolt, Israel, The Dutch Republic, chapters 7 – 10, Van Nierop, ‘Similar problems, different outcomes’.
Подробности относительно институциональной структуры Республики см. в Israel, The Dutch Republic, 276 – 306, Price, Holland and the Dutch Republic, в особенности ч. III.
Dovillée (ed.), Relation, 127, Rodríguex Pérez, Tachtigjarige oorlog, 43 – 44, 257 note 82.
Nugent, The Grand Tour, I, 32.
‘Bemerkungen über Holland aufgesetzt im Jahr 1774’, 280.
Voyage d’un amateur des arts, 71.
AN F 12 nr. 1299 A letter Rozier 5 October 1777.
Thouin, Voyage I, 334.
Республика ученых – неформальное международное объединение ученых, существовавшее в эпоху Ренессанса и Просвещения; круг интеллектуалов, общавшихся в основном по переписке. – Прим. перев.
Cited in Heller, Labour, 180.
Long, ‘Invention’, 875 – 878.
Thirsk, Economic policy, chapters I, II, III, VII, Goodman, Power and penury, Heller, Labour, 175 – 176, 181.
Popplow, Neu, nützlich und erfindungsreich, 196.
Van der Ree-Scholtens (ed.), Deugd boven geweld, 95 – 96. В XIX в. изобретение Костера увековечили, воздвигнув монумент в парке Харлемрхаут и установив на центральной рыночной площади города бронзовую статую изобретателя (idem, 405 – 407).
Coryat’s Crudities, II, 638 – 639.
Bentivoglio, Relationi, 4.
Голландцы. – Прим. перев.
Выдумщики. – Прим. перев.
Rodríguez Péérez, Tachtigjarige oorlog, 191 – 192.
Zeising, Theatri machinarum, III, 23 – 25.
Clément (ed.), Lettres, II 1, 523 – 524, III 1, 34 – 37, 125, 199 – 200, 211, 302, 236 – 237, 336, 350 – 351, 403, III 2, 100 – 101, 290 – 314.
Clément (ed.), Lettres, IV, 347, 351, 359 – 361, 452 – 453, BN, Cinq Cents de Colbert 448 Remarques faictes au voiage de flandres et hollande en octobre, novembre, decembre 1670 sur les canaux etc.
AS Florence Med. Del Principato, 6390, Viaggio del sigr Pietro Guerrini per le provincie e regni christiani d’Europa, f. 3–329v; Veen and McCormick, Tuscany, 31 – 45.
UB Uppsala, Coll. Palmskiöld 81, f. 188 – 191, reprinted in Dutch translation in Kernkamp (ed.), ‘Memoriën’.
UB Uppsala, Coll. Palmskiöld 81 no. 17 f. 156–175v; KB Stockholm, Ms. C X 1 – 12.
RA Stockholm Kommerskollegium Huvudarkiv B I a:1 f. 108–112v, 121v – 123v.
UB Uppsala Ms.X 306 S. Buschenfelt, ‘Berättelse till Bergscollegium’, fo. 5.
Rydberg, Svenska studieresor, Flinn, ‘Travel diaries’, Kroker, Wege zur Verbreitung, Schumacher, Auslandsreisen deutscher Unternehmer, Braun, Technologische Beziehungen, Weber, ‘Industriespionage’, Harris, ‘Attempts’, idem, ‘Industrial espionage’, Pessina (ed.), Relazioni, 238 – 321.
AN, F 12 1299 B.
Chaptal, Chimie appliquée aux arts, III, 6.
Volkmann, Neueste Reisen, Eversmann, Technologische Bemerkungen, Nemnich, Original-Beiträge; HSA Düsseldorf Hs. D IX 2, Caspar Neuenborn, ‘Bemerkungen und Skizzen auf meiner hydrotechnischen Reise… im Jahr 1810’.
Jacob, View, 23.