Step № 1
We are building a world without wars with the whole world, following the commandment "do not kill"

In all countries of the world at the same time:

1. Safe elimination of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are a powder keg for the countries that have them, because a destructive transformation of the Earth is coming. It is important to eliminate all nuclear weapons in order to preserve the Earth – our home.

2. Prohibit the production and distribution of military equipment and weapons, so that they do not cause wars for commercial gain.

3. To convert factories for the production of weapons into factories for the production of peaceful equipment.

4. Disband armies, military organizations and unions, the presence of which implies the possibility of resolving international conflicts by force. All people involved in these areas should change professions to peaceful ones so as not to earn negative karma for themselves. "He who lifts the sword will die by the sword." Jesus Christ.

5. To convert military equipment for peaceful purposes or to liquidate.

6. Eliminate weapons in stock, leaving only pistols for the police, collectors, guards, border guards – as an intermediate stage, until society learns to live by spiritual laws and does not give up weapons at all.

7. A ban on carrying weapons to citizens. For safety buy bulletproof vests and live by spiritual laws.
