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We don’t want any dessert

«A Scanner Darkly», Richard Linklater, 2006

Animation, Crime, Drama, 7,3

– Hey, how is everything?

– Everything is super good.

– Not with me. I got a lot of problems nobody else has.

– No, no, come on. More people than you’d think. And more people each day. This is a world getting progressively12 worse13. Can we not agree on that? What’s on the dessert menu1415?

– Would you like to order some dessert16?

– Like what?

– Well, we have fresh strawberry17 pie and fresh peach18 pie that we make here ourselves.

– No, we don’t want any dessert.

– All right.

– Fucking fruit pies are for old ladies.

– Привет, как дела?

– Всё очень хорошо.

– Только не со мной. У меня так много проблем, как ни у кого другого.

– No, no, come on. More people than you’d think. And more people each day. This is a world getting progressively19 worse20. Can we not agree on that? Что в десертном меню?

– Не хотите ли заказать десерт?

– Что, например?

– Ну, у нас есть свежий клубничный пирог и свежий персиковый пирог, которые мы делаем здесь сами.
