4. Sathya Sai Baba answers the prayers of sincere devotees instantly

I met Kumarji a few years later in India at the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba. I tried to find out from him about the incident that happened at the Moscow metro. For a long time, I did not know how to ask the question of how he managed to acquire the ability to materialize sacred ash. After listening to my naive question, Kumarji smiled and explained that the sacred ash is the great grace of God, which is given only to sincere devotees and that he had no idea how it happens.

“I just pray to Sathya Sai Baba,” Kumarji said, “and a miracle happens if Sathya Sai Baba considers it necessary and useful. Sometimes it doesn't happen unless it's spiritually necessary.”

He explained that when he began to chant the mantra in the Moscow metro, he did not know, for sure, whether the sacred ash would appear or not. It became clear that not only Sathya Sai Baba could perform the miracle of the materialization of sacred ash, but also devotees who found a deep spiritual unity with God. Being in a state of perfect devotion to the Lord, genuine devotees are able to perform amazing miracles, such as foreseeing the future and healing other people. I realized that deeply devoted people were pure instruments in the hands of the Avatar.

In dealing with Kumarji, I was struck by his deep modesty. He had a number of abilities, including clairvoyance and the gift of healing, however, he completely denied his talents, arguing it all happened solely by the grace of God.

Comparatively, some people try to assert themselves and convince others of their alleged greatness, but those who are truly in the deepest inner oneness with God always show gentleness and modesty.

Sathya Sai Baba instantly answers the prayers of his sincere devotees. Of course, not everyone can receive answers to their prayers immediately, but if a person is in a state of perfect trust in the Almighty, the answer to prayer can be prompt. In unity with the divine, a false sense of egoistic authorship dissolves and a person embarks on the path of perfect service, which is only possible when the small ego dissolves in the infinite wisdom of God.

As a result of these amazing events, I was able to understand the colossal power of the Holy Names of the Lord. Mechanically pronouncing mantras, even if you pronounce them for a very long time, will not give you spiritual self-realization and abilities beyond reasoning. The holy names of God uttered with the deepest devotion and love will not only do this but also perform a miracle, instantly.
