
i Clement Greenberg, The Collected Essays and Criticism, Vol. 1

ii Clement Greenberg, The Collected Essays and Criticism, Vol. 2

iii Clement Greenberg, The Collected Essays and Criticism, Vol. 3

iv Clement Greenberg, The Collected Essays and Criticism, Vol. 4

aam T. J. Clark, “Arguments About Modernism”

aap Joseph Kosuth, “Art After Philosophy”

ab Robert Pippin, After the Beautiful

aea Arthur Danto, After the End of Art

ana Peter Osborne, Anywhere or Not at All

ao Michael Fried, Art and Objecthood

aoa Robert Jackson, “The Anxiousness of Objects and Artworks”

at Michael Fried, Absorption and Theatricality

aw Arthur Danto, Andy Warhol

bbj Elaine Scarry, On Beauty and Being Just

bnd Hal Foster, Bad New Days

cgta T. J. Clark, “Clement Greenberg’s Theory of Art”

cr Michael Fried, Courbet’s Realism

db Gavin Parkinson, The Duchamp Book

es Jacques Rancière, The Emancipated Spectator

fi T. J. Clark, Farewell to an Idea

gd Graham Harman, “Greenberg, Duchamp, and the Next Avant-Garde”

he Clement Greenberg, Homemade Esthetics

hmw Michael Fried, “How Modernism Works”

kad Thierry de Duve, Kant After Duchamp

lw Clement Greenberg, Late Writings

mm Michael Fried, Manet’s Modernism

no Bettina Funcke, “Not Objects so Much as Images”

oos Roger Rothman, “Object-Oriented Surrealism”

ou Rosalind Krauss, The Optical Unconscious

pa Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics

rr Hal Foster, The Return of the Real

tc Arthur Danto, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace

дк Лео Стайнберг, Другие критерии

ксс Иммануил Кант, Критика способности суждения

нэ Жак Рансьер, Неудовлетворенность эстетикой

па Розалинд Краусс, Подлинность авангарда и другие модернистские мифы

рч Жак Рансьер, Разделение чувственного. Эстетика и политика

тн Гарольд Розенберг, Традиция нового

эз Жак Рансьер, Эмансипированный зритель
