Characters Of The Book

Philo Vance

John F.-X. Markham – District Attorney of New York County.

Alvin H. Benson – well-known Wall Street broker and man-about-town, who was mysteriously murdered in his home.

Major Anthony Benson – brother of the murdered man.

Mrs. Anna Platz – housekeeper for Alvin Benson.

Muriel St. Clair – a young singer.

Captain Philip Leacock – Miss St. Clair’s fiancé.

Leander Pfyfe – intimate friend of Alvin Benson’s.

Mrs. Paula Banning – a friend of Leander Pfyfe’s.

Elsie Hoffman – secretary of the firm of Benson and Benson.

Colonel Bigsby Ostrander – a retired army officer.

William H. Moriarty – an alderman, Borough of the Bronx.

Jack Prisco – elevator-boy at the Chatham Arms.

George G. Stitt – of the firm of Stitt and McCoy, Public Accountants.

Maurice Dinwiddie – Assistant District Attorney.

Chief Inspector O’Brien – of the Police Department of New York City.

William M. Moran – Commanding Officer of the Detective Bureau.

Ernest Heath – Sergeant of the Homicide Bureau.

Burke – Detective of the Homicide Bureau.

Snitkin – Detective of the Homicide Bureau.

Emery – Detective of the Homicide Bureau.

Ben Hanlon – Commanding Officer of Detectives assigned to District Attorney’s office.

Phelps – Detective assigned to District Attorney’s office.

Tracy – Detective assigned to District Attorney’s office.

Springer – Detective assigned to District Attorney’s office.

Higginbotham – Detective assigned to District Attorney’s office.

Captain Carl Hagedorn – fire-arms expert.

Dr. Doremus – Medical Examiner.

Francis Swacker – Secretary to the District Attorney.

Currie – Vance’s valet.
