While still quite a boy, I became interested in the "Prophecies" by Michel Nostradamus. The name of this talented person was well known to many in those years, many secrets were hidden behind him. And since youth and the thirst for knowledge are inseparable concepts, it goes without saying that my desire to comprehend the incomprehensible in those years was very great.

The vague lines of the creation of the greatest prophet of all time excited the young consciousness, but there was no sense from this. I had too little useful information at that time, lacked knowledge and experience.

However, this did not prevent me from re-reading both the Prophecies themselves many times, and hunting in bookstores and libraries for works by various authors on this topic. Soon I even had a small personal library, collected from books about Nostradamus and his creations.

Now I will say that there was not much that was useful in those books: historical information on the era in which Nostradamus lived, and a description of his biographical data. That, perhaps, is all. The rest, for the most part, was of little value.

Years passed, and already this library of mine began to be covered with a layer of dust. I have other worries, hobbies and interests. Fortunately, at least she did not go to waste paper.

And so, a few years ago, I decided to wipe the dust from these books. It was then that I remembered the passion of my youth. He took out the “Prophecy” from the shelf and began flipping through the pages of the text again. The further I leafed through, the more I remembered everything, and the understanding came that the time was already different, not like in the years of youth. His Majesty the Internet could now fill many gaps in my knowledge on this topic.

In general, a spark appeared in my eyes again, and I completely immersed myself in that mysterious world that the prophet from the sixteenth century created.

The whole study really took place already on a completely different level. I saw the original works of Nostradamus, had the opportunity to draw my own conclusions about them, got acquainted with the works of many researchers of his talent, some of which were very eminent. Yes, by that time I had already begun to develop my own understanding of the texts of the Prophecies, and at some point I could well have written some small book on this topic myself. Perhaps not too ordinary, since some ideas of the relationship of quatrains-prophecies with real events of history were quite original and even interesting, in my opinion. But…

… Just one single evening at that time completely turned everything on its head in my understanding of the secret writing of Michel Nostradamus. His book was then opened to the pages with quatrain number fifteen of the first century:


Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique , Mars leads us with military force,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre : Seventy times blood will be shed:

Auge & ruyne de l ' Ecclesiastique , Apogee and destruction of the Ecclesiastical,

Et plus ceux qui deux rien voudront entendre . And more than those who wish nothing from them


I remember very well the course of my reasoning at that time: “Well, what historical event from the past, present or future can fit the one described in this quatrain? Of course, there have been many bloodsheds, there are and, no matter how bitter it is to assume, there will be more in the history of mankind. But… why seventy? What date do you start counting from? Nostradamus, you outdid yourself with this quatrain. Well, a problem. Here are seventy – and the point, no more, no less you had to count the bloodshed.

Feeling that nothing was working out with this quatrain, the dead end was complete, out of desperation, I started counting all the “blood” – the words “ sang ” in the texts of the Prophecies. So, manually, with a pencil, I began to highlight these words right in the book …

… "Sang" in the "Prophecies" edition of 1557 turned out to be exactly seventy !!!

It was a breakthrough! It was my first little sensation! My true comprehension of the secrets of the most outstanding prophet of all time, Michel Nostradamus, was launched. His works, written in the sixteenth century, spoke in a completely different language, which is becoming more and more understandable to me.

In "Introduction to Nostradamus Studies" I describe quite a lot of what I have discovered. An inquisitive reader, whom I ideally see as already familiar with some of the works of other authors related to Nostradamus, that is, quite prepared, will for the first time see and what constitutes the final date of the prophecies indicated by Michel N. himself – the year 3797, and the already sensational in due time the theme of 1999 will be seen in a completely different light. Yes, I have a lot of secrets. My conclusions are completely transparent, logical and easily verifiable. They are based only on the facts from the texts, on the "verbs of the Divine", on the "ranks" of all the words from them.

The number of sensations in my book is already quite significant, but the real number is many times greater.

It is difficult to briefly describe the content of "Introduction to Nostradamus Studies". Everything must be read by yourself from beginning to end. Here, I think, it would be better to post excerpts from the chat correspondence with one of my first readers – with my eldest son immediately after reading the book, he is 27 years old:

… – I've read it. I liked it, it's very strong.

– Realizing that in half a millennium no one has done it.

“Sometimes I couldn’t believe that everything would fit together…

– From the point of view of research, it's very cool.

– All sorts of eminent scientists, experts, the maximum that they could – to shoot revelations for predictions …

– The question is, did you use any software other than Word?

– He would have calculated the ranks more conveniently …

– Words were counted by another program.

– By the way, it explodes the brain that he (Nostradamus) didn’t have the Word, didn’t even have a calculator.

– Even copying a sheet of what was written was a problem …

– Are you sure that there, in the centuries, there was nowhere the phrase: “If you guess it, don’t tell anyone”?

– Quatrain 6-100, quatrain is not a quatrain.

– Quatrain – a spell?

– Yes.

– An interesting man was, with humor.

– Quatrain 10-99 – a cannon!

– Another very cool moment was with the years of the advent of biblical personalities.

Is there enough evidence in the book?

– Everything is capacious, strictly and not tightened.

– Evidence is sometimes more than necessary.

– My favorite moments in the book ended with the phrase "no comments needed."

– The roof was blown off.

“It’s just that a lot of things didn’t make it into the book.

– I willingly believe.

– At some point I realized that this was a study

turns into infinity. Pressed the button

"stop". Pause.

I don't think your work is over. It is necessary to rest, to return from the centurian world.

– To return with new forces and thoughts.

– Thank you for entrusting the right of first reading …

Damir Khamatulin






Damir Khamatulin. Introduction to Nostradamus. 2021 _

All rights reserved . Al rights reserved.

Magnitogorsk. 2021


Start. Page 8

Short biography. 9

Phenomenon – Nostradamus. 10

Introduction to Nostradamus. eleven

Pause. 445

That's not all, but… 451

About the preface dedicated to Cesar and Epistole dedicated to 451 Henry the Second.

Just one moment from ORVS APOLLO . 458

Application. The original text of the book "Prophecies M. 460 of Nostradamus" with a translation into Russian.

9.1 PREFACE DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS A Ses Propheties. Ad 461 Caesarem Nostradamum filium, VIE ET FELICITE.

9.2 PREFACE M. NOSTRADAMUS TO His Prophecies. 465 Cesar, son of Nostradamus, LIFE AND HAPPINESS.

9.3 Centuria first. 470

9.4 Second Centurion. 479

9.5 Centuria third. 488

9.6 Centurion fourth. 496

9.7 Centuria fifth. 505

9.8 Century sixth . 51 3

9.9 Century seventh . 522

9.10 A L'INVICTISSIME, TRES PVISSANT, ET tres-chrestien Henry 526

Roy de France second; Michel Nostradamus son tres humble,

tres-obeissant seruiteur & subiect, victoire & felicite'.


Michel Nostradamus his most humble, most humble

servant and subject, victory and happiness.

9.12 Eighth Centurion. 542

9.13 Centuria IX . 551

9.14 Tenth century. 560


Everyone knows the name Nostradamus. But what kind of person was hiding under it, the greatest prophet of all time, or a skillful cunning, who led, and still leads all of humanity by the nose? So far, there has been no convincing answer to this question. Famous author of several works from sixteenth-century France, most notably his "Prophecies" – " LES PROPHETIES DE M. _ MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS ”, due to the vagueness and, at times, ambiguity of its sayings, has been exciting people's minds for almost five centuries.

A huge number of books have been written on this topic, films have been made, articles and articles have been published, someone on behalf of Nostradamus predicts current events, using his imagination and the flight of his thoughts, hanging another portion of noodles on the ears of those who are thirsty.

Others, with frequent periodicity, announce to the world about the discovery of a certain key that makes it possible to decipher the texts of the prophecies, and finally find out the secrets and dates of future events.

True, upon a careful review of all such "discoveries", it turns out that everything is somehow "small", frivolous, and far-fetched all by the same ears.

Thoughts about the presence of a certain cipher, of course, are the right thing to do. Many serious researchers of the work of Michel Nostradamus agree on this, but finding him turns out to be far from an easy task.

Of course, it's too early to put an end to it, but I propose in this book to find answers to many questions related to this black hole. I think now I have something to say. There are some pretty good reasons for this.

The book turned out to be quite capacious, at the time of the beginning of its compilation, not too many magical facts were known to me, only the key ones. But, in the process of moving on, I, as they say, accelerated, and, by the end of my creation, I knew them much more. Therefore, at least the first half of the book, it was necessary to rewrite it again, supplementing it with new details. Considering that this has already taken years, and the work is already quite material-intensive, I decided to leave everything as it is for now, because time inexorably runs forward. So this book, it seems, will not be the first and last.

Well, for now, about everything in order. Traditionally, it is customary to start with the biography of the creator. I won't leave her.


On December 14, 1503 (according to another version, December 21), Michel de Notre Dame was born in the family of the Jew Jomes de Gazon, who changed his surname to Notredam after being baptized, in the city of Saint-Remy-de-Provence. His family was quite educated. Father was a notary, grandfather – Guy-de-Gazon (later – Pierre-de-Notredam) – was also a notary and traded in grain. Mother – Rene de Saint-Remy – was the granddaughter of Jacques de Saint-Remy, a doctor in Saint-Remy.

It is with this great-grandfather that the childhood of Michel de Notre Dame is associated. It is believed that it was from him that he received his first knowledge of Latin, Greek, Hebrew and the exact sciences.

In 1518, Michel entered the university in Avignon, and in 1519 he was already expelled from it. The reason is called an outbreak of plague in the city.

Little is known about the next few years of his life, until 1529, when he entered the University of Montpellier at the Faculty of Medicine. However, in the university library there is a document about the newly expelled student Notre Dame due to the fact that he was seen in the pharmaceutical business, which was prohibited by the University Charter. Whether or not Michel de Notredame eventually received his Ph.D. has not yet been ascertained for certain, as far as I know.

Approximately in 1533, he settled in Agen, where he became friends with Jules Cesar Scaliger, a famous scientist of that time.

Little is known about Notre Dame's first wife. Presumably, in 1534, he offered his hand and heart to a certain Henriette d'Encausse, who agreed to accept everything, and bore him two children: a boy and a girl.

However, family happiness did not last long. Trouble comes to their house. Wife and children die. Presumably, due to some kind of epidemic, in 1537 (39?) Year.

In 1538, also, for an unknown reason, friendship with Scaliger breaks off, and Notre Dame leaves Agen. It's time for his travels. There are traces of its presence in Italy, Germany, and, of course, in different parts of France. In 1544, he practiced medicine in Marseilles, in 1546 – in Aix-en-Provence, where he was probably granted a lifetime pension for his contribution to the fight against the plague for a reason.

November 11, 1547 he marries a second time. His chosen one is Anna Ponsard Gemellier, a widow from Salon-de-Provence, where they settle. Subsequently, they have six children: three boys and three girls: Madeleine ( 1551 г.b.), Cesar ( 1553 г.b.), Charles ( 1556 г.b.), Andre ( 1557 г.b.), Anna ( 1559 г.b.) and Diana ( 1561 г.R.).

Of all the children, fame will subsequently come to the eldest of the sons – Cesar. In addition to becoming a biographer of his father, a poet, a historian (he will write "History of Provence"), an artist, he is marked by his father in the "Prophecies".

Probably, his first book, and unpublished, Notredam wrote in 1541 (perhaps a little later), during his wanderings in Europe. It is called, for short, " ORVS APOLLO ", or "Interpretation of the hieroglyphs of Horapollo". It came down to us in the form of a manuscript, consisting of 86 sheets, and containing the embryo of the Author's cipher, about which a little later. Here I will only say that in this work the new surname of the Author appears for the first time – NOSTRADAMVS .

In 1548, he traveled around Italy, and in 1549, his first printed Almanac, a collection of astrological forecasts for the next year, was published. He, subsequently, will be published annually, until the death of the writer.

From that moment on, Nostradamus (now so) becomes famous. Then, almost in the same year, two of his works were published: “A Treatise on the Preparation of Masks and Jams” ( 1555 г.) and the first part of the main book of his life – “ LES PROPHETIES ".

His fame in these years is evidenced by the fact that even Queen Catherine de Medici is interested in the Foreteller. In 1555, Nostradamus really receives a call to the royal court, where he immediately goes.

He had a fear that his head would be cut off, but did not come true. On the contrary, he receives a monetary reward (modest, in fact) from the queen and king.

In 1557, an expanded edition of his "Prophecies" was published, and in the same year another of his works appeared: "A paraphrase of Galen, his admonitions to Menadot in the study of fine arts and medicine."

With the advent of fame comes the time of danger and criticism, so in subsequent years Nostradamus clearly did not feel at ease. As for criticism – the times were still those! I had to fight off a large number of caring people. And, with regards to the dangers, there are facts that Nostradamus spent some time under house arrest.

At present, there are only indirect facts that the third part of the "Prophecies" was published in 1558: only posthumous editions have come down to us. The earliest are from 1568.

In parallel with the craft of writing, Dr. Nostradamus continues to invariably help people. In 1559 he went to Bayonne, where he fought the plague.

At the end of the same year, he meets with the Duchess of Savoy, and in 1560 he travels to Rome as a royal courier.

In 1561, riots begin in the Salon, and Nostradamus leaves for Avignon. In the same year, already in Nice, he again visits the Duchess of Savoy and draws up the horoscope of her son.

October 17, 1564 Charles IX and Catherine de Medici, passing through the Salon, meet with Michel Nostradamus. After that, he accompanies them on a journey around the country for a month. Already in Arles, he is appointed Royal Physician and Astrologer. Finally, in 1565 Nostradamus in Aix…

At the end of June 1566, being seriously ill, in the presence of his notary, he draws up a detailed will, and on July 2, early in the morning, Michel Nostradamus dies at his home, in the Salon, from pulmonary edema.

F E N O M E N – N O S T R A D A M U S

For almost five hundred years, his Latinized surname has made the hearts of the inhabitants of the planet worry. For all this time, as soon as they did not interpret his quatrains – quatrains, which form the basis of the "Prophecies". What only the events of history are not tied to them.

Let me give you just a few facts:

During the Second World War, the Germans issued leaflets with false quatrains predicting the defeat of France, which were then dropped from aircraft. Subsequently, the allied forces responded in kind.

Shortly after the collapse of the World Trade Center in the United States, false interpretations of quatrains appeared, "predicting" this.

"Predictions" of the French Revolution, the appearance of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte were discovered.

Not without Russian leaders and global events.

Predictions about atomic bombs, submarines, airplanes, space flights, etc. have been found.

Even during his lifetime, Nostradamus was often criticized. After the publication of his Almanacs, for example, the astrologer Lorenz Videl wrote to him: “In true astrology, you understand less than anyone .” All the legends about his prophetic gift, mainly described by his son Cesar and personal secretary Chavigny, are absolutely not confirmed by anything, and are a fairy tale.

His loudest fame, about predicting the death of King Henry II at the tournament from a blow to the face with a spear, a few years before this fact (quatrain 1-35), is also just a legend, invented much later. This is evidenced by the fact that until 1614 no one perceived this quatrain in this context.

If we talk about Nostradamus as a doctor who fought the plague with the help of miraculous drugs, then there are absolutely no facts about this either. On the contrary, the compositions described by him. from rose petals, for example, have nothing to do with anti-plague drugs.

So who is this man who became the Royal Physician and Astrologer, who already gained great fame during his lifetime? Now everything is much more detailed.


