Chapter 5. Who is nobody?

After the last meeting, the contents of which Ruthra was still pondering, his supervisor came in on his regular work shift, after a walk through the hall and departments.

– Good afternoon, Tigrovich," Zhidkov greeted him.

– Good afternoon, Yuri Vasilyevich," Rutra said.

– Here's a new set of documents, put those aside for now," he said, holding out the package. – Documentarily, we can refer to different services. At this stage, to perform the tasks required by the last developed program, we will be referred to GUSP.

– Is this the president's office? – Rutra clarified.

– Yes," confirmed the chief. – At first it will be unusual for you that a structural unit checks and controls the center.

– Are we going to audit the administration?

– Including. Listen to the introduction. GUSP – Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation.

Zhidkov was silent for a moment, then added:

– That's the way it is. Now I'm going to start educating you on another subject. Do you have any tea, coffee? Pour. I need to get you up to speed. You'll have another line of work.

– What exactly? – Ruthra asked, shifting his eyebrows.

– Listen to the next story.

Rutra brewed coffee, opened a bar of chocolate, and poured it for Vasilievich.

– In order for you to better understand the process of Echelon-1 and Echelon-2, I will tell you about a story that you probably know from a different angle, so to speak. And the angle is as follows: the architect of the world dollar system was a secret agent of the Kremlin!

Rutra raised his eyebrows in surprise, but did not ask any questions. Vasilievich continued:

– In 1944, the famous Bretton Woods Conference of the anti-Hitler coalition countries was held in the United States, where the dollar was declared the main world currency. The Soviet delegation also voted in favor of the dollar. Nowadays it seems incredible!

Shortly before Bretton Woods, Moscow received a secret message from Washington from agent Donald Maclean. Maclean worked as the first secretary of the British Embassy in the United States! U.S. plans to dollarize the planet Stalin knew in advance. The head of the American delegation at Bretton Woods, Harry Dexter White, who developed the idea of the buck as the main world currency, was also an agent of the Kremlin.

– No way!

– The defector Oleg Gordievsky gave away that the NKVD recruited White, an employee of the U.S. Treasury Department, back in 1935-1936. Harry not only leaked secret information, but was also an active agent of influence. His first major success was the provocation of Pearl Harbor! It was White who drafted the text of the American ultimatum of November 26, 1941, with the help of which Japan was forced to make the first shot at Pearl Harbor.

– America responded by declaring war on Japan. It was difficult for the Japanese to fight the Soviet Union as well. So Hitler did not wait for Tokyo's promised attack on the USSR.

– That's right. After the war, he gave Moscow the clichés of the U.S. Treasury Department to print Allied stamps in occupied Germany. The USSR printed the equivalent of 200-400 million dollars worth of stamps in the first post-war years. Harry White is the developer of the secret Morgenthau Plan. The exact name: "Program to prevent Germany from unleashing World War III". The plan envisaged dismemberment of defeated Germany, transfer of important industrial areas under international control, liquidation of heavy industry, demilitarization, transformation of the Reich into an agrarian country. It was even proposed to cut down all the forests in the country. And to reduce the population by 25 million people!

– How?

– We can only guess… In September 1944, Churchill and Roosevelt discussed the plan in Quebec, Canada. They signed a memorandum.

– The plan was classified from Stalin. White was worried that the U.S. and England, behind the back of the USSR, began separatist negotiations for peace with Hitler. Harry. passed a highly classified document to Moscow. It made the world's press. A huge scandal erupted. Goebbels' propaganda ministry said through its media that "Jew Morgenthau" wanted to turn Germany into a potato field! Harry, together with Chief Morgenthau, had a hand in preparing the occupation directive JCS 1067, which was in force until the summer of 1947. It forbade any attempt at economic recovery in Germany. In the spirit of Morgenthau's plan and the secret document "Chancellor Act", imposed by the U.S. on the Germans.

– Informed of it. On May 21, 1949, a treaty was signed to limit the state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany until 2099! It provides for the agreement with Washington on candidates for the post of chancellor, the provision of German territory for US and NATO military bases, the storage of gold reserves in the US, England, France and much more.

–. On November 7, 1945, Soviet spy-courier Liz Bentley turned over to the Americans almost the entire Soviet agent network across the ocean. White was number two on her list.

– Who was the first?

– U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Elger Hiss.

– Who's running all of this?

– Our organization and company you'll still have to learn about. In confidence, it's a supranational international group. The "Four Horsemen" of banking rule over the United States: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo own Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco, BNP, Barclays and other monetary giants. One of the most important repositories of wealth for the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is the US Trust Corporation, founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. The creation of the Fed is also part of the global plan. JP Morgan Chase is nothing more than the operational financial instrument of the world government, namely the three families, the Morgans, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Through it pass the funds of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) of the United States, which was invented by ten banking families in 1910 in the strictest secrecy in the hunting lodge of J. P. Morgan. JP Morgan Chase is jointly managed by the Rothschild and Rockefeller groups. Chairman James Dimon has joined the International Advisory Council for the creation and development of an international financial center in the Russian Federation under the President of the Russian Federation. The Rothschild Foundation increased its investments in Gazprom's American depositary receipts sevenfold in the first quarter of 2014. By the end of World War II, the U.S. economy accounted for more than half of the world's economy, and the U.S. itself had accumulated 70 percent of the world's gold reserves. They sold weapons, food, and equipment to the Allies for it. Other countries, fearing the Nazis, sent their own gold reserves for storage across the ocean. This is part of the result of their secret game. And, as you now know, not just theirs. There's a common control center behind it all.
