Подробности создания песни Yesterday в основном взяты из:
The Beatles Anthology. New York: Chronicle Books, 2000;
Ray Coleman. McCartney: Yesterday and Today. London: Boxtree, 1995;
Phillip McIntyre. “Paul McCartney and the Creation of ‘Yesterday’: The Systems Model in Operation”. Popular Music. 25 (2). 2006;
David Thomas. “The Darkness Behind the Smile”. The Telegraph. August 19, 2004. www.telegraph.co.uk;
Alice Vincent. “Yesterday: The Song That Started as Scrambled Eggs”. The Telegraph. June 18, 2015.
В 1963 году Beatles считались рок-группой. Здесь и далее, если не указано иное, прим. науч. ред.
Подробности жизни Пола Маккартни на Уимпол-стрит и создания Yesterday взяты из:
“People: Jane Asher”. The Beatles Bible. www.beatlesbible.com;
Ray Coleman. Op. cit.; Phillip McIntyre. Op. cit.;
David Thomas. Op. cit.
Sean Magee. Desert Island Discs: 70 Years of Castaways. London: Transworld Publishers, 2012.
“The Richest Songs in the World”. BBC Four. 2012.
Gary Wolf. “Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing”. Wired. February 1, 1996. www.wired.com.
Вольный перевод: Scrambled eggs / Oh, my baby, how I love your legs / Diddle diddle / I believe in scrambled eggs.
Ian Hammond. “Old Sweet Songs: In Search of the Source of I Saw Her Standing There and Yesterday”. Soundscapes: Journal on Media Culture. no 5 (July 2002). www.icce.rug.nl; Phillip McIntyre. Op. cit.
Подробнее о TrackMaven на сайте https://trackmaven.com.
“Annuitas B2B Enterprise Demand Generation Survey 2014”. Annuitas. 2014. go.brighttalk.com.
“Adobe State of Create”. Adobe. 2012. www.adobe.com.
Колоколообразная кривая – график функции Гаусса, которая используется для расчета плотности нормального распределения, а также в математическом анализе, математической физике и теории обработки сигналов.
Morse Peckham. Man’s Rage for Chaos. New York: Schocken Books, 1967.
Бергер Й. Скрытое влияние: Какие невидимые силы управляют нашими поступками. Минск: Попурри, 2017.
Томпсон Д. Хитмейкеры. Наука популярности в эпоху развлечений. СПб: Азбука-Бизнес, 2018.
Jonah Berger. Invisible Influence. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016; Derek Thompson. Hit Makers. New York: Penguin, 2017.
Miloš Forman. Amadeus. The Saul Zaentz Company, 1984.
Roger Ebert. “Great Movie: Amadeus”. RogerEbert.com. April 14, 2002. www.rogerebert.com.
Подробности о письме взяты из: Kevin Ashton. “Divine Genius Does Not Exist: Hard Work, Not Magical Inspiration, Is Essence of Creativity”. Salon. February 1, 2015. www.salon.com.
William Stafford. The Mozart Myths: A Critical Reassessment. Redwood City: Stanford University Press, 1993.
Подробности жизни и работы Моцарта взяты из: “Wolfgang Mozart”. https://www.biography.com; David P. Schroeder. “Mozart’s Compositional Processes and Creative Complexity”. Dalhousie Review. 73 (2). 1993. www.dalspace.library.dal.ca.
Ulrich Konrad. Mozart’s Sketches. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Phillip McIntyre. Creativity and Cultural Production: Issues for Media Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012; Robert Spaethling. Mozart’s Letters, Mozart’s Life: Selected Letters. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000.
“Mozart and Salieri ‘Lost’ Composition Played in Prague”. BBC News. February 16, 2016. www.bbc.com; Sarah Pruitt. “Mozart’s ‘Lost’ Collaboration with Salieri Performed in Prague”. History Channel. February 17, 2016. www.history.com.
David Brooks. “What Is Inspiration?” The New York Times. April 15, 2016. www.nytimes.com.
Lucille Wehner et al. “Current Approaches Used in Studying Creativity: An Exploratory Investigation”. Creativity Research Journal. January 1991. www.tandfonline.com.