As I already mentioned, the first work that has come down to us, written by Nostradamus, was written in 1541, or a little earlier. It came to us in the form of a manuscript of the Author himself, which is surprising and unique in itself, under the long title " ORVS APOLLO FILS DE OSIRIS ROY DE AEGYPTE NILIACQVE . DES NOTES HIEROGLYPHIQVES. LIVRES DEVX MIS EN INCREEDIBLE ET ADMIRABLE. ERVDITION ET ANTIQVITE . It is translated as follows: “Orus Apollo (Horapollon), son of Osiris, king of Egypt of the Nile (Nile). Hieroglyphic notes (records). Two books set out in rhythm (rhyme) by epigrams, a work of incredible and admirable erudition and antiquity. The manuscript consists of 86 sheets, and is a very free translation of the ancient Greek work.

Most likely, the primary source for the manuscript was, nevertheless, the already translated text of one of Nostradamus' contemporaries. Gorapollon's theme was relevant then. It is noteworthy that this manuscript is dedicated to Jeanne d'Albret, the young princess of Navarre, who at the time of its creation was (based on 1541) thirteen years old. According to the established practice, the authors of those years dedicated their works to well-known personalities who had already taken place, and here – to a girl, a girl.

The likelihood that she would ever become queen was very small. But it happened! In 1555 she became queen of Navarre.

The fact that the manuscript belongs to the pen of Nostradamus is a fact that has been researched and proven. As the name implies, this work consists of two parts, each part, in turn, consists of small notes-records, designated by the Author as " NOTE , NOTA , NOTHA , NOTHE ". In various ways, the time of the formation of standards for the grammar of writing was still far off.

Each NOTA gives an interpretation to an Egyptian hieroglyph. For example: “How did they designate eternity…” Further, in poetic form, the answer was given in several lines.

One of the notable features of the manuscript is its almost complete absence of punctuation marks, the absence of apostrophes (for example, lan instead of l' an ) and diacritics inherent in French writing. This is a rather important fact. The later published "Prophecies", especially the early ones, suffer, in part, from the same sores.

Now about Notre Dame's penchant for cryptography, revealed several years ago in this book by the remarkable French researcher Patrice Guinard. On the forty-second page of the manuscript, he discovered the first serious secret signature of the Author.


N ous demonstrer voulant le rauisseur

Ou roy tyran de son peuple ennemy

Seulement quayme flateurs et aportent

T enent ouuert lhuys comme a son amy

R ecord de ce ilz faisoient paingdre en my

A iant la gueulle ouuerte pres du ventre

D u crocodile et Trochillus qui entre

A tout son bec lui oustant les sangsues

M ais crocodile par pleasure consue

V ient hors chasser loyseau qui puis i rentre

S ens mal luy fere de ses dens si crochues.

From the title lines of this segment of the NOTE, the famous surname is formed.

You can independently see a large number of original creations of Nostradamus on the wonderful site " propheties.it ". Everything is freely available there, for which he is extremely grateful.

In 1555, a book called " LES PROPHETIES DE M. _ MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS ", hereinafter – "Prophecies". It consisted of a preface dedicated to the author's son Cesar, written in prose, and the so-called Centuries. Each Centurion contained, according to the Author's idea, one hundred quatrains-quatrains: separate small prophecies. This first edition contained the first three complete Centuries plus 53 quatrains of the fourth. At the moment, the expanses of His Majesty the Internet, thanks to certain benefactors, show the world at least three surviving editions of that year. They all differ from each other, and one thing is very significant. Here, for the first time, we will have to face this fact, which brings indelible harm to any study of the work of Nostradamus: the printing matrices of the printing presses of those years, for some reason, were very often changed and corrected.

In 1557, again in Lyon, the French industrial and commercial center of those years, in another publishing house, Antoine du Rosne ", the second, expanded edition of the Prophecies is published, extended to the forty-second (40?) quatrain of the seventh Centuria. Moreover, the sixth Centurion, instead of the hundredth quatrain, had an unnumbered quatrain-spell in Latin.

To date, only three or four copies of the 1557 issue have been seen on the Internet. All of them are different from each other. Copies stored in Moscow and Budapest contain only forty quatrains of the seventh Centuria, and do not contain the spell "number 100" of the sixth. They are dated November 3, 1557.

By some irony of fate, the next copy of the "Prophecies", stored in the Netherlands, in the library of the city of Utrecht, dated September 6, 1557, is more complete. As I have already indicated, there are two more quatrains in it, and there is a spell in Latin. The fact that it is this edition, the most authentic, will be proved by me later. As for others – a huge question for the Author – WHY? Fear, because everything conceived and stated will be quickly revealed? …May be!

There are several main differences between the editions of 1555 and those of 1557. I will give some of them as an example.

Perhaps the main, and, as will be shown later, intentional difference is contained in quatrain 3-18, all attention is on its third line.

Option editions of 1555 :

Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reins le ciel touché:

Helasquel meurtre de seng pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

Option more late editions :

Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touche':

O quel conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

" Seng " is an untranslatable word, and most likely means " sang " – blood. Such a "mistake" for this book, as it turned out, is very significant. In addition, these editions differ from each other by words composed entirely of capital letters. One example is in quatrain 3-51: " PARIS " (1555), " Paris " (1557)

Another distinctive feature of the 1555 editions is the replacement of words with symbols, as, for example, in quatrain 4-30: "The Moon and the Sun" ( Luna Sol ) are replaced with drawn symbols.

And, of course, there have been cases of substitution of the main prepositions ( de , du , la , le , etc.).

It is possible that the next, already complete edition of the Prophecies, was published in 1558 or 1559, which has not come down to us. At present, the earliest complete Les Propheties " are copies of the year 1568, i.e. published after the death of the Author, in Lyon, by the Benoist Rigaud .

The book contains:

Preface dedicated to the Author's son Cesar;

The first seven Centuries: the first five have 100 quatrains each, the sixth has 99 quatrains plus an unnumbered quatrain – a warning written in Latin, the seventh consists of 42 quatrains;

Quite capacious Epistle to Henry the Second;

The last three Centuries, 100 quatrains each.

Total 941 full-fledged quatrain.

Linguistic analysis of the 1568 editions gives reason to believe that this is an amended version of the 1557 edition with forty-two quatrains in the seventh centurion (Utrecht).

What is this book? As the name implies, this is a collection of short, four-line poetic prophecies. Unlike other works of Nostradamus, they are simply replete with disastrous and terrible events. Plague, famine, death, blood, flood, fire – this is the future the Prophet foretells to mankind. The lack of dates, with rare exceptions, gives interpreters a reason to tie "liked" quatrains to various events that happened. The vague style of writing and the complexity of translation contribute greatly to this. In general, it all depends on the imagination of the interpreter.

The Author himself, which can be seen in the Preface to Cesar, assured that: “I compiled books of prophecies, each of which contains a hundred astronomical quatrains, composed of prophecies that I wished to compose a little vaguely, these are continuous predictions from the present time to the year 3797.” It was this date, openly named, that captivated all those who were eager to reveal the secrets of the future. It took me quite a long time.

A huge number of books have been published on this subject. I read somewhere that the "Prophecies" are, after the "Bible", the most mysterious book in the world.

It took me a very long time to come to an understanding of the secret writing of Nostradamus, but the beginning of this process gave such a rapid acceleration to everything that followed, which cannot be described in words.


In from him, quatrain is the motivator of everything else:

1-15 Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre: Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique, Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre.

Mars leads us with its military power,

Seventy times blood will be shed:

Apogee and destruction of the Church,

And more than those who do not wish to hear anything from them.

Yes, a gloomy, but rather inconspicuous-looking quatrain. Prophetic, this is clear at once. But what historical event, past, present, or future, could fit such a description? If you count all the bloodshed that took place in the world, or Europe, or in France, then from what date do you start? “Nostradamus, you outdid yourself with this quatrain,” I thought, “that's exactly seventy, no more, no less, you should have counted the bloodshed. Have you made a mistake in the calculation? Feeling that with this quatrain there was a complete dead end, out of desperation, I started counting all the blood – “ sang ” in the Centuries. So, manually, with a pencil, I began to highlight these words right in the book …

As is probably already clear, there were exactly seventy of them in the first seven centuries.

Quatrain 1-15, as an introductory one, did not participate in the calculation. It mentions " sang " for the first time, and the countdown starts right after it. It was a real breakthrough! The book of Nostradamus has finally spoken. The lines of other quatrains began to be perceived differently. For example , the line quatrain 4-1:

Sela du reste de sang non espandu…

This is the remnant of unshed blood…

Or the line of quatrain 8-1, which begins the second stage of the "Prophecies":

PAV, NAY, LORON plus feu qu'a sang sera…

PO, NAY, LORON, there will be more fire than blood …

Now I want to return to the previously mentioned quatrain 3-18. In the edition of 1555, one blood is “killed” in this quatrain, changing “ sang ” to a mangled, incomprehensible word “ seng ”. Considering such a "murder", the blood already sounds seventy times already in the first seven Centuries, even taking into account quatrain 1-15. This, apparently, is the formation of the "rules of the game", not otherwise. What can I say, the Author himself claims this. The line of quatrain 3-18 in the version of the 1555 edition:

… helasquel meurtre de seng press d' eux _ s ' apreste …

…It’s a pity what kind of murder is being prepared because of the “ seng ” around them…

The same line from the 1557 edition:

…O quell conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste…

…Oh, what a bloody conflict is being prepared around them…

Murder is replaced by a simple conflict, which, I think, is also settled.


After the first success, I, of course, rushed to look for something similar in other quatrains, and hoped for the same results. Everything turned out to be more complicated and interesting. Nostradamus, apparently, set the task of consistently raising the bar, leading deeper and deeper into the secrets of his texts.

Literally a stone's throw from the quatrain with seventy " sang ", obviously, the following task was located:

1-17 Par quarante ans l'Iris n'aparoistra,

Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu: La terre aride en siccite croistra, Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu.

In forty years, Irida will not appear,

Forty years from now, all days will be visible:

The earth parched with dryness will grow,

And big floods when seen.

It would seem that there is a correspondence with quatrain 1-15, but here everything is not so simple and unambiguous. The level of the task is completely different. « L ' Iris » – Irida, a rainbow, appears in the Centuries further only in quatrain 6-44, in a slightly different form, which is a common thing for the times of the Author. " Lyris " – that's what she is in it. All attempts to find at least some connection with the statements of quatrain 1-17 failed.

Much later, the solution was nevertheless found, therefore, this episode of my book is inserted here artificially, without my personal chronological order, which I wrote about earlier, wanting to reflect here all the stages of my comprehension of the works of Nostradamus in real time. Wanting, and not worrying about my mistakes of the past, to lay out my thoughts and conjectures in full, in chronological order, knowing that the scales on which this work will eventually be placed will outweigh the cup of criticism against me.

So – my judgments from my own future.

The differences between quatrains 1-15 and 1-17, however, are significant. At 1-15 – 70 times, at 1-17 – 40 years. Moreover, a very specific goal appears in quatrain 1-17: to find Irida – a rainbow linked to forty years. Until I went all this long way to today's understanding of everything that happens in the Centuries, I could not comprehend the Author's intention, now I can.

In order to get to the desired section of the Centuries, in order to contemplate the secret radiance of the rainbow, it is only necessary to count forty "– ans -" that happened from the beginning of the Centuries. Moreover, as well as as separate words, and as part of others. True Scripture is the 1557 edition (Utrecht). Editions of 1555, based on my conclusions, are just some "reconnaissance before the battle."

This place is found in quatrain 2-13. It is in it, in the composition of the word " sans ", that the fortieth "– ans -" Centurius is concluded.

2-11 … S on aspre gloire vn chascun la craindra,

Mais ses enfantz du regne gettes hors.

2-12 Y eulx clos, ouuerts d'antique fantasie

L'habit des seulz seront mys a` neant,

Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie:

R avir des temples le tresor par devant

2-13 L e corps s ans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice.

I our de la mort mys en native …

“ LYRIS ”, composed of the capital letters of the shown section of the Centuries, is revealed by means of the secret writing method conceived by Notre Dame a long time ago, one might say, at the time of his first literary experience, in a slightly different format, not so obvious, because in the “Prophecies” it is too light decisions are not to be expected.


And the game in counting years will be continued by the next quatrain of the first centurion.

1-48 Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passes,

Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie:

Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lasses,

Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.

Twenty years of the reign of the moon have passed,

Seven thousand years another will hold his monarchy:

When the sun takes its tired days,

Then my prophecy will be completed and fulfilled.

From the vague and, obviously, very long lines of this quatrain, two amazing “coincidences” were revealed.

Twenty "– ans -": according to the 1557 edition, it turns out that it is the twentieth such combination of letters from the beginning of the first Centuria that falls on the first line of this quatrain. So the author is absolutely right.

Seven " mil ans ": the result of putting these two words together will give " milans ", the city of Milan in the plural. Exactly seven Milans are found in the first seven Centuries.

I will add that this word, perhaps intentionally, is played up by the Author later. In the ninth Centurion, in quatrain 95, the mysterious “ Milannoile ” appears, and in the eighth Centurion, in quatrain 13, the mysterious “fleet of a thousand years” appears – “ classe ' a ` mil ans ".


The following interesting quatrain that I want to consider will certainly be greatly appreciated by fans of fantasy. Closing your eyes, you can imagine how nine brave daredevils are flying in a space rocket to unknown planets.

1-81 D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis a` part,

De iugement & conseil separes: Leur sort sera divise' en depart, Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors, bannis esgares.

Of the human herd, nine will be separated,

From judgment and advice are separated:

Their fate will be different from the start

Kappa, Theta, Lambda are dead, banished, lost.

As a child, I, like, probably, all the boys of the Earth, dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Fate decreed otherwise for me, and today I walk on the ground with my feet, as Nostradamus walked.

This quatrain is about the nine – “ neuf ”, which the Author “separated”, “placed aside, in “ part ””. The number of " part " in the singular in seven centuries is exactly nine.

In addition, a little later, at the beginning of the second Centuria, such an interesting section was discovered, on which, in the most wonderful way and in full accordance with the methods of Nostradamus, “PART”, and “ humain ”, and “ neuf ”, and even “ tr + oup + eau ":

2-8 … Reieteront les goffes fondements:

Prenant leurs loix premieres & humain es,

Chassant, non tout, des sainctz les cultements.

2-9 Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra,

P uis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire:

Pour luy grand peuple sans foy & loy mourra ,

T ue' par un b eau c oup plus debonnaire.

2-10 A uant long temps le tout sera range'

Nous esperons un siecle bien senes tr e:…

Kappa, Theta, Lambda are the letters of the Greek alphabet, known for the fact that the letters in it also have numerical values. Kappa=20, Theta=9, Lambda=30. It would be too obvious and easily accessible if in this quatrain they carried precisely this meaning. Everything is very close, but somewhat different and more interesting. In the alphabet, as you know, all the letters are also in order. Serial number of Kappa=10, Theta=8, Lambda=11. This is the true meaning of the lines of this quatrain. Everything is very simple, why it remained unnoticed by anyone before – it is not clear.


Since I have already touched on the topic of the Greek alphabet, I will dwell on two more quatrains, close in spirit, but completely different in content.

1-42 Le dix Kalendes d'Auril de faict Gotique,

Resuscite' encor par gens malins: Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique, Cherchant les or du d'Amant & Pselin.

Ten Kalends of April of the Gothic fact,

Resurrected again by evil nations:

The fire is extinguished, the assembly of the devil,

In search of the gold of Amant and Pselin.

Calends is an ancient Roman term for the first day of each month. April kalends are the first of April. The counting of other dates, for example, preceding the calendars, was carried out in the reverse order, i.e., for example, "ten days before the April calendars." Thus, it is very tempting to modify the phrase of the first line by adding the preposition "before", but it is not there.

