Стайн Р. Л. Атака чудовищного хомяка

R. L. Stine Monster Blood II

The Goosebumps book series created by Parachute Press, Inc.

Copyright © 1994 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.

Published by arrangement with Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway,

New York, NY 10012, USA. GOOSEBUMPS, [] and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc.

Печатается с разрешения издательства Scholastic Inc. и литературного агентства Andrew Nurnberg

© 1994 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Published by arrangement with Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, USA. GOOSEBUMPS, [] and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc

© 1994

© А. Жигалов, перевод, 2022

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2023

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