

Рassé (фр.) – поблекший. Здесь и далее примечания редактора, если не обозначено иное.


Одна американская миля равна 1609,34 м.




M. Kox, L. T. van Eijk, J. Zwaag, J. van den Wildenberg, F. C. Sweep, J. G. van der Hoeven, and P. Pickkers, «Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, no. 20 (May 2014): 7379–7384.


Горячая йога – направление йоги, охватывающее любые практики, проводимые в искусственно нагретом помещении.


The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame http://cdnmedhall.org/inductees/dr-hans-selye.


H. Selye, The Stress of Life (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956).


B. S. McEwen, «Stressed or Stressed Out: What is the Difference?» Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 30, no. 5 (2005): 315–318.


Peter Sterling, «Principles of Allostasis: Optimal Design, Predictive Regulation, Pathophysiology and Rational Therapeutics». in J. Schulkin, ed., Allostasis, Homeostasis, and the Costs of Adaptation, (Cambridge University Press, 2004).


Инcyлинopeзиcтeнтнocть – пaтoлoгичecкoe cocтoяниe, пpи кoтopoм cнижeнa или oтcyтcтвyeт чyвcтвитeльнocть клeтoк к инcyлинy, oтвeчaющему зa peгyляцию ypoвня глюкoзы в кpoви, a тaкжe yчacтвyющему в oбмeнных пpoцeccaх opгaнизма.


A. Etkin, T. Egner, D. M. Peraza, E. R. Kandel, and J. Hirsch, «Resolving emotional conflict: a role for the rostral anterior cingulate cortex in modulating activity in the amygdala». Neuron 51, no. 6 (Sept. 2006): 871–882.


A. Golkar, E. Johansson, M. Kasahara, W. Osika, A. Perski, and I. Savic, «The Influence of Work-related Chronic Stress on the Regulation of Emotion and on Functional Connectivity in the Brain». PLoS ONE9, no. 9 (Sept. 2014): e104550.


N. Sadeh, J. M. Spielberg, M. W. Miller, W. P. Milberg, D. H. Salat, M. M. Amick, C. B. Fortier, and R. E. McGlinchey. «Neurobiological indicators of disinhibition in posttraumatic stress disorder». Human Brain Mapping 36, no. 8 (Aug. 2015): 3076–3086.


F. Beissner, K. Meissner, K. J. Bär, and V. Napadow, «The autonomic brain: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis for central processing of autonomic function». Journal of Neuroscience 33, no. 25 (Jun. 2013): 10503–10511.


V. G. Macefield, C. James, and L. A. Henderson, «Identification of sites of sympathetic outflow at rest and during emotional arousal: concurrent recordings of sympathetic nerve activity and fMRI of the brain». International Journal of Psychophysiology 89, no. 3 (Sept. 2013): 451–459.


A. F. Arnsten, «Stress Weakens Prefrontal Networks: Molecular Insults to Higher Cognition». Nature Neuroscience 18, no. 10 (Oct. 2015): 1376–1385, doi: 10.1038/nn.4087.


I. Negrón-Oyarzo, F. Aboitiz, and P. Fuentealba, «Impaired Functional Connectivity in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Mechanism for Chronic Stress-induced Neuropsychiatric Disorders». Neural Plasticity 2016 (2016): Article ID7539065.


J. J. Radley, R. M. Anderson, B. A. Hamilton, J. A. Alcock, and S. A. Romig-Martin, «Chronic Stress-induced Alterations of Dendritic Spine Subtypes Predict Functional Decrements in an Hypothalamopituitary-adrenal-inhibitory Prefrontal Circuit». Journal of Neuroscience 33, no. 36 (Sept. 2013): 14379–14391.


Y. C. Tse, I. Montoya, A. S. Wong, A. Mathieu, J. Lissemore, D. C. Lagace, and T. P. Wong, «A Longitudinal Study of Stress-induced Hippocampal Volume Changes in Mice That Are Susceptible or Resilient to Chronic Social Defeat». Hippocampus 24, no. 9 (Sept. 2014): 1120–1128.


A. Starčević, I. Dimitrijević, M. Aksić, L. Stijak, V. Radonjić, D. Aleksić, and B. Filipović, «Brain Changes in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Associated Alcoholism: MRI Based Study». Psychiatria Danubina 27, no. 1 (Mar. 2015): 78–83.


L. H. Rubin, V. J. Meyer, R. J. Conant, E. E. Sundermann, M. Wu, K. M. Weber, M. H. Cohen, D. M. Little, and P. M. Maki, «Prefrontal Cortical Volume Loss is Associated with Stress-related Deficits in Verbal Learning and Memory in HIV-infected Women». Neurobiology of Disease (Sept. 2015), pii: S0969–9961(15)30056–5.


A. Vyas, R. Mitra, B. S. Shankaranarayana Rao, and S. Chattarji, «Chronic Stress Induces Contrasting Patterns of Dendritic Remodeling in Hippocampal and Amygdaloid Neurons». Journal of Neuroscience 22 (2002): 6810–6818.


G. L. Moreno, J. Bruss, and N. L. Denburg, «Increased Perceived Stress is Related to Decreased Prefrontal Cortex Volumes among Older Adults». Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (Sept. 2016): 1–13.


W. C. Drevets, «Neuroimaging and Neuropathological Studies of Depression: Implications for the Cognitive-Emotional Features of Mood Disorders». Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11 (2001): 240–249.


G. Seravalle and G. Grassi, «Sympathetic Nervous System, Hypertension, Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome». High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention 23, no. 3 (Sept. 2016): 175–179.


B. M. Egan, «Insulin Resistance and the Sympathetic Nervous System». Current Hypertension Reports 5, no. 3 (Jun. 2003): 247–254.


V. Zotev, R. Phillips, K. D. Young, W. C. Drevets, and J. Bodurka, «Prefrontal Control of the Amygdala During Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback Training of Emotion Regulation.» PLoS ONE8 (2013): e79184.


E. Fuchs, G. Flugge, and B. Czeh, «Remodeling of Neuronal Networks by Stress.» Frontiers in Bioscience 1, no. 11 (Sept. 2006): 2746–2758.


R. S. Duman, «Pathophysiology of Depression and Innovative Treatments: Remodeling Glutamatergic Synaptic Connections.» Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 16, no. 1 (Mar. 2014): 11–27.


S. L. Christiansen, K. Højgaard, O. Wiborg, and E. V. Bouzinova EV, «Disturbed Diurnal Rhythm of Three Classical Phase Markers in the Chronic Mild Stress Rat Model of Depression.» Neuroscience Research 110 (Sept. 2016): 43–48.


Y. Wu, L. Dissing-Olesen, B. A. MacVicar, and B. Stevens, «Microglia: Dynamic Mediators of Synapse Development and Plasticity». Trends in Immunology 36, no. 10 (2015): 605–613.


A. Kleinridders, H. A. Ferris, W. Cai, and C. R. Kahn, «Insulin Action in Brain Regulates Systemic Metabolism and Brain Function». Diabetes 63, no. 7 (Jul. 2014): 2232–2243.


Ангедония – снижение или утрата способности получать удовольствие от любимой деятельности (спорт, хобби, музыка, сексуальная активность и социальные взаимодействия), сопровождающееся потерей активности в его достижении.


A. J. Loonen and S. A. Ivanova, «Circuits Regulating Pleasure and Happiness-Mechanisms of Depression». Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, no. 10 (Nov. 2016): 571.