"Gothic" or "Gothic"? From the point of view of modern vision, given the "diabolical assembly", etc., "Gothic" suggests itself. But, firstly, it would be correct – " Got h ique "; secondly, probably, the modern meaning of the word "Gothic" had a slightly different meaning in the time of Nostradamus.

"Gothic", i.e. belonging to the Goths, the ancient Germanic tribes who kept all of Europe in fear from the 2nd century AD. up to the VIII . An interesting fact: the Goths originally used runic writing, but in the middle of the 4th century AD. a certain bishop Wulfila created a special, Gothic alphabet, based on Greek with borrowings from Latin. The letters in it, as in Greek, were also used as numbers.

So – the first line, with my proposed emphasis on the word " dix ": "Ten – Kalends of April from the Gothic fact …". Already knowing about the secret love of Nostradamus for the number nine, I dare to suggest that in this case we are talking about ten.

The April Kalends fall on the 91st day of the year, starting on January 1st. The statistics on the numerals " dix " in the first seven Centuries is as follows: in 1-42, 7-31, 7-37 – " dix ", in 5-71, 5-92, 6-59 – " dixsept ", i.e. . "seventeen".

It suggests adding the findings together: 10+10+10+17+17+17=81. Before the "April Kalends" one ten is missing. Perhaps it is the "Gothic Fact" – the Gothic alphabet, that will give a hint. It contained analogues of many Greek letters, including Kappa, however, unlike the Greek Kappa, which is the tenth in the alphabet, in the Gothic letter “Kusma ( Chosma) – an analogue , was the eleventh, but had a real numerical value, like in the Greek Kappa, i.e. 20. But did Nostradamus know about this?

So – "Kappa", – the last missing "ten", consisting of letters, albeit not French – but a dozen. As a result, the number inherent in the April Kalends has developed. At the end of this topic, I want to lay out the same quatrain in the version of the 1555 edition:

1-42 Le dix Kalendes d' Ap uril de faict Gotique,

Resuscite encor par gens malins: Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique ,

Cherchant les or du d' A mant & P selin.

\ It differs only in the spelling of the word "April". But "how much is in this word." Not otherwise than hidden from prying eyes " KApPA " manifested itself! Sometimes, however, it is useful to look into the earliest editions of the Prophecies.


the " alphabetic" theme, the ideas have not yet dried up.

1-98 Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny

Loing de son ciel, de meurs & langue estrange:

Cinq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy,

Le chef fuyant sauue' en marine grrange.

The head that will guide the people of the endless

Far from one's own sky, from the manners and language of a stranger:

Five thousand in Crete and Thessaly finished,

The head of the escapee is rescued in the sea shed.

Neither Crete nor Thessaly are mentioned again in the first seven Centuries. It is possible to link these toponyms only to something Greek, given the mention in the quatrain of a “foreign language” – to the Greek language.

At the time of the compilation of the Prophecies, Crete and Thessaly were part of the Ottoman Empire, but the population is Greek, and from time immemorial the Greek language has been spoken.

On this basis, according to the third line of this quatrain, "Five thousand in Greek is finished." Finished, obviously, with the help of a chapter.

Now, you should pay attention to the peculiarity of the old Greek alphabet, and the alphabet itself will not be superfluous to review.

























Ϝ ϝ




z z




Η η








Ι ι




Κ κ
















Ξ ξ




Ο ο




Π π




Ϙ ϙ












Τ τ




Υ υ


And psilon














Ω ω




Ϡ ϡ




The sum of the meanings of all the letters of this old Greek alphabet is…. 4995 . It remains to wait for the help of the "head". The first " Chef " from quatrain 1-98 is the sixth in the Centuries. Therefore, this whole, as it turned out, “popular” mass, under the leadership of the “head”, is gaining a numerical value equal to 5001 .

Everything turns out in accordance with the third line of quatrain 1-98, and after all this action, the mysterious "head" will run away, as unnecessary, having already done his glorious work. And the people – Crete-Fesulano-Greek, for which he is still grateful.


The next topic, based on the numbering of the quatrain, should have been somewhere at the very beginning of my story, but, due to complexity, I had to slightly postpone the moment of its appearance.

1-7 Tard arriue' l'execution faicte,

Le vent contraire, lettres au chemin prinses:

Les coniures. xiii. dune secte:

Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinces.

Arrived late, deed done

Head wind, letters intercepted on the way:

Conspirators XIII , from the same sect:

Through Rousseau, the two sixes are their case.

For a long time this quatrain was impregnable. Despite the presence of a numeral in it, nothing in my head connected with it. As it turned out, it is useful to rustle with dictionaries sometimes quite simply. The word “ senez ” was very confusing , well, very straight. The modern verb " sener " – (to castrate) – clearly did not fit, it was out of place. In the end, I rustled this: " senes " – " double six ” – two sixes in card games. Next, I went over the definitions of the number fourteen.

"Fourteen": (game Picket( Jeu de Piquet )) – a combination consisting of four aces, or four kings, queens, jacks, or tens. The presence of such four cards together is worth fourteen points. It remained, based on the meaning of quatrain 1-7, to find such a combination in the texts of even earlier quatrains. And she was found! A combination of four aces ( as ) was found: 1-1 ( as sis ), 1-2 ( as sied ), 1-5 ( Ch as ses and Carc as ).

For reference: Piquet is one of the oldest card games. François Rabelais mentions her in Gargantua (1532). Then they played with a deck of 36 cards, since the end of the 17th century, sixes have been removed from the deck. The cards become 32. This is how Nostradamus, the gambler, revealed himself.

Another interesting observation: literally in the next quatrain 1-8, two more aces are found at once – “ as ” in a nutshell “ Ser as ”, extremely rare in the “Prophecies”. They are only twice further found in seven Centuries, which is a clear confirmation of the correctness of all of the above.


It's time to move on. The fish day has come, as indicated by the "culinary" quatrain 2-3.

2-3 Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer,

De Negrepont les poissons demis cuits:

Les habitans les viendront entamer,

Quand Rod. & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit .

Because of the heat of the sun over the sea,

At Negrepont, the fish are half cooked:

The inhabitants will gut them

When Rod. and Genoa they will have to be re-cooked.

In my version of the translation, the word " biscuit " is not a familiar biscuit to everyone. I think that in this case, based on the meaning of the quatrain, Nostradamus is playing with the fact that “ bis ” + “ cuit ” is “re-cooked”.

Now about the fish – " poissons ". In the first seven centuries they appear eight times: in 1-29, 2-3, 2-5, 2-48, 3-21, 4-17, 4-32, and 5-98.

" Cuit ", as an independent word, or as part of other words – four times. Twice at 2-3, at 2-88, and at 5-98.

Thus, " poissons demis "– half of the fish – is equal to" cuit ". You should probably also pay attention to the fact that in the last indicated quatrain with fish – 5-98 – there is also the word " cuit ", and something else:

5-97 … Da ns la cite' du grand Roy habita ble:

L'edict seuere des captifz reuoque', Gresle & tonnerre, Condom inestimable.

5.98 A quarante huict degre' climaterique,

A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse: Poisson en mer , fleuue, lac cuit hectique…

" Habita + ns " and " mer " are also here.


In a place with Negrepont (modern Chalkis) a new theme comes. This word occurs only once more in seven Centuries, in quatrain 2-21.

2-21 L'embassadeur enuoye' par biremes,

A my chemin d'incogneuz repoulses: De sel renfort viendront quatre triremes, Cordes & chaines en Negrepont trousses.

The ambassador was sent by biremes,

Dropped half way by unknown:

Reinforced by sea water, four triremes will arrive,

The ropes and chains on Negreponte are coiled.

In this case, biremes and triremes are conditional ships, differing from each other in the presence of two and three rows of oars, respectively. " reme " – paddle (from lat. remus ). It is the “oar” that is played out in this quatrain. Nostradamus reports: “– An ambassador has been sent to you on biremes”, figuratively speaking, already with the second oar – “ reme ”. Everything is so, the first “oar” – “ reme ” in centuriae already existed earlier, in quatrain 1-56, as part of the word “ ext reme s ”. Four triremes – this is according to the "oar" meaning – 4 * 3 \u003d 12 oars – " reme ". Starting from quatrain 2-21, in the first seven centuries "– reme -" occurs exactly twelve times: in 2-21 (twice), in 2-67, 2-82, 2-87, 3-3, 3-34, 3-51, 3-64, 3-75, 6-10, and 6-45. Here they are, twelve oars. It is noteworthy that many of these twelve quatrains support a marine theme.

All this, of course, turns out to be quite interesting, but incomparable with the future. The respected ambassador meets strangers halfway – " incogneuz ". They are in seven Centuries only in quatrain 5-10:

5-10 … D e sang & playes & d'enn em is presse',

E t secours par incognuz de quatre .

5-11 M er par S olaires seure ne passera,

Ceulx de Venus tiendront toute l' A ffrique:

Leur regne plus S ol, Saturne n'occupera,

E t ch angera la part A siatique.

5-12 Aupres du lac Leman sera conduite,

Par garse estrange cite' voulant trahir:

Auant son meurtre a` Auspurg la grand suitte,

Et ceulx du Ryn la viendront in uahir.

5-13 Par grand fureur le roy Romain B elgique…

For almost five hundred years EMBASSADEVR has been hidden from prying eyes – another Centurian ambassador has now been revealed. “The path” – “ ch + em + in ” – is barely perceptible, but also here, and the word “ my ” is in quatrain 5-9, as part of the word “ a my ”.

Finally, the task of the fourth line of quatrain 2-21: find Negrepont, with ropes and chains folded there. It seems and This solution found :

6-3 … Sera en grande de l' E mpire dis corde :

Le ieune prince par gent ecclesiastique, O stera le sceptre coronal de con corde .

6.4 La Celtiq fleuue cha ngera de riuaige,

P lus ne tiendra la cite' d'Agrip in e:

T out transmue' ormis le vieil langaige,

Saturne, Leo, Mars, Cancer en rapine.

6.5 Si grand famine par vnde p es tifere.

Par pluye longue le long du polle arctique:

Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemispere,

Viuront sans loy, exempt de pollitique.

6.6 Apparoistra vers le Septentrion,

N on loing de Cancer l'estoille cheuelue:

Suze, Sienne, Boece, E retrion,

Mourra de R ome grand, la nuict disperue


6.7 Norneigre & Dace, & l'isle Britannique,

Par les vnis freres seront vexees:

Le chef Romain issu de sang G allique…

Along with the consonant word " Norneigre ", apparently inscribed here in order to draw attention to it, a NEGREPONT with two ropes – " corde " and chains – " cha + in + es " emerged.


In the next quatrain 2-5, of course, a description of a combat submarine is given. Here, even without options, well, there can be no such coincidences. Nostradamus is the greatest seer of all times and peoples, he saw through the centuries such that no one before him, nor after him, has ever been given and never will be.

2-5 Qu'en dans poisson, fer & lettre enfermee,

Hors sortira qui puis fera la guerre:

Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee,

Apparoissant pres de latine terre.

That which is in fish, iron and writing,

Something will come out that will then start a war:

He will receive his fleet at sea well "rowing",

Appears near Latin land.

Not everything is so simple, in fact. The device of the fish is described by Nostradamus in detail in quatrain 4-17:

4-17 … Marchant pres fleuue, poisson, bec de plongeon,

Verra la queue: porte sera serree.

Passing near the river, fish, dive beak,

If he sees the tail, the gate will be locked.

So, for those who did not know before: the fish consists of a dive beak ( bec de plongeon ), tail ( queue ) and possibly a gate ( porte ) ))). However. The gate might just be nearby. In confirmation of the correctness of such a statement – the words " terre " (4-19), " mer " (4-19), " letres " (4-18) and " en fer mes " (4-19). However, "iron" can be seen here in a different form: FER .

4-18 … E t mis a` mort la ou seront trouues.

4-19 Deuant Rouan d'Insubres mis le siege,

Par terre & mer en fer mes les passages:

D'Haynault, & F l andres, de Gand & ceux de Liege…

Well, now all attention is on the section of the end of the first – the beginning of the second Centurion:


1-98 … C inq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy,

L e chef fuyant sauue en marine grange.

1-99 Le grand monarq ue que fera compaignie,

A uec deux roys vnis par amitie':

O que l souspir fera la grand mesgnie,

E nfants N arbon a` l'entour q ue l pitie'.

1-100 Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau,

A upres de Dole & de Touscane terre :

T enant au bec vn verdoyant rame au,

Mourra tost grand, & finera la guerre .

2-1 V E R S Aquitaine par insults Britaniques,

De par eux mesmes grandes incursi on s .

Pl uies, ge lees fer ont te rroirs iniques,

Port S elyn fortes fer a inuasi on s.

I list what _ _ Here Can contemplate : “CLASSE”, “bec”, “que + ue”, “Por + te”, “rame”, “guerre”, “terre”, “fer”, “Pl + on + ge + on”. The situation with the word " LATiNE " was not quite ideal. To compose it from capital letters, this section lacks an “ I ”! However, even without this, it is clear that the site was found correctly. So many capital letters are involved, and there are only two “beaks” – “ bec ” in seven centuries ! Both are covered in this thread.

Finally, I will reveal one more secret. If you look closely, you can see the Author's signature on the last section. He still, in his usual manner, signed, probably in this way, marking the end of the first Centuria and the beginning of the second. The area for this is even less needed. So – NOSTRADAMVS :

1-99… O quel sousspire fera la Grand mesgnie :

Enfants N arbon a l' entour _ quel pitie .

1-100 Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau

A upres de Dole & de Touscane terre,

T enant au bec vn verdoyant rameau,

M ourra tost grand, & finera la guerre.

2-1 V E RS A quitaine par insults Britaniques,

D e par eux mesmes grandes incursions:

Pluies, gelees feront terroirs iniques,

Port S elyn fortes fera inuasions.


It is probably already clear – "Prophecies" is a unique book. In it, all words are counted, and each word has its own numerical value, that is, a rank. In quatrain 1-15, for example, the first blood, in 1-18 – the second, in 1-19 – the third, etc. Surprisingly, Nostradamus himself almost shouts about this publicly:

2-10 Auant long temps le tout sera range',

Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre:

L'estat des masques & des seulz bien change',

Peu trouueront qu'a son rang vueille estre.

Soon everything will be ranked,

We expect a very ominous age:

The state of masks and loners is changing a lot,

Few will find those who wish to be in their rank.

With each new quatrain, the dictionary base of the world of "Prophecies" is more and more replenished. Indeed, few words will remain in their current rank. How far the Author will go with such a ranking will be clear from this book.

It seems to me that by “masks” the Author meant such cases, for example: “ est range ”, when another is hidden under one word. With "loners" it is clear, these are words without such "masks.

Despite the fact that this quatrain is very open and straightforward, it also has its own secret:

6-1 AVtour des monts Pyrenees grand a mas

De gent est range, secourir roy nouueau:

Pres de Garonne du grand temple du Mas ,

Vn R omain chef le craindra dedans l'eau.

6.2 En l'an cinq cens octante plus & moi ns ,

On at tendra le siecle bien est range :

E n l'an se pt cens, & trois cie ul x en tesmoings,

Que plusieurs regnes vn a` cinq fero nt change .

6.3 Fleuue qu' esp roue le nouueau nay Celti que

S era en grande de l' Empire discorde:

Le ieune prince par gent ecclesiasti que ,

Ostera le sceptre coronal de concorde.

6.4 La Celtiq fleuue change ra de riuaige,

Plus ne tiendra la cite' d'Agripine:

T out transmue' ormis le vieil langaige,

Sturne , Leo, Mars, Cancer en rapine.

