Chapter 11. Flight into the unknown

One morning Rutra was brewing his coffee out of habit. Chief Zhidkov came into his office and asked:

– Don't you think we're in a Groundhog Day situation?

– Why not?" said Ruthra, smiling slightly.

– Rutra Tigrovic, it's time to move on to a new phase.

– What, are we speaking at the USND? – Rutra asked jokingly, but realized that he was referring to something more important than the U.S. National Defense University, since Yuri Vasilyevich rarely addressed those younger than him by name and patronymic, much less by rank.

– No, something else. I must introduce you to one more (perhaps the last) secret.

– What is it?

– This is the station. Are you ready to visit it?

– You know, Yuri Vasilyevich, that I'm always ready.

– You need to spend at least a week on it.

– What are we going to do there? – Ruthra stared at Zhidkov questioningly.

– To be enlightened," Vasilyevich replied simply and briefly.

– Curious," Ruthra replied calmly. – What about my business trip? You told me to prepare my staff and family for a business trip of at least a week.

– And what, you got it ready?

– Oh, yeah.

– And how did the family react?

– My wife is already here, and I told the kids I'd come with presents. They are well aware that "Daddy can do it", as they say.

– Great, then let's go.

They descended to an even deeper level, the elevator doors opened at a narrow gauge, shabby station, boarded the car, and "rolled. Ruthra didn't see anything remarkable (except for the gray branches), though he was surprised at the depth of the level and the sheer number of branching routes whose names were indicated by numbers. At last the wagon came to a stop. To go on, in the other direction, it was necessary to make a change. Vasilievich was silent, and Ruthra tried not to ask unnecessary questions, waiting for the end of the journey. Again the stations began to pass before his eyes.

After a while they reached the gates of the most classified part of the tunnel. The gate opened, though Vasilievich had given no command. Rutra's curiosity was growing, peaking as they headed for the Capsule station.

– Now you're about to learn a secret that those who have been allowed into Metro 2 don't even know about.

– What's the mystery?

– There is a Metro-3. This is where you and I came down," said the colonel.

– Is there a Metro Four?" – Ruthra asked, trying not to give his question a tone of sarcasm.

– No, there's no fourth. Did you realize we went down to the third?

– Got it, just didn't think it was a subway. Although it's not clear what was where we were having a smoke break.

– It's not really a subway, there are such dead ends that even I don't know everything in so many years.

– What's a capsule station?

– You're about to find out.

They got off at this station, which was similar to the one where Vasilievich had told them about the Perimeter problem. No one was there, there was a sliding iron door on the opposite wall. Zhidkov approached it, looked into the reader's scanner, there was a click, and the door slid open. There was a huge pipe. To get into it, he had to push back another hatch, which Vasilievich did. Rutra saw a kind of capsule inside, a specially equipped place for one person.

– Sit down, or rather – lie down, you'll try it out, – said the chief.

– I hope no trickery is intended?

– How can our work be without a catch?

– Is it safe? – Ruthra asked in a firm voice.

– Trust me, absolutely. The road to heaven is always safe. This is a new installation for emergency and high-speed travel between stations.

Ruthra looked around the rig; there didn't seem to be anything dangerous in it. He climbed in, and Vasilievich slammed first the hatch of the capsule itself and then the main hatch. Rutra got a little worried, looked questioningly through the glass windows of both hatches at Vasilievich. He smiled in his pleasant way. Inside the capsule was a soft bed-chair that automatically "enveloped" him so that he was almost in a spacesuit. There were no controls of any kind. Rutra looked at the Colonel again, no sound was heard, Vasilievich was indicating something with his hands – either "no" or "don't do it". In a split second several metamorphoses occurred to Rutra – waves of anxiety, outrage, indignation, concern and uncertainty came over him all at once. He realized the meaning of Vasilievich's gesture – "goodbye." Rutra's body shook with the jerk of the "capsule," which raced, accelerating more and more, down the tube. Where was this strange machine going? Rutra did not lose his composure. Logic told him he was not going to death.
