И.Е. Отческий Защита прав потребителей в обязательствах по возмездному оказанию туристских услуг: монография


Усманова Л.Ф. – доктор юридических наук, профессор кафедры гражданского права и процесса Института государства и права Тюменского государственного университета

Астахова М.А. – кандидат юридических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой гражданско-правовых дисциплин филиала Московского института государственного управления и права в Тюменской области

Ключевые слова: правовое регулирование туристской деятельности, правовая природа договора оказания туристских услуг, правовой статус туристов, форма и способы защиты прав потребителей-туристов, гражданско-правовая ответственность в туризме, финансовое обеспечение ответственности туроператоров и турагентов.





Usmanova L.F. – Doctor of Law, Professor of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Department of the State and Law Institute of the Tyumen State University

Astakhova M.A. – PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Civil Law Disciplines Department of the Tyumen Region Branch of the Moscow State Management and Law Institute

Otchesky I.E.

Consumer protection in liabilities on paid rendering of tourist services: monograph / I.E. Otchesky – M.: Yustitsinform, 2017. – 264 p.

In the monograph theoretical and practical issues of consumer protection in liabilities on paid rendering of tourist services are examined. Legal regulation of tourist activities and the legal nature of the contract on implementation of a tourist product are analyzed. The subject of the contract of paid rendering of tourist services, legal status and the consumer’s rights and obligations in liabilities on rendering of tourist services are considered.

Consequences of violation of the tourist consumers’ rights are researched, forms and methods of protection of the violated rights are lit, recommendations for enhancement of the legislation are substantiated.

The monograph is intended for students, undergraduates, teachers of law colleges and higher education institutions of service and tourism, and also for those who deal with the issues of tourist activities.

Key words: legal regulation of tourist activities, the legal nature of the contract of rendering of tourist services, legal status of tourists, form and methods of protection of the tourist consumers’ rights, civil responsibility in tourism, financial provision of responsibility of tour operators and travel agents.

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