The very beginning of the sixth Centuria, that's where it opens up. It doesn't hurt that much, in fact, Nostradamus wished and expected a sinister century. The word " senestre " is not fully realized perfectly: SEnESTRE , but two " Mas + que ", " se + ul ", " change ", " range ", " esp + ero + ns ", " est + at " at once, of course and century – " siecle " – everything is here, on this site, far from the beginning of the second Centuria.


I send greetings again from my future already, regarding my own past records that I post here. Once upon a time, the beautiful quatrain 2-13 was just an explanation for me – an explanation of the entire existence of the Centurian created by Nostradamus, just as obvious as in quatrain 2-10. Now I am burning with the desire to supplement this topic, but I will restrain myself from such an act. Still, in this quatrain philosophy takes place more than the disclosure of its secrets. ABOUT them , somehow , later . _ _

2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,

Iour de la mort mys en natiuite'.

L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice,

Voyant le verbe en son eternite'.

A body without a soul is no longer a sacrifice

The day of death is the day of birth:

The divine spirit will make the soul happy,

Seeing the verb in its infinity.

The “verb”, that is, the word, is the body that Nostradamus is talking about, promising that not a single word will remain without a “soul”. The soul, or the hidden and secret numerical meaning inherent in any word of the "Prophecies", as I understand it, is fixed by this Edict of Nostradamus forever, that is, until the end of all the ends of the existence of the Centurian world. And this must be accepted, all “verbs” that have “souls” are ranked, that is, each word has its own “passport”.


Near the current location, quatrain 2-16 suggests celebrating, according to ancient Greek custom, a holiday – “Hecatomb”.

2-16 Naples, Palerme, Secille, Syracuses,

Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures feuz celestes:

Force de Londres, Gand, Brucelles, & Suses,

Grand hecatombe, triumphe faire festes.

Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,

New tyrants, the fires of heaven sparkle:

Strength from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,

Great hecatomb, triumph to arrange holidays.

"Hecatomb" – other Greek. – "one hundred bulls" – a solemn sacrifice of a hundred bulls. And the numeral "one hundred", in this case, of course, is key. If one of you were the Author of the "Prophecies", then, probably, it would not be such a difficult task to write out all the nouns from this quatrain on a separate sheet of paper and make sure that at the end of the book (seven Centuries) their total number equaled one hundred. Which, apparently, did Nostradamus. The only unwritten, but proven rule is not to include the word quatrain in the calculation – tasks. Below all statistics :

"Naples"=5 (1-11, 3-25, 3-74, 5-43, 7-6);

"Palerme"=1 (7-6);

"Secille, Sicille" = 6 (1-11, 2-4, 2-71, 3-25, 5-43, 7-6);


"Tyran(s)"=7 (1-75, 1-94, 2-36, 2-42, 4-55, 6-76, 7-21);


"Force(s)"=10 (1-15, 1-33, 1-94, 3-71, 3-100, 4-50, 4-70, 4-73, 6-62, 7-33);

"Londres"=6(1-26, 2-51, 2-68, 4-46, 4-89, 6-22);

"Gand"=3 (2-50, 4-19, 5-94);

"Brucelles"=3 (2-50, 4-81, 6-47);

"Suses"=0, or =1(Suze- 6-6);

" Hecatombe " = 1 (5-18);

" Triumph "=0;

" Feste ( s )" = 2 (1-50, 1-58).

As a result, provided that " Suses " and " Suze " are different words, the sum of the words is 100. The hecatomb took place.


Let me skip for a while to the fifth Centuria, since its eighteenth quatrain contains the second hecatomb.

5-18 De dueil mourra l'infelix proflige',

Celebrera son vitrix l'heccatombe:

Pristine loy, franc edit redige',

Le mur & Prince au septiesme iour tombe.

The unfortunate vanquished will die of grief,

The winner of the hecatomb will celebrate it:

According to the old Frankish law, an edict was drawn up,

The Wall and the Prince fell on the seventh day

Here the situation is somewhat different, but the essence is the same. All the nouns of the quatrain are again sacrificed. According to the result of seven Centuries, the picture is as follows:

" Dueil "=2; " hecatombe "=1; " loy ( loi , lois , loix )"=30; " edit ( edict )"=5; " mur ( murs )"=13; " prince ( princes )" = 32; " iour ( iours )"=20.

As a result, the sum of words is equal to 103, which is more than "hecate", i.e. hundred.

The rules are the same as the third line of the quatrain says, but what is the wall and the prince for? The seventh day of Centuria is the section from the seventh " iour " to the eighth, i.e. from quatrain 2-41 to quatrain 2-71. On this interval, " mur " occurs twice (2-63) and once " prince " (2-43). I think it is they who should “fall out” of the count. Then the hecatomb will come true.


Hello , second Centuria, I'm back.

2-37 De ce grand nombre que lon enuoyera,

Pour secourir dans le fort assieges:

Peste & famine tous les deuorera.

Hors mis septante qui seront profiles .

Of such a large number that will be sent,

To help the besieged in the fort:

Plague and famine will devour them all.

Except the seventy who will be defeated.

Most likely, it's just almost a coincidence that there are seventy-two " qui " in the first seven Centuries, but given the Nostradamus ranking, it's just worth noting. But now is not about that. " Septante " – "seventy" – is present three more times in seven Centuries. One of these cases has already attracted particular interest, now his second entry into the arena. Yes, yes, I'm talking about quatrain 1-15, which foreshadows the seventy-time bloodshed. Near, in quatrain 1-19, – " grand nombre " – "large number", even closer, in 1-16 – "plague and famine" – " Peste , famine ". A huge " FORT " is assembled from the capital letters of the quatrain 1-20, and "besieged" and "defeated" are found in the close environment: " ass + ie + ge " and " prof + lige ".

1-18 Par la discorde neg lige nce Gauloise,

Sera p ass aige a` Mahommet ouuert:

De sang trempe' la terre & mer Senoise,

Le port Phocen de voilles & nefz couuert.

1-19 Lors que serpens v ie ndront circuir l'are,

Le sang Troyen vexe' par les Espaignes:

Par eulx grand nombre en sera faicte tare,

Chef fuict, cache aux mares dans les saignes.

1-20 T ours, Orleans , Bloys, Angiers, Reims , & Nantes,

Cites vexees par subit chan ge ment:

Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes,

F leuues, dards Renes, terre & mer tremblement.

1-21 Prof onde argille blanche nourrir rochier…


With the next quatrain, it turned out like this: in principle, then, at the very beginning of my research, I was on the right path, but I did not go far. Now there was some free time, so I will supplement this topic based on my current knowledge.

2-51 Le sang du iuste a` Londres fera faulte,

Brusles par fouldres de vinttrois les six:.

La dame antique cherra de place haute,

De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

The blood of the righteous in London will not take place,

Burned by lightning out of twenty-three six:

The ancient lady will fall from a high place,

Several from the same sect will be killed.

Well, first, my past entries…

The fact that "blood", especially the "righteous one", is completely absent in the quatrains with "Londons" is a fact. The numeral 23, mentioned in the quatrain, is present in one more single quatrain – 3-56. In it it is in the form of " XXIII ". The number of "lightning bolts" – " foudre , fouldre " before this quatrain, in the Centuries – six.

That's all. Of course, it is already good that the direction chosen is correct. It didn’t go further for only one reason that I didn’t catch then: it was impossible to tie the quatrain to only one section of the Centuries, sometimes Nostradamus cut through the waves of his “Prophecies” as he pleases.

Now my today's vision: regarding the first line, there is no need to go anywhere:

2-52 Dans plusieurs nuits la terre tremblera:

S ur le prins temps deux effors suite:

Corinthe, E phese aux deux mers nagera,

Guerre s'esmeut par deux vaillans de luite.

2-53 L a grande peste de cite' maritime,

N e cessera que mort ne soit vengee:

Du iuste sang par pris damne sans crime,

D e la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee.

2-54 Par gent estrange, & de R mains loingtaine…

The blood of the righteous did not take place in London literally in the neighborhood with quatrain 2-51. London – " LoNDRE " – did not gather fully. The word " plusieurs " is also highlighted, because it participates in the quatrain – the task.

The second line has already found its original source. There is no obvious lightning in quatrain 3-57, but it rumbles excellently there: “ tonnerre & gresle a` fin de Mars” – “thunder and hail at the end of March”. As you know, there is no heavenly thunder without lightning, besides, there were already six “lightnings” accumulated at that time, and this number is present in quatrain 3-57 itself. Those who are especially thirsty for the full truth – I inform you: the word “ Br + us + les ”, is not very compact, but is completed, thanks to quatrains 3-54, 3-57 and 3-59.

"Ancient Lady" is found in a completely different place. Here she :

5-65 … Et dame en braise plus ne sera en veue,

De peu a peu seront les grans faschez.

5-66 Soubz les antique s edifices vestaulx…

Further – about her "falling from a high place":

5-68 … Le grand C hameau ne s'en repentira:

Trembler du Rosne & plus fort ceulx de loire

E t pres des A lpes coq le ruinera.

5-69 P lus ne sera le grand en faulx sommeil,

L 'inquietude viendra prendre repoz:

Dresser p ha lange d'or, azur, & vermeil,

Subiuguer Affrique la ronger iusques aux oz

5-70 Des regions subiectes a` la Balance,

Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre

Captifz to ut sexe deu & tout bisance…

" PLACE " and " ha + ut ". And finally, about the last line of quatrain 2-51. It is necessary to return to the site of the third Centuria near "thunder and hail" in order to see there "the same sect" – " mesme section ":

3-60 … Mesme s en Mysie, Lysie, & Pamphylie:

Sang versera par absolution,

D'vn ieune noir remply de felonnie.

3-61 La grande bande & secte crucigere…

Nearby is the killing procedure: " Occ + is "

3-63 …Son grand vo is in imiter ses vestiges:

Occ ultes haines ciuiles, & debats…

This is how everything depicted in quatrain 2-51 is found in the ocean of the Centuries. Today this is not particularly difficult for me, but once upon a time it was only timid attempts to smell the breath of the Author.


A lot of casus mysteries are fraught with editions of the Prophecies. Here, for example, quatrain 2-89, in it, in two versions of the editions of 1555 at once, in trifles differing from each other, contains the same “mistake”: at the end of the supposed word “iour” – “day” there is no “ r »:

2-89 Duiou seront demis les deux grandz maistres…

In the editions of 1557 and subsequent, this "mistake" is eliminated, and there are two options: " Du iour …” and “ Vn iour …”. Such a substitution itself indicates the “pulling out” of the first line. Something tells me that the Author did it on purpose, and here's why:

2-41 La grand' estoile par sept iours bruslera,

Nuee fera deux soleilz apparoir: Le gros mastin toute nuict hurlera, Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.

The big star will light up in seven days,

A cloud will cause two suns to appear:

The big mastin will howl all night,

When the great pontiff changes his place.

I will allow myself in this book to bring out a new dog breed – mastin, let it remain unchanged.

The statement that in seven days you can see a star will be miraculously fulfilled only on the condition that the “day” from quatrain 2-89 does not take place. Here are the quatrains with seven consecutive days: 2-71, 2-84, 3-22, 3-34, 3-65, 5-18, 5-59. In the last quatrain, a “star” is found – “ estoille ” … “Well, welcome to that site” – these are the words of me “today”:

5-53 La loy du Sol , & Venus contendens,

Appropriant l'esprit de prophetie: N e l'vn, ne l'autre ne seront entendens,

Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie.

5-54 Dupont E uxine, & la grand Tartarie,

V n roy sera qui viendra voir la Gaule:

T ranspercera Alane & l'Armenie,

E t dans Bisance la ir ra sanglante Gaule.

5-55 De la felice Arabie contrade,

N aistra puissant de loy M ahometique:

Vexer l'Espaigne, conques ter la Grenade,

Et plus par mer a` la gent lygustique.

5-56 Par le trespas du tresvi eil lart pontife ,

S era esleu Ro main de bon aage:

Qu'il sera dict que le siege debiffe, Et long tiendra & de picquant ouuraige.

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & A uentin,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee :

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin,

De SE X T , man sol faillir la renommee.

5-58 De laqueduct d' V ticense, Gardoing,

Par la forest & mont I naccessible:

E n my du pont sera tasche' au poing,

Le chef N emans qui tant sera terrible.

5-59 Au chef A nglois a` N ymes trop seiour,

Deuers l'Espaigne au secours Aenobarbe :

Plusieurs mourront par M ars ouuert ce iour,

Quant en Artoys faillir estoille en barbe.

It was quite possible to limit ourselves to a smaller number of quatrains involved, because the "cloud" – " NVEE ", for example, is collected in quatrains 5-57 and 5-58, " MASTIN " – in quatrains 5-57 – 5-59, with "two suns '-' deux sol + eil "– the task is solved in quatrains 5-57 and 5-56, in the latter the "pontiff" is found, but, for some reason, in this case, I managed to "overfulfill the plan." In the upper quatrains, I found another “cloud” – “ NVEE ” (5-53, 5-54), two more “suns” – “ Sol ” and “ Sol ” (5-53), and another “mastin” – " MASTIN " (5-54 – 5-57). It remains to designate the word " ter + ro + ir " (5-54 – 5-56).


I am rereading my old notes now and I understand that while a blind kitten wandered in search of a bowl of milk. Quatrain 2-7, interesting in its own way, and literally asking for the right answer, but I knew so little about it:

2-7 Entre plusieurs aux isles deportes,

L'vn estre nay a` deux dents en la gorge: Mourront de faim les arbres esbrote' Pour eux neuf roy nouel edict leur forge.

Among several, sent to the islands,

One will be born with two teeth in his throat:

They will die of hunger, nibbling the shoots of trees,

For them, the new king forges a new edict.

All I found out then was that there were nine words " plusieurs " in the first seven centuries. Considering that in this quatrain there is the word " neuf ", which has a double meaning, it is both "new" and "nine", it seemed to me that this was the main meaning. I didn’t go further, noting the fact that in quatrain 3-42 there is almost the same phrase “a` deux dentz a` la gorge…”. But in vain!

So much more useful information could be obtained from this topic. Now about everything in order. It just so happened that the place of useful search is again the middle of the fifth Centuria. Practically , then same place .

5-56 Par le trespas du tresvieillart pontife,

S era esleu Romain de bon aage:

Qu'il sera dict que le siege debiffe,

E t long tiendra & de picquant ouurai ge .

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & Auentin,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee:

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin,

D e SE X T , mansol faillir la renommee.

5-58 De laqueduct d'Vticense, Gardoing,

Par la for est & mont I naccessible:

En my du pont sera tasche' au poing,

Le chef Nemans qui tant sera terrible.

5.59 Au chef Anglois a` Nymes trop seiour,

De uers l'Espaigne au secours Aenobarbe:

Plusieurs mourront par Mars ouuert ce iour,

Quant en Artoys faillir estoille en barbe.

5-60 Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire,

Plus que sa charge ne porte passera:

Si grand fureur & raige fera dire,

Qu'a feu & sang tout sexe trenchera.

5-61 L'enfant du grand n'estant a sa naissance,

Subiuguera les haultz monts Apennis:

Fera trembler tous ceulx de la balance,

Et des monts feux iusques a` mont Senis.

5-62 Sur les rochers sang on verra plouuoir,

Sol Orient, Saturne Occi dent al:

Pres d' O rgon guerre, a` R ome grand mal voir,

Nefz parfondrees & prins le Tri dent al.

5-63 De vaine emprise l'honneur indue plaincte

G all ot z errans par latins froit, faim , vagu es

Non loing du Tym br e de sang la terre taincte,

E t sur humains seront diuerses plagu es .

