To Light and Love. Steps to save the world. Preparation for the Apocalypse - читать онлайн
STEP №6 Free animals, birds and fish from zoos, circuses and home cages to their natural habitat
Free animals,
birds and fish from zoos, circuses and home cages to their natural habitat
In all countries of the world:
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Step № 1 We are building a world without wars with the whole world, following the commandment "do not kill"
Step №2 Resolution of international conflicts by diplomatic methods. Prohibition of military solution of international conflicts around the world
Step №3 Friendship of all peoples. Humanity is one big family
Step №4 To support the course the culture of society development on the rejection of eating animal corpses in all countries of the world
STEP №5 Prohibition on killing animals, fish, birds and all living creatures, following the commandment "do not kill" Killing creates the worst negative karma
STEP №6 Free animals, birds and fish from zoos, circuses and home cages to their natural habitat