5-64 Les assembles par repoz du grand nom bre ,

P ar terre & mer conseil contremande':

Pres de l'Automne Gennes , Nice de l'om bre

P ar champs & villes le chef contrebande'.

Literally almost the entire quatrain was laid out on this site. The central figures, of course, are two "teeth" – " dent " – in the "throat" – " GORGE " (5-62 – 5-64). With explicit full words, everything is clear, others, not so obvious, I will list.

" Islands " – "ISLES" (5-56 – 5-58), two " trees " – "ar + bre" (5-64), "de + porte" (5-59, 5-60), "es +br+ot+es" (5-63), "for+ge" (5-56, 5-58). The situation with the word " edict " in the Centuries is as follows: it is reproduced in two versions, in the form of " edict " and in the form of " edit ". The " EDIT " variant is assembled from the capital letters of quatrains 5-57 and 5-58. The king himself – " roy ", however, went beyond this area. He is in quatrain 5-54.

One oddity, however, remains. Surprising lack of ability to put the word " neuf ". It turns out to be alien to this area, as if the meaning of its presence is in another. It remains to be hoped that it is precisely in the fact that I voiced at the beginning of this topic.


With following my past records, I decided to leave in the original form in which they were born. Peculiar tribute my past .

2-84 Entre Campaigne, Sienne, Flora, Tustie,

Six mois neuf iours ne plourra vne goute:

L'estrange langue en terre Dalmatie,

Courira sus : vastant la terre toute.

Between Campania, Siena, Flora, Tuscia,

Six months nine days not a drop will spill:

Foreign language in the land of Dalmatia,

It will sweep: devastating the whole earth.

The puzzle ideas in the Centuries seem to be inexhaustible. Moreover, one does not resemble the other. The common thing that unites them for the most part is a kind of “spiritualization” of words, i.e. their counting and ranking. Namely, based on this understanding, dates, time intervals, etc. start to work.

To prophesy a drought between four settlements for several months, up to a day, is cool! Today's "prophets" of the weather have learned to predict a maximum of two weeks in advance. And yes! For the period of years indicated by Nostradamus, up to the year 3797, such an event is very important and remarkable. All that remains is to sit and wait for this event to happen.

However, for those who do not know how to wait or do not want to wait for a long time, it seems that there is another option. Here I propose to deal with it thoroughly.

To begin with, it is necessary to find in the first seven Centuries all the toponyms indicated in quatrain 2-84.

"Campaigne" – yes at 3-52,

"Sienne" – at 6-6, 6-48, 6-58,

"Flora", "Florence" – at 3-74, 4-60, 5-3, 5-39, 6-36, 6-48, 6-77, 7-8, 7-32,

, " Tustie ", " Tuscie " – at 3-42.

All four toponyms are found on the maximum interval from 3-42 to 7-32, on which the number of months should be counted – " mois " or " moys " and days – " iour ", " iours ". The result is exactly the same as announced in quatrain 2-84.

"Months" – at 4-95, 4-100, 5-37, 5-81, 5-90, 6-52;

"Days" – at 3-65, 5-18, 5-59, 5-81, 6-25, 6-54, 6-85, 6-86, 7-18.

Rains in the specified interval, of course, occur, but where in quatrain 2-84 is it said about them? It only contains the phrase "not a drop will be spilled", " goute ". This word is not there.


In the next quatrain, Nostradamus again exalts His Majesty the Word.

3-2 Le diuin verbe donrra a` la substance,

Comprins ciel terre, or occult au faict mystique:

Corps, ame, esprit ayant toute puissance,

Tant soubz ses piedz, comme au siege celique.

The divine verb will give substance,

Containing heaven, earth, occult gold in a secret matter:

Body, soul, mind, having all power,

As under his feet, so in the seat of heaven.

There is nothing to add to this. Almost everything is out in the open.


" typical " quatrain 3-10 is literally crammed, as it should be, with the next predicted horrors and disasters.

3-10 De sang & faim plus grande calamite',

Sept fois s'apreste a` la marine plage:

Monech de faim, lieu pris, captiuite,

Le grand mene' croc en ferree caige.

From blood and hunger, a very great disaster,

Seven times prepared at the seashore:

Monaco from hunger, the place is captured, captivity,

Great dragged hook in an iron cage.

I will start with my old notes, which I will then add to in the light of my modern vision.

Blood – " sang " and hunger – " faim " coexist together in the seven quatrains of the first stage of the "Prophecies": in 1-55, 2-60, 3-19, 4-79, 5-63, 6-10 and 6-81 . In the latter case, the Author even coined a special term " frofaim ", which, apparently, is a combination of " froid " – "cold" and " faim " – "hunger".

If I had paid close attention to these quatrains, you see, I would have advanced faster in comprehending the mysteries of the Centuries, but no, I was satisfied with the result found, and moved on.

In addition, there is another interesting place that should be paid attention to.

This is how, let's say, “ CROC ” (2-59, 2-60), “ CAIGE ” (2-60 – 2-63), “ Mar + ine ” (2-63), “ PLAGE or PLAIGE ” (2 -64, 2-65) – (there are two options in the Prophecies), " fer + re " (2-63), and everything else visible.

2-58 … Silene luit, petit grand em mene .

2-59 C lasse Gauloise par apuy de grande garde,

Du grand Neptune, & ses tridens souldars:

R onsgee Prouence pour soustenir grand bande,

Plus Mars Narbon. par iauelotz & dards.

2-60 La foy Punicque en Orient rompue,

Gang. Iud . & Rosne, Loyre, & Tag changeront:

Quand du mulet la faim sera repue,

C lasse espargie, sang & corps nageront.

2-61 E uge, Tamins, G ironde & la Rochele,

O sang Troien Mort au port de la flesche:

Derrier le fleuue au fort mise l'eschele,

Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la bresche.

2-62 Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,

De gens & bestes vne horrible defaite:

Puis tout a` coup la vengence on verra,

C ent, main, soif, faim , quand courra la comete.

2-63 Gaulois, A usone bien peu subiuguera,

Pau, Mar ne, & Se ine fer a Perme l'vrie:

Qui le grand mur contre eux d re ssera,

Du moindre au mur le grand perdra la vie.

2-64 Seicher de faim , de soif gent Geneuoise,

E spoir prochain viendra au defaillir:

Sur point tremblant sera loy G ebenoise.

Classe au grand port ne se peult acuillir.

2-65 Le parc enclin grande calamite' ,

P ar l'Hesperie & I nsubre fera:

L e feu en nef, peste & captiuite' :

Mercure en l' A rc Saturne fenera.

It is possible to deal with “Monaco” a little lower, but it seems to me that its binding to this topic does not take place here, in another place: in quatrain 2-4:

2-2 … A utant de mal que France a` fai with t leur bien.

M ort a`l'anthenne grand pendu sus la branche,

Quand prins des siens le Roy dira combien.

2-3 Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer,

De Ne grepont les poissons demis cuits:

Les habitans les viendront entamer ,

Quand R od. & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.

2-4 Depuis Monech iusques au pres de Secile,

Toute la plage demourra desolee,

I l ny aura fauxbourg, cite, ne ville…

The beach of Monaco is formed in it, and the word “ MARINe ” is gathered around . The words “ faim ” and “ sang ( sang uanaire )” accompanying this theme are nearby, where would it be without them. In quatrains 2-6 and 2-9, respectively.


Well , I don’t know who will like it more in the next topic, learn something new from history, or review the new secrets of Nostradamus? By me so _ better And That And other .

3-14 Par le rameau du vaillant personaige,

De France infime par le pere infelice:

Honneurs, richesses trauail en son viel aage,

Pour avoir creu le conseil d'homme nice.

From the branch of the valiant character,

From tiny France from the unfortunate father:

Honors, wealth, work in old age,

For the sake of trusting the advice of a foolish man.

I'll start with the "valiant character branch", because this valiant character has been known to me for a very long time. Even at the dawn of my research, I found it quite easy that quatrain 1-30 was universally misunderstood. I can even say that, taking into account such a find, for the first time I believed in my strength in this matter. I couldn't believe I knew something no one else knew. And for this, just needed to delve into the history.

Here is that quatrain:

1-30 La nef estrange par le tourment marin,

Abourdera pres de port incongneu:

Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin ,

Apres mort, pille, bon auis tard venu.

A foreign ship because of the ordeal of the sea,

Mooring near the port of the unknown:

Despite the signs of the palmerin branch,

After – death, robbery, good advice was late.

I have read many books about the "Prophecies" by various authors. Thank you very much to the authors for the fact that I learned something useful, but for the unhelpful, too. What was striking in this case: everywhere the word " palmerin " is associated with "palm trees". This is literally everything that I found, word for word, as in the "prophet" Cervantes, as discussed below.

The life of writers and readers was in fact already in full swing during the time of Nostradamus. The Renaissance is a glorious term that contains a lot. Speaking in modern terms, it is a time of complete "movement" and "startups", but, what is extremely important, created on the basis of a noble and respected past.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century, in 1511, the Spanish chivalric novel Palmerin of Olives was published – ( Palmerin de Oliva ). Authorship is attributed to Francisco Vasquez, a resident of Ciudad – Rodrigo, but this is not a fact. From that moment, a rather significant procession of this novel across Europe began.

It was reprinted dozens of times, was translated into several languages, and many fans, or rather, admirers of this genre, read it excitedly.

The protagonist of this novel is the grandson of the Macedonian king, the son of the daughter of the Emperor of Constantinople, (not knowing about it), – Palmerin – the noblest knight, wandering the seas and lands, conquering everyone and everything, winning the hearts of the ladies of that time.

Literally a year later, in 1512, a new novel was published, continuing the storyline of the first. It was called "Primaleon" – " Primaleon ", after the name of the son of Palmerin.

In 1533, the next novel appears, written, obviously, by another author – "Platir" ( Platir ). The main character in it is already the son of Primaleon.

This endless series is continued in 1547-1548 by the Portuguese author Francisco de Moraes, who wrote the first and second parts of the chivalric novel Palmerino English. In it, the main character is the son of one of the heroes of Primaleon.

The continuation of "Platira" – "Flotir" ( Flotir ), the hands of Mambrino Foseo, appears in 1554.

It is known that Cervantes in the work "Don Quixote" spoke badly of the "Palmerina of Olives" and well of the "Palmerina of England".

So – even superficially it is clear that Nostradamus was also impressed by such novels and, probably, expected further sequels. And were they?

Yes, in 1582 the third and fourth parts of the English Palmerina were published, called "Duardos from Britain" ( Duardos de Bretana ), handwritten again by another author – the Portuguese Diogo Fernandez. And in 1598, "Clarisol from Britain" appears – this is the fifth and sixth part of "Palmerina English". They were written again by the Portuguese, but again by another – Baltasar Gonçalves Lobato. Another book with an unknown publication date can be attributed to the same cycle – “ Dom Durados II ", another Portuguese writer D. gonsalo Coutinho .

Apparently, there were several other novels from this cycle. They are mentioned in various sources.

These are the passions that took place in the literary world of sixteenth century Europe. Many years have passed since then, and here it is – the effect of time. Today, in the twenty-first century, few people are familiar with these works. Everything has gone almost to oblivion.

Almost, because thanks to the creation of Nostradamus – manifested in this book.

This is where my old discoveries end, and the description of the modern vision begins.

It's time to return to the "valorous character branch" – the "Palmerin branch". The fact that it is Palmerina that is being discussed in quatrain 3-14 is confirmed by the words " infime " from quatrain 1-32 and " Fran + Ce " (1-34 and 1-33). The connection with the unfortunate father is elusive. Most likely, it appears in a different place: " pe + re ", " in + felice ", " PALMERIN " …, and possibly " PLATIR ":

2-10 A uant long temps le tout sera range'

N ous esperons vn siecle bien senestre:

L' estat des masques & des seulz bien change',

P eu trouueront qu'a son rang vueille estre.

2-11 Le prochain filz de l'asnier paruiendra,

T ant esleue' iusques au regne des fors:

Son aspre gloire vn chascun la craindra,

M ais ses enfantz du regne gettes hors.

2-12 Yeulx clos, ouverts d'antique fantasie,

L'habit des seulz seront mys a `neant:

Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenai sie,

Rauir des temples le tresor par deuant.

2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,

I our de la mort mys en natiuite':

L'esprit diu in fera l'ame felice ,

Voyant le verbe en son eternite '.

2-14 A Tours, Gien, garde seront yeulx pe netrans,

Desco uuriront de loing la grand se re ine:

E lle & la suitte au port seront entrans,

Combat, poulses, puissance souueraine.

It's funny that just below you can see another Palmerin, like this:

2-15 … Pise, Ast, Ferrare, Turin , terre interdicte.

2-16 Naples , Pal er me , Secille , Syracuses …

Is it possible, after all, to determine whether there really is a link with Platir? Seems yes ! Next plot will tell about this :

3-66 Le grand b ail lif d'Orleans mis a` mort,

Sera par vn de sang vindicatif:

De mort merite ne mourra, ne par s ort,

Des piedz & mains mal le faisoit captif.

3-67 Vne nouuelle secte de Philosophes,

Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses :

Des monts Germains ne seront limitrophes,

A les ensuiure auront appuy & presses.

3-68 Peuple sans chef d'Hespaigne & d'Italie,

Mors profliges dedans le Cherrenosse: Leur duict trahy par legiere folie ,

Le sang nager par tout a la trau erse.

Here they are, honors, wealth and work, and a little earlier, " PLATIR " is going to:

3-62 P roche del duero par mer T yrrene close,

Viendra percer les grans monts Pyrenees L a main plus courte & sa percee gloze,

A Carcassonne conduira ses menees.

3-63 R omain pouuoir sera du tout abas,

Son grand voisin imiter ses vestiges: Occultes haines ciuiles,& debats,

Retarderont aux bouffons leurs folies.

3-64 Le chef de Perse remplira grande Olchade,

Classe trireme contre gent Mahometique

De Parthe, & Mede & piller les Cyclades ,

Repos long temps au grand port I onique.

It remains to decide on the fourth line of quatrain 3-14. Here it is already necessary to visit the site of the fifth Centuria. The two words of the line are found in quatrain 5-64. IN neighboring quatrain another " honor " – "honneur".

5-64 Les assembles par repoz du grand nombre,

Par terre & mer conseil contremande':

Pres de l'Automne Gennes, Nice de l'ombre

Par champs & villes le chef contrebande' .

Well, here's what you can see above:

5-55 De la felice Arabie contrade,

N aistra puissant de loy M a hom etique:

Vexer l'Espaigne, conquester la Grenade, E t plus par me ra la gent lygustique.

5-56 Par le trespas du tres vieil lart pontife,

Sera esleu R oma in de bon aage :

Qu'il sera dict que le siege debiffe, Et long tiendra & de picquant ouuraige.

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & A uentin,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee :

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin, De SEX T , mansol faillir la renommee.

5-58 De laqueduct d'Vticense, Gardoing,

P ar la forest & mont Inaccessible:

En my du pont sera tasche' au poing ,

Le chef Nemans qui tant sera terrible.

Again the same dilemma " PALMERIN " or " PLATIR "? Along with it, some familiar words appeared: “ in + felice ”, “ hom + me ”, “ vieil ”, “ aage ”.


In the past, I paid more attention to word counts. It is understandable. The game of capital letters has not yet been discovered by me. Now I don’t even know if I found simple coincidences – or, after all, that was the Author’s intention.

3-16 Vn prince Anglois Mars a` son coeur de ciel,

Vouldra poursuiure sa fortune prospère: Des deux duelles l'vn percera le fiel, Hay de luy, bien ayme de sa mere.

Prince of England – Mars in his heart from the sky,

He wants to prolong his prosperous luck:

Of the two duelists, one will pierce the bile,

Hated by him, very much loved by his mother.

“The coincidences are as follows: “Princes” in the first seven Centuries – 33, “Englishmen” – “ Anglois ( e )” – 9, in total 42.

"Mars" – 29, "hearts" – " coeur , cueur " – 13, in total – also 42.

And finally, everything is from the sky. There are also 42 words " ciel " in the seven centuries.

Could such correspondences have been formed by chance? I assume not.

And now a little fresh breath on this topic. Quite a bit, about maternal love and duels – “ duelle ”, of which there are only four in the seven Centuries. This one from them :

2-34 … Le fi er du el le viendra en F ra n ce nuire.

2-35 Dans deux logis de nuict le feu prendra,

Plusieurs dedans estoufes & rostis:

Pres de deux fleuues pour seur il auiendra,

Sol, l'Arq, & Ca per tous seront amortis.

Here is "pierced bile" – " per + ce + ra fi + el " number one, followed by the second:

4-90 Les deux copies aux murs ne pourront ioindre

Dans cest instant trembler Milan, Ticin:

Faim, soif, doubtan ce si fort les viendra poindre,

Chair, pain, ne viures n'auront vn seul boncin.

4-91 Au duc Gaulois contrainct battre au duelle ,

La nef Mellele monech n'aproche ra ,

Tort accuse', prison per petu el le,

Son fi lz regner auant mort taschera.

Well, the promised love of the mother – " mere " for her son, the hated prince, who, it seems, is already preparing for new duels – " due + lles ". The word "ay + me" also present .

4-7 Le mineur filz du grand & hay prince ,

De lepre aura a vingt ans grande tache:

De due il sa mere mourra bien triste & mince,

Et il mourra la ou tombe chet lache.

4-8 La grand cite' d'assault prompt & repentin,

Surprins de nuict, gardes interrompus:

Les excubies & vei lles sainct Quintin…


And again old records.

In the next topic, I will move on to the second cycle of the Prophecies, such a need has arisen.

3-39 Les sept en trois moys en concorde,

Pour subiuguer des alpes Apennines:

Mais la tempeste & Ligure couarde,

Les profligent en subites ruynes.

Seven in three months in agreement,

To subjugate the Apennine Alps:

But the storm and cowardice of Ligur,

They will be smashed in sudden ruins.

This quatrain in the editions of 1555 instead of “ moys ” – “month”, contains “ mis ” – “placed, set”.

The combination of the words "seven" and "month" in one quatrain in the first seven Centuries can be seen three times, as indicated in the first line: in 4-95, 4-100 and 5-81.

Here it is, the agreement of these two words. Later, Nostradamus, apparently, wanted to continue this experiment, and he sharply increases the meetings of " sept " and " mois ", skillfully changing his past promise. I draw attention , Centuria number eight :

8-93 Sept moys sans plus obtiendra prelature

Par son deces grand scisme fera naistre:

Sept moys tiendra vn autre la preture

Pres de Venise paix vnion renaistre.

"Seven Months" will no longer achieve prelacy

Because of his passing, a great schism will be born:

"Seven months" another will hold power

Near Venice the united world will be reborn.

And this is immediately in the next quatrain:

8-94 Deuant le lac ou plus cher fut gette'

De sept mois , & son host desconfit…

The quatrains are as if alive, they breathe, and it is necessary to try to catch this breath.

…Yes! Then it happened to me! I learned to feel this breath of the Author. And this learning process has been going on for a significantly long time… No, that’s not true, it continues to this hour.


K atren 3-46 is openly predictive and very attractive. In addition, I think it is incorrectly explained, distorting the true, even superficially visible, obvious, meaning. This , on my sight , subject deep rethinking .

3-46 Le ciel (de Plancus la cite') nous presaige,

Par clers insignes & par estoilles fixes:

Que de son change subit s'aproche l'aage,

Ne pour son bien,ne pour ses malefices.

Sky (Plancus city) we predict

Through clear signs and through fixed stars:

That by its sudden change will bring its age closer,

Neither good nor bad for him.

For some reason, Plancus is associated with the founder of the city of Lyon, Lucius Munacius Plancus, although this word has another meaning that is much more appropriate in this case.

"Plancus", "Plangus", sorte d'aigle: PLIN. 10.7., (in Gaffoit Felix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustre' Latin – Francais, Hachette). That is, Plancus is a subspecies of the eagle family.

“The sky is the city of an eagle – we predict…” – this is the true meaning of the first line. Thus, the Author added another “heaven” to his book, by the way, the 32nd in a row, openly stating that from this it suddenly brought its years closer – ranks, of which, following the results of seven Centuries, there will be 42.

Well, where is this sky, concretized as the city of Plankus? Below is mine today's vision : "PLANCVS".

2-79 … Le grand C HYRE N ostera du longin,

Tous les captifs par Seline baniere.

2-80 A pres conflict du lese' l'eloquence,

Par peu de temps se tramme faint repos: Point l'on n'admet les grands a` deliurance,

Des ennemis sont remis a` propos.

2-81 P ar feu du ciel la cite' presque aduste,

L' vrne menasse encor Ceucalion,

V exee S ardaigne par la Punique Fuste…

The author claims that he predicted the "sky" through clear signs and stars … He did not lie, everything is so. The words " in + signe " and " cl + air " together with the sky – " ciel ":

1-54 …Le mobil signe a son endroict si in gere,

Aux deux egaux & d'inclination.

1-55 Soubz l'opposite cl imat Babylonique,

Grande ser a de sang effusion:

Que terre & mer, air , ciel sera inique…

And below is the connection of the "sky" with the "star" – " estoile ":

2-43 Durant l' estoile chevelue apparente,

Les trois grans princes seront fait ennemis:

Frappes du ciel , paix terre tremulente…

In quatrain 7-36 – the last sky of the first cycle of the "Prophecies". This is the age – " aage " – "heaven":

7-35 D' auoir _ esleu , trompes seront en l' aage :

_ Guyere auec eulx ne vouldra demourer ,

Deceu sera par ceulx de son language .

-36 Dieu le ciel tout le diuin verbe a` l'vnde…

And everything that happens is “not good” – “ bien ”:

1-46 … Grand feu du ciel en trois nuictz tumbera:

Cause aduiendra bien stupende & mirande,

Bien peu apres la terre tremblera.

" neither To trouble " – "malefice":

1-22 La gresle & glace fera grand malefice .

1-23 Au mois troisiesme se leuant le Soleil,

Sanglier, Liepard, au champ Mars pour combatre:

Liepard laisse, au ciel extend son oeil,

Vn Aigle autour du Soleil voit s'esbatre.

In the last quatrain given here – the first case of the Centurian sky. It also contains an “eagle” – “ Aigle ”, this is the second answer to the question: “why is the sky the city of Plankus?”


It 's time to go back to my previous entries. I liked then quatrains with numerals.

In quatrain 3-48, the Author sets two tasks at once.

3-48 Sept cens captifz estaches rudiment,

Pour la moitie meurtrir, donne' le sort: Le proche espoir viendra si promptement, Mais non si tost qu'vne quinziesme mort.

Seven hundred prisoners, bound roughly,

Fate gave half to die:

Close hope arrives so quickly

But not so soon as the fifteenth death.

Seven hundred – « sept cens " – Nostradamus tied together and reported it openly. The condition when both of these words are in one quatrain is fulfilled six times in the first cycle of the "Prophecies" (1-49, 3-48, 3-56, 3-77, 6-2 and 6-54), and in all cases they stand together, i.e. “bound”, and in quatrain 3-56 their future fate is revealed, i.e. the number – "six" – " six " – such pairs.

3-56 …Depuis six cens & sept XXIII.pars.

And it is in this quatrain that half of such pairs are recruited, i.e. three, as indicated in 3-48.

The third and fourth lines pose a different problem. The word " espoir " – "hope" – first appears in the Centuries in quatrain 2-25, the fifteenth "death" – " mort ( e )", in the singular ( vne Quinziesme mort ) are also found in this quatrain.

In part, the quatrain already considered here also contains its task. All in the same fourth line:

-56 Depuis six cens & sept XXIII.pars .

From this point, until the end of the seventh century, several words " part , par ( t ) s " are found: in 3-59, 3-99 ( deux parts ), 4-35, 4-80 ( quinze pars and part ), 5-11, 6-13 and 6-95. Given that " deux parts " and " quinze pars " means "two parts" and "fifteen parts" respectively, making 23 parts.


The competitive struggle that develops in the Nostradamus universe called "Prophecies" is clearly manifested in quatrain 3-59, which describes the duel between blood and death.

3-59 Barbare empire par le tiers usurpe',

La plus grand part de son sang mettra a` mort: Par mort senile par luy le quart frappe', Pour peur que sang, par le sang ne soit mort.

The barbarian empire is usurped by the third,

A very large part of his blood will be put to death:

Due to the death of an senile from him, the fourth is broken,

Because of the fear that blood for blood is not death.

Three times in this quatrain the words " sang " – "blood" and " mort " – "death" are mentioned. The second line promises that "blood" (with its current value in this quatrain equal to 30) will be put to "death" (this word has a rank of 32), which will happen in the fourth line of this quatrain. “Blood” will get rank 32, but “blood for “blood” is no longer “death”. “Death for the same period retired and became the 34th.

The first line promises to catch up with death in three steps, the third line gives another "death" and promises to catch up with it in four steps. That is why already in the next quatrain 3-60 one more "blood" appears.


And then came the moment when I first discovered the mystery of capital letters in the Centuries. For me it was then a turning point, but at first I did not attach much importance to this. Below are my old posts about this event.

In the next quatrain, which will be discussed here, the question of how problems with large dates are solved in Centuries, and about another encryption method.

3-77 Le tiers climat soubz Aries comprins,

L'an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre: Le roy de Perse par ceulx d'Egipte prins: Conflit, mort, perte: a` la croix grand oprobe.

The third climate is contained under Aries,

In the year one thousand seven hundred and seven, in October:

The king of Persia is captured by those from Egypt:

Conflict, death, loss: the cross is a great shame.

The problem of the first line is solved non-standard and extremely interesting. Yes, previously the entire inhabited Earth was divided into climates, so the phrase “third climate” is not surprising. Surprisingly, there are two words “climate” in the Centuries. Isn't it, in this case, a secret third? You should also pay attention to the word " Aries ". It is present only four times in the texts. And this is what I found in one of these cases: " CLIMAT ".

6-35 Pres de Rion, & proche a' blanche laine,

Aries , T aurus, C ancer, L eo la Vierge:

M ars, I upiter, le Sol ardra grand plaine,

Boys & cites, lettres caches au cierge.

Starting with a capital "C", this word is going almost clockwise. The method is the same as in " ORVS APOLLO . The Third Centurian Climate Discovered!

The second line contains another task. The year 1727 is supposed to be found in October. He needed to be found. But there was a problem with this. There is no more "October" in the seven Centuries.

I still found a clue, although I suffered for a long time. " October " is a Latin word, from " Octo " – "eight". With the "eights" – " huict " – in the seven Centuries, everything is fine. The only mention is in 5-98. Here he , this wonderful quatrain :

5-98 A quarante huict degre' climaterique ,

A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse:

Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique, Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse.

The first thing that catches your eye is the connection with quatrains 6-35 and 3-77 through the words " cliterique " and " Cancer ". This is proof that the location was discovered correctly. Now it was necessary to link everything with the date – " L ' an mil sept cens vingt & sept ". Here's what happened in the end: " L' an mil sept cens vi + nt & se + pt ".

5-97 …L'edict se uere des ca pt ifz reuoque',

Gresle & tonnerre, Condom inestimable.

5-98 A quarante huict degre' climaterique,

A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse: Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique, Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse.

5-99 Milan , Ferrare, Turin, & Aquilleye,

Capne, Brundis vexes par ge nt Celtique:

Par le Lyon & phalange aquilee ,

Quant Rome aura le chef vi eulx Britannique.

5-100 Le boutefeu par son feu attrape',

Du feu du ciel a Carcas & Cominge: Foix, Aux, Mazeres, haut vieillart eschape', Par ceulx de Hasse, des Saxons & Turinge.

6-1 AVtour des monts Pyrenees grand amas

De gent estrange secourir roy nouueau: Pres de Garonne du grand temple du Mas, Vn Romain chef le craindra dedans l'eau.

6.2 En l'an cinq cens octante plus & moins,

On attendra le siecle bien estrange: En l'an sept cens , & trois cieulx en tesmoings…

As it turned out, almost everything is very fragmented, but still collected, however, with a slight caveat: the word "twenty" is collected in this section only in the variant " vint ". I think this is acceptable, an example is in quatrain 2-51: ( vinttrois ) . Of course, I did not find the ideal beauty, besides, there are other numerals on this site that were easier to use, but this was not done ( quarante huict , cinq cens octante ).

My next attempt was to count the current values of all the words in quatrain 5-98, which gave a very good result, equal to 1747, only 20 years more than desired. Given the differences between the editions of 1555 and 1557, especially those relating to prepositions with significant ranks, and taking into account the fact that the task was set even when none of the editions even came out, this may very well be true.


Now is the time to do quatrain 3-57, this topic will also not do without dates and without a big calculation, but first, not about that:

3-57 Sept fois changer verres gens Britannique,

Taintz en sang en deux cens nonante an:

Franche non point par appuy Germanique,

Aries doubte son pole Bastarnan.

Seven times the British people will see the change,

Stained with blood in two hundred and ninety:

Freedom is not achieved by the support of the German,

Aries is afraid of his pole of Bastarnia.

And in the beginning we will talk about one linguistic incident of the times of the Author. In order for everything to become clear, it is necessary to pay attention to the word "Britain".

In Old English, it could be written as " Breoton "," Bryten "– from lat. Britannia . _ In Old French – " Bretaigne ", in Anglo-Norman – " Britaine ".

This confusion has been around since ancient times. Britain and Bretonnia were sometimes simply indistinguishable. Only relatively recently, at the beginning of the 18th century, did they put an end to this. The one on the island – " Grande" Bretagne ", and the one that is a region of France is simply " Bretagne ".

Before the 18th century it was still far away, so in the Centuries things are like this:

"Britannique(s)" – at 2-1, 3-57, 4-96, 5-34, 5-99, 6-7, 6-41.

"Bretaigne" – at 3-70 and 6-53.

As is obvious, it is the “British” that changes exactly seven times, but the unwritten rule not to use the word quatrain in the calculation did not leave the task alone. There seemed to be something wrong with this. Salvation was the word " Bretaigne " from quatrain 3-70 – "Great Britain including England."

Now about the second line of quatrain 3-57. Britain and the year 290. How to link this?

Following the logic that such an insignificant number could be obtained by counting the word ranks of only a fairly early quatrain of the Centuries – there are no options other than quatrain 2-1.

2-1 VERS(4) Aquitaine(1) par(76) insults(1) Britaniques(1),

De(86) par(77) eux(3) mesmes(2) grandes(1) incursions(1):

Pluies (1), gelees(1) feront(7) terroirs(1) iniques(1),

Port(5) Selyn(2) fortes(1) fera(15) inuasions(1)

This quatrain, thanks to his words, scored 288 points – years. It is quite early for the Centuries, therefore, it is possible that the deviation from the expected result turned out to be so small: only two units.

Well, I – present and today – I remind you that I reproduce my past records, which reflect the entire process of the development of events, in this case without interfering at all. What was, was. Below is an outpouring of my feelings:

From the time I realized that I was listening to such a book, my attitude towards the Author, of course, has changed radically. From the mystic of dark distant times, foreshadowing a far from rosy future for mankind, a completely different, most interesting person appeared. He is alive, educated, having reached wisdom with his mind, with an excellent sense of humor, which has now become clear, and this feeling is inherent even in God, I know from myself!

He carefully packed all his ideas into a small book, making sure that even with the passage of centuries, interest in it would not disappear, so that it would not fall into oblivion. Now it becomes clear why all this “blood”, all “deaths”, “plague”, “floods”, “murders”, “monsters”, “battles”, “destruction”, etc. … What is there in the Centuries … All this can be united, perhaps, only by the phrase “Divine verb”, that is, the “word”, to each of which Nostradamus gave a soul, felt, at least, in the form of his rank to his book.


From tasks with large data arrays, I will move on to simpler ones. I will describe his vision quatrain 3-61:

3-61 La grande bande & secte crucigere,

Se dressera en Mesopotamie: Du proche fleuue compaignie legiere, Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie.

Large group and sect of crusaders,

Will rise in Mesopotamia:

The nearest river has a light company,

Which such law will hold for the enemy.

Mesopotamia is an interfluve. The river – " fleuue ", is quite often mentioned in the Centuries. My idea was to find the words of the quatrain, such as: " bande ", " secte ", " compaignie ", " crucigere " – together, in some interval between the rivers. Such a gap was found between the "rivers" from quatrains 6-52 and 6-98. “ Bande ”, as part of the word “ contre bande ” – in quatrain 6-75, “ secte ” – in 6-66, the word “ crucigere ” is not mentioned anywhere else in the Centuries, therefore, starting from the meaning, the desired word, I think, should become "cross" – " croix ". There were even two of them in this section of Centuria, at 6-71 and 6-80.

The third line of the quatrain has its own solution. I think it refers to the "river" closest to 3-61. It is located in quatrain 3-72. Nearby – in quatrain 3-83 – we find " Ac compaigne s ", and even closer – in quatrain 3-68 – " legiere ".

… Well, why, why, after the discovery of the "third climate" then I was not immediately dragged into the search for compatible capital letters? If this had happened then, then occult Mesopotamia would have been revealed:

2-60 La foy P unicque en O rient rompue,

gang . Iud . & Rosne , Loyre , & Tag changeront:

Quand du mulet la faim sera repue, Classe espargie, sang & corps nageront .

2-61 Euge , Tamins, Gironde & la Rochele,

O sang Troien Mort au port de la flesche:

Derrier le fleuue au fort mise l'eschele,

Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la bresche.

2-62 M abus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,

De gen s & bestes vne horrible defaite:

Puis tout a` coup la vengence on verra,

Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete .

2-63 Gaulois, A usone bien peu subiuguera,

Pau , Marne , & Seine fera Perme l'vrie:

Qui le grand mur contre eux dressera ,

Du moindre au mur le grand perdra la vie .

2-64 Seicher de faim, de soif gent Geneuoise,

E spoir prochain viendra au defaillir…

" Gang ", " Iud .", " Rosne ", " Loyre ", " Tag ", " Pau ", " Marne ", " Seine ", etc., Nostradamus collected a huge number of rivers in one place and gave him name " MESOPOTAMIE ". Another river " fleuue " – in quatrain 2-57, and in 2-59 – " bande ". And this is what the crusader sect looks like with enemies: “ secte cru + ci + ge + re , ennemis ".

2-50 …Verront a` Langres le sie ge deuant mis:

Derrier leurs flancz seront guer re s cru eles

La plaie antique fera pis qu 'ennemis .

2-51 Le sang du iuste a Londres fera faulte,

Brusles par fouldres de vint trois les six:

La dam e antique cherra de place haute,

De mesme secte plusieurs seront oc ci s.

My two solutions: the past and today, of course, there is a big difference in quality, of course, the past solution, although it seemed to correspond to the task, was not correct, erroneous. But that's just the beauty of it. It's never too late to learn. There would be no those early attempts to find the truth – then there would be no today's records.


I continue my old posts.

The following story is similar to a real predicted event. The name of the future pontiff and, perhaps, even the days of his Papacy are announced:

3-65 Quand le sepulchre du grand Romain trouue',

Le iour apres sera esleu pontife: Du senat guieres il ne sera prouue', Empoisonne' son sang au sacre' scyphe.

When the tomb of the Great Roman is discovered,

The next day the pontiff will be elected:

It is unlikely that he will be approved by the Senate,

Poisoned his blood in the sacred bowl.

The answer to the riddle is found in the sixth century:

6-66 Au fondement de la nouuelle secte,

Seront les oz du grand Romain troubles ,

Sepulcre en marbre apparoistra couuerte,

Terre trembler en Auril, mal enfouetz.

Further, according to the data from quatrain 3-65, you should find the next "day" – " iour ". He is in quatrain 6-85, which reveals the name of the future pontiff.

6-85 La grand cite' de Tharse par Gaulois,

Sera destruicte, captifz tous a Turban:

Secours par mer du grand Portugalois,

Premier d'este' le iour du sacre Vrban .

It becomes clear who Nostradamus predicts as Pope Pontiff. The chosen ones of the Church chose their own names. "Urban" is a very popular name for the Popes. For reference: until 1555 there were six Popes – Urban. After – two: Pope Urban VII in 1590 stayed in this capacity for only twelve days , and Pope Urban VIII was the head of the Church from 1623 to 1644.

As if pointing to the keyword "day", already in the next quatrain (6-86) it appears again, and in the variant of quatrain 3-65:

6-86 Le grand Prelat vn iour apres son songe,

Interprete' au rebours de son sens…

The Great Prelate a day after his sleep,

Interpreted contrary to its meaning…

Finally – a little really mystical. More once line quatrain 6-85: " Premier d'este' le iour du sacre Vrban . " The word" este "" is variegated with Centuria, but basically the meaning of this word in them is not "summer", but "being" – like in " estre ". "The First Day of Saint Urban". In total, in the Centuries after this quatrain, the word “ iour ” – “day” – in the singular is mentioned twelve times, exactly how many days Pope Urban VII stayed . There are no comments here.

This is all that was written by me earlier on this topic. About twelve days, of course, it turned out well, but it's amazing how, having found the right site, it was possible to see so much useful information on it?

pontife " from 6-82 not noticed ? With him, both “poisoned blood” – “ sang ”, and “ em + po + is + on ” would be found out, and the riddle of the word “ scyphe ” would be solved. “ -Cyphe- ” exists only three times in all the Centuries, and it was necessary to start the search with it, everything would immediately appear, because the last two times it is here, in 6-82:

6-81 …L em an les is les de Gennes les maieurs,

Sang espancher, frofaim a` nul mercy.

6-82 Par les desertz de lieu, libre, & farouche,

Viendra errer nepueu du grand Pontife :

Assomme' a sept auecques lourde s ouche,

Par ceulx qu'apres occuper on t le cyphe

And at 6-89:

6-89 … Guespes & mouche s , fitine amour fascishes,

Poccilateur foulcer , Cyphe template '.

Then the desired section would have been outlined, on which one can see a lot of useful things: “ PoNTIFE ”, “ sen + at ”, “ gu + ie + res ”, plus the highlighted full words.

6-85 …Sera destruicte, captifz tous a` Turban :

Secours par mer du grand Po rtugalois,

Premier d'este' le iour du sacre Vrban .

6-86 Le grand Prelat vn iour apres son songe,

I nterprete' au rebours de son sens:

De la Gascoigne luy suruiendra vn monge,

Qui fera eslire le grand Prel at de sen s.

6-87 L' eslection faicte dans F rankfort,

N'aura nul lieu, Milan s'opposera:

Le sien plus proche semblera si grand fort,

Que oultre le Ryn es mareschz chassera.

6-88 Vn regne grand demourra desole',

Aupres del l'Hebro se feront assemblees:

Monts Pyrenees le rendront console',

Lors que dans May seront ter res tremblees.

6-89 E ntre deux cymbes piedz & mains estaches,

De m ie l face oingt, & de laict substante':

Guespes & mouches , fitine amour fasches,

Poccilateur faulcer, Cyphe tempte'.


In the light of recent scientific discoveries, one can sometimes really admire the prophetic gift of Nostradamus. Relatively recently, articles began to appear on the similarity of human and pig genomes. There were even versions about the origin of man, not without her participation. Sometimes you really look at individual homo-sapiens …)))

And now, it turns out, Nostradamus touched on this topic back in the sixteenth century.

3-69 Grand exercite conduict par iouuenceau,

Se viendra rendre aux mains des ennemis:

Mais le vieillart nay au demy pourceau,

Fera Chalon & Mascon estre amis.

A large army led by youths

Will come to surrender into the hands of enemies:

But an old man born in a half-piglet,

Will make Chalon and Macon friends.

Someone, of course, will pop up the image of a man in a gas mask, when reading such lines. In any case, Nostradamus is a prophet. But where did the Author get the idea for his prophecy? IN their past records .

1-64 De nuict soleil penseront auoir veu,

Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra:

Bruict, chant, bataille, au ciel battre aperceu:

Et bestes brutes a parler lon orra.

Think you can see the sun at night

When the half-human piglet is seen:

Noise, singing, fight, in the sky the battle is seen:

And stupid animals will hear the conversation.

In this quatrain, in turn, there is also an interesting statement: half of the pig – “ pour ceau ” – “ pour ” – appears for the fifth time at this moment in the Centuries. This, in turn, makes up exactly half of all people – " homme ", full-fledged words in the first cycle of the Centuries. The Author sets such a condition in the first Centuria, and does not forget about it until the end of the seventh. " homme " will only be ten.

For linguists: " bestes brutes " is a great phrase to think about.

" beste " – stupid, stupid, animal, beast;

" brute " – animal, beast, cattle, from " brut " – unpeeled, unprocessed, rough.

It was just necessary to clean the piglet, process it so that it would speak ( parler ).

And again, everything is correct, but the topic was disclosed little. Where is the said old man? Where are the mentioned friends Chalon with Macon? They were there, but had previously gone unnoticed. Here, for example, the old man – " vie + lla + rt ", " Cha + lon " and friends – " am + is ", yes, hands – " mains " – also worth noting:

1-64 … Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra:

Bruict, cha nt, bataille, au ciel battre aperceu:

Et bestes brutes a parler lon orra.

1-65 Enfant sans mains i am a is veu si grand foudre,

L'enfant royal au ieu d'oesteuf blesse':

Au puy brises fulgures a lla nt mouldre,

Trois soubz les chaines par le millieu trousses.

1-66 Celuy qui lors po rt era les nouvelles,

Apres un peu il vie ndra respirer…

a little above – "Mas + con":

1-61 Leur grand a mas de l'exil malefice,

Fera Sueue ravir leur grand con tract.

As for the first two lines, I had no thoughts at all before. Yes, they probably didn't seem so interesting compared to pig genomes)))… Yes, probably, that's the way it is. Now there was little time to add to this theme and find that place – the source of inspiration for the first two lines of quatrain 3-69, it was found, it took place. Quite lengthy, but certainly exceptional and unique. Today I see a lot more than before, therefore – here it is, with literally all the significant words of the first two lines of quatrain 3-69: in addition to the obvious ones, the words “io + uue + nce + au ” , “ mai + ns ", It is also interesting that the "stupid beast" – " Bestes bru + tes " – will be found here, moreover, "speaking" – " par + ler ".

2-16 … Force de Londres, Gand, Bru celles, & Suses

Grand hecatombe, triumphe faire fes tes .

2-17 Le camp du temple de la vierge vestale,

Non esloigne d'Ethne & monts Pyrenees:

Le grand conduict est cache' dens la male,

North getes fluues & vignes mastinees.

2-18 Nouuelle & pluie subite impetueuse,

Empeschera subit deux exercites :

Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse,

La mort de sept terre & marin subites.

2-19 Nouue au x venus, lieu basty sans defence,

Occuper la place par lors inhabitable:

Prez, mai so ns , champs, villes, p rendre a plaisa nce ,

Faim, Peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.

2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieux captifz,

Se tro uue ront passer pres du monarque:

Les contemp ler ses rameaux ententifz,

Desplaisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques.

2-21 L'embassadeur enuoye' par biremes,

A my chemin d'incogneuz repoulses:

De sel renfort viendront quatre triremes,

Cordes & chaines en Negrepont trousses.

2-22 Le camp Asop d'Europe partira,

S'ad io ignant proche de lisle submergee:

D'Arton classe phalange pliera,

Nombril du monde plus grand voix subrogee.

2-23 Palais, oyseaux, par oyseau dechasse',

Bien tost apres le prince preuenu:

Combien qu'hors fleuve ennemis repulse',

Dehors saisi trait d'oyseau soustenu.

2-24 Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner…


With the next quatrain 4-11, a beautiful "red" theme opens. The word " rouge " in itself is quite remarkable, and considering all the passions that are created with him in the Centuries – the most remarkable.

4-11 Celuy qu'aura gouuert de la grand cappe,

Sera induict a quelque cas patrer:

Les douze rouges viendront souiller la nappe,

Soubz meurtre, meutre se viendra perpetrer.

He who will rule from the great mantle,

Will be hit on some business:

Twelve reds will come to stain the tablecloth,

Under the kill, the kill will be done.

As is probably already clear, starting from the third line of this quatrain, until the end of the seven Centuries, twelve “ rouge ( s )” are found, the last time in quatrain 7-36:

7-36 Dieu le ciel tout le diuin verbe a l'vnde,

Pourte' par rouges sept razes a` Bisance:

Contre les oingtz trois cens de Trebisonde,

Deux loix mettront, & horreur, puis credence.

God sky all divine verb in a wave,

Carried away by the red seven shaved to Byzantium:

Against the anointed three hundred from Trebizond,

Two laws are established, and horror, then trust.

Again the divine verb, and with it the fulfilled prophecy. However, not even one. Seven "shaved" – " sept razes ( rasees )" is also a fact for the first seven Centuries.

It is quite significant that already in the second cycle of the Centuries, as if hungry and missing the “reds”, in quatrain 8-19, the Author immediately gives out as many as four “ rouges ”, moreover, “to support the great mantle”:

8-19 A soubstenir la grand cappe troublee,

Pour l'esclaircir les rouges marcheront,

De mort famille sera presque accablee,

Les rouges rouges le rouge assomeront.

To support the great mantle agitated,

To clarify, the red ones will pass,

Because of death, the family will be almost crushed,

Red reds beat red.

Something extremely interesting is planned with the Reds in the future. Wait and see.


And here is the very future, I have already lived through that stage, but now it’s not about him, but about the next topic. Now I remember myself of the past, wandering with a dim lamp through the darkening world of the Centuries, in an attempt to find at least some clues to the truth. The fact that she – the truth – was, it was already clear to me, it was just a matter of getting to it. But … either the light from the lamp was then very weak, or – the surrounding darkness suppressed it so much, that's why I stumbled more on the deaf walls, and with my forehead. But, even at that time, some insights came to me. Below is one of them. Now I don’t know if this is a coincidence or the author’s idea, but this is a fact, today I confirm it. Without that, without my past wandering and roaming in the dark, I think he would not have shown up. Further – about this, in words from my past.

Nostradamus compiled his main work from ten "Centuries", from lat. " centuria " – a hundred, a division in the Roman army of one hundred soldiers. This is ideal. In fact, a hundred, most likely, was not recruited. In most cases, there were 60-80 fighters in the combat centuria. The same situation developed with the legion, and although the meaning of this word is in no way tied to any number, it was generally accepted that quantitatively, ideally, it should have consisted of three thousand soldiers. In fact, over the centuries, this number has varied widely: from 2,000 to 8,000. I repeat: the ideal is 3000. A fleet of three thousand warriors is something even in our times. The strategist Nostradamus saw all this in the future. Further – about what I, in fact, outlined all this:

4-23 La legion dans la marine classe,

Calcine, Magnes soulphre, & poix bruslera:

Le long repos de lasseuree place,

Port Selyn, Hercle feu les consumera.

Legion in the navy

Lime, Magnesia, Sulphur, and Tar will burn:

A long rest from a safe place

Port of Selin, Hercules the fire will burn them.

Three thousand and " marine class ". How to tie it together? The search begs to be carried out letter by letter. The subject of the search is "marine fleet": « MARINE CLASSE ”, in capital letters, imprinted here is not in vain. Below are the statistical data on their number in the first seven Centuries.

M(177)A(340)R(173)I(62)N(107)E(193) C(242)L(572)A(340)S(301)S(301)E(193). The result is amazing! The sum of all values turned out to be equal to 3001. A legion was formed in the navy. The text used is the 1557 edition (Utrecht). Accuracy, based on my observations and comparisons, is excellent. Only one mistake crept into the text, one extra capital letter.

Was it possible for the Author to set such a condition and implement it? Work, of course, titanic, but quite realizable. So the capital letters of the Centuries must be treated with the utmost care.

magnesia , sulfur – " Cal cine , Mag n es s oulph r e ". These three words have all the constituent letters all for the same " marine class ".


A darkish picture emerges in quatrain 4-30. Nothing but a pole shift The author predicts.

4-30 Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne vouldra,

Tous augmentes & baisses de degre':

Et si bas mis que peu or on coudra,

Qu'apres faim peste descouuert le secret.

Eleven more times the moon will not wish the sun,

All rose and fell in degrees:

And they are placed so low that they sew little gold,

That after the famine-plague the secret will be revealed.

The mystical expression “The Moon will not wish the Sun”, taking into account the past allegories of the Author, can mean only one thing: when it wishes, then the Moon and the Sun are together in one quatrain, when it does not wish, then either the Moon without the Sun, or the Sun without the Moon.

If you pay attention to the third line of the quatrain, with the mention of gold, it will become clear in which direction to go further.

Since ancient times, alchemists have identified noble metals with celestial bodies. Gold is the Sun, silver is the Moon. In the Centuries, after quatrain 4-30, the situation with these metals is as follows: “gold” is present in quatrains 4-34, 4-42, 5-19, 5-41, 5-66, 5-69, 6-8, 6- 9 (in this quatrain together with “silver”), 6-49, 7-3, 7-25 (again with “silver”), 7-28, 7-32. Separately, “silver” – “ argent ” – is not mentioned anywhere in quatrains after 4-30.

Obviously, exactly eleven times “silver” (Moon) “gold” (Sun) “did not want”.

At the end of this topic, I will quote a phrase from quatrain 5-66: "… From the Sun and the Moon their shiny metals …" – literally a direct confirmation of the connection between the heavenly bodies and the earthly metals.


K amren 4-30 is by no means the only one supporting the “golden” theme. In order to be convinced of this, it is necessary to jump quite far ahead, to the distant seventh Centuria .

7-28 Le capitaine conduira grande proye,

Sur la montaigne des ennemis plus proche:

Enuironne' par feu fera tel voye,

Tous eschapez or trente mis en broche.

The captain will lead a great sacrifice

On the mountain, very close from the enemies:

Surrounded, through the fire will make such a way,

All saved, or thirty placed in a brooch.

The word " or " from the fourth line of this quatrain I left untranslated for some reason. The main one is, as always, the vague writing style of the Author. In my opinion, he took advantage of the moments when the meaning of the lines could be interpreted ambiguously with special tenderness. In this case, the culprit is the word “ broche ”, which has several meanings in French. It can be both a “brooch” and a “spit”. The translation of the last line in the form "… All are saved, except for thirty, impaled on a skewer," seems to me out of place. Yes, besides gold, “ or ” has other interpretations, but Nostradamus practically does not use them in the Centuries. Exceptions are possible in only two more cases, but even those are under a big question mark … Only in two! …From … thirty! This is already the result of all ten Centuries. Quatrain is already, practically, at the end of the first cycle of the Prophecies.

It remains only to announce the names of the participants in the creation of this golden brooch.

All quatrains with the words " or " in ten Centuries: 1-35, 1-42, 1-53, 2-92, 3-2, 3-13, 3-67, 3-72, 4-30, 4-34 , 4-42, 5-19, 5-41, 5-66, 5-69, 6-8, 6-9, 6-49, 7-3, 7-25, 7-28, 7-32, 8 -14, 8-28, 8-29, 9-12, 9-17, 9-44, 10-46, 10-95.

And these are my words from the future. Knowing now more "techniques" of Nostradamus, I wanted to find, after all, the source (or sources) of inspiration for quatrain 7-28. Here is the whole picture discovered: in quatrain 4-89 – “thirty” – “ trente ”, and a little lower – “ capitaine ”, “ pro + ye ” or “ proche ”, “ mont + aigne ” and “ con + du + ire ” .

The place is obviously correct, and if the site is expanded, then many other necessary words will be found. But only Here Not seen connection With brooch , absolutely .

4-92 Teste tranchee du vaillant capitaine ,

Sera gettee deuant son aduersaire: Son corps pen du de sa classe a`l'antenne,

Con fus fuira par rames a` vent contra ire .

4-93 Vn serpent veu proche du lict royal,

Sera par dame nuict chiens n'aba ye ront:

Lors naistre en France vn prince tant royal, Du ciel venu tous les princes verront.

4-94 Deux grans freres seront chasses d'Esp aigne ,

L'aisne vaincu soubz les mont s Pyrenees…

Rescues in this case, another brave captain, who is also located nearby, in quatrain 4-83. Here This word – "br + oche":

4-81 …Dans profondres & non loing de Br ucelles,

Oultre passes detrenches sept a `picque.

4-82 Amas s'appr oche venant d'Esclauonie,

L'Olestant vieulx cite' ruynera: Fort desolee verra sa Romanie, Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura.

4-83 Combat nocturne le vaillant capitaine

So whether it is a brooch or a skewer – the question remains open.


Well , I continue my past entries. Quatrain 4-42 is interesting, first of all, with the numeral "sixty" in its composition.

4-42 Geneue & Langres par ceux de Chatres & Dolle,

Et par Grenoble captif au Montlimard:

Seysset, Losanne par fraudulente dole,

Les trahiront par or soyxante marc.

Geneva and Langres, through those of Chartres and Dole,

And Grenoble is captured(?) in Montelimar:

Seysel, Lausanne, by cunning deceit,

They will be betrayed for sixty marks of gold.

Sixty marks … So the money appeared in the Centuries. Or maybe they were before, just went unnoticed? There was an idea to check how things are with the "stamps" in the texts.

The first quatrain turned out to be very noteworthy.

1-31 Tant d'ans les guerres en Gaule dureront,

Oultre la course du Castulon monarque:

Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront,

Aigle, coq, lune, lyon, soleil en marque .

So many years of war in Gaul will last,

In addition to the path of the monarch from Castulon:

Three great ones will crown an indefinite victory,

Eagle, rooster, moon, lion, sun in a stamp.

The brand, in a slightly different form, is “ marque ”, which contains the five listed objects. It became necessary to count them in the first seven Centuries.

" Aigle " = 12, " coq " = 9, " lune ( luna )" = 12, " lyon " = 14, " soleil " = 13. Total = 60. That was pretty predictable.

It's too early to put an end to the topic with stamps. There are many more interesting things ahead. Quatrain for the sixth Centuria will lead further.

6-41 Le second chef du regne Dannemarc,

Par ceulx de Frize & l'isle Britannique,

Fera despendre plus de cent mille marc ,

Vain exploicter voyage en Italique.

Second Head of the Kingdom of Denmark,

Through those of Frisia and the British Isles

Will make you withdraw more than a hundred thousand marks,

Traveling to Italy in vain.

Like the second head of Denmark, I would have made a trip to this quatrain in vain if I had not paid attention to " cent mille ". "One Hundred Thousands" was found in another quatrain not far from this place:

6-49 De la partie de Mammer grand Pontife,

Subiuguera les confins du Dannube:

Chasser les croix par fer raffe ne riffe,

Captifz, or, bagues plus de cent mille rubes.

From the side of Mummer, the great Pontifex,

Subdue the limits of the Danube:

Casting out the cross with iron at any cost,

Prisoners, gold, rings more than one hundred thousand rubles.

It is in this quatrain that the necessary information is contained, but it is buried by the Author much more deeply than in the first case. There are 28 prisoners – “ captif ( z )” in the first cycle of “Prophecies”, gold – “ or ” – 22, but there are no rings – “ bagues ” anywhere else. The result was still the same, 60, but one ten was missing. Yes, the task was difficult, however, the answer was found. In French, the word " bague " has a synonym for " aneau " – a ring. AND it once present only V quatrain 7-23:

7-23 Le Royal sceptre sera contrainct de prendre,

Ce que ses predecesseurs auoient engaige':

Puis que l' aneau on fera mal entendre,

Lors qu'on viendra le palays saccager.

The royal scepter will be forced to pick up,

What his predecessors had:

Further through the ring will be poorly heard,

Then, when they come to plunder the palace.

What was not clear through the ring, the scepter will pick up. Yes, the scepter – “ sceptre ” – is present exactly ten times in the first seven Centuries. It is a fact. As a result, the coveted number of 60 was reached twice.


Walking or jumping from quatrain to quatrain along the seven Centuries, and even occasionally running further, it is still necessary to return to the "native" at the moment fourth Centuria .

4-49 Deuant le peuple sang sera respandu,

Que du hault ciel ne viendra esloigner: Mais d'vn long temps ne sera entendu, L'esprit d'vn seul le viendra tesmoigner.

Blood will be shed before the people,

Which does not move away from the high sky:

But for a long time it will not be clear

The spirit of the one and only will bear witness to this.

The blood that is shed in this quatrain is the 42nd in a row. That's how many heavens – " ciel " (singular) in the first seven Centuries. I think, therefore, "for a long time, it will not be clear."

And here it is appropriate to intervene again from today. Yes, apparently, although everything was brief, it was correctly stated, because now I have decided on the area on which the words of quatrain 4-99 are recorded, and there really is no sky on it.

2-9 … Puis il cherra en soif si sang uinaire:

Pour luy grand peuple sans foy & loy mourra,

Tue par vn beaucoup plus debonnaire.

2-10 Auant long temps le tout sera range'

Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre:

L'estat des masques & des seul z bien change'…

A couple more necessary words are a little lower, but there is no word " ciel " on it either .

2-12 Rauir des temples le tresor par deuant .

2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice.

Iour de la mort mys en natiuite.

L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice .


A serious case with the next topic came out. He absolutely correctly identified two sections of the Centuries that needed to be paid attention to, and made cautious conclusions that he was not sure of the chosen path. The path to understanding the thoughts of Nostradamus was difficult. Here are the old records, everything as it was.

Perhaps the next quatrain is just waiting to be solved. Now only ready share their observations .

4-50 Libra verra regner les Hesperies,

De ciel, & terre tenir la monarchie:

D'Asie forces nul ne verra peries,

Que sept ne tiennen par ranc la hierarchie.

Libra will see the reign of Hesperius,

From heaven and earth holding the monarchy:

No one will see the forces of Asia dead,

Until the seven enter through the rank of the hierarchy.

Hesperia is the historical name of the Western Roman Empire. The word is beautiful, like many other words in this book by the Author. It is mentioned in the first seven Centuries exactly seven times (they enter the next rank). Based on this, I draw attention to "Hesperius" with the ending "-s " . Nostradamus openly declares that Hesperia, at least, is not alone))). Printers echo him without distorting the text. Everything in those days was quite in order with the accuracy of copying from the original. This is my answer to those who, in an attempt to create their own, glossy from unnatural beauty, interpretations of quatrains, dare and dare to assert something like: – “Here is an obvious typo: it should be read … (in a different way)”, or: – “Here, in a sense, instead of the word “ x ”, there should be a similar word “ y ”, an obvious typo”. The human factor, of course, has not been canceled, but this is completely different. Today, in the era of the inception of artificial intelligence, sometimes books come across with so many errors that the "Prophecies" can be put among them as a model of literacy and accuracy … That's all, I spoke about this, I continue the topic.

Scales – " Libra ", really "saw" Hesperia a long time ago by Centurian standards, at its "birth", i.e. in rank number 1, in quatrain 1-28, however, in the form of a Hesperian boat – “ barque hesperique ":

1-28 La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare,

Vn temps, long temps apres barque hesperique ,

Bestail, gens, meubles tous deux feront grant tare

Taurus & Libra quelle mortelle picque?

The last time Hesperia appears in the first cycle of centuries is in quatrain 6-56. It is noteworthy that in the adjacent quatrain 6-57 the words " hierarchie " and " monarchie " are present:

6-56 La crainte armee de l'ennemy Narbon,

Effrayera si fort les Hesperiques :

Parpignan vuide par l'aueugle darbon,

Lors Barcelon par mer donra les piques.

6-57 Celuy qu'estoit bien auant dans le regne,

Ayant chef rouge proche a` la hierarchie :

Aspre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre,

Succedera a` sacre' monarchie .

"The Present Today" – almost never went anywhere, except perhaps only for the duration of the playback of their past, regular, records.

It's amazing, I found a real relationship of the necessary words, and, in the end, made such weak conclusions from it. This reproduced the moment when I "plunged" once into the Centurian world almost completely. But, having surfaced, he wiped himself with a towel, and simply went on. Although, if I had been more attentive, I could have seen the “forces” – “ forces ” from quatrain 6-62, and even “Asia” – “ ASIE ”, which took place on that site, its strength really “did not die” – “ ne per + ie ".

6-57 … A spre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre,

S uccedera a sacre ' monarch i.e.

6-58 E ntre les deux monarques esloignes,

Lors que le Sol par Selin clair per due:

Simulte grande entre deux indig ne s,

Qu'aux I sles & Sienne la liberte rendue.

But then there was clearly not enough experience and practice, I saw only what was impossible not to see. So it happened with the next topic: I identified one of the places correctly, but did not move further.


B endowed Nostradamus with quatrain 4-55 with piercing humor:

4-55 Quant la corneille sur tour de brique ioincte,

Durant sept heures ne fera que crier: Mort presagee de sang statue taincte, Tyran meurtri, aux Dieux peuple prier.

When a crow is on a stacked brick tower,

For seven hours it will only scream:

Death is predicted, the statue is stained with blood,

The tyrant is slain, the people pray to the gods.

words " heure " in the first seven Centuries. The last one is in quatrain 5-81:

5-81 L'oyseau royal sur la cite' solaire,

Sept moys deuant fera nocturne augure:

Mur d'Orient cherra tonnaire, esclaire, Sept iours aux portes les ennemis a`l'heure .

Royal bird over the sunny city,

Seven months earlier will make a night omen:

The wall of the East will fall, thunder, glow,

Exactly seven days later, the enemies are at the gates.

The royal bird was instantly found – a crow, solid sevens. No doubt the place is right.

And again, I "today" is forced to intervene, because a little embarrassing for myself – the past. Yes, I correctly determined that the keyword in this case is " heure " – "hour". All that needed to be done next was to carefully examine the places with these words in the Centuries. Then a lot of interesting things would be revealed. Take, for example, the same area near quatrain 5-81. It was necessary to see on it, in addition to what was noticed earlier, “ bri + que ”, “ to + ur ”, and there was still a crow on it: “ co + rne + il + le ”.

5-80 … Des deux loix l'vne l'estini que lachera,

Barbare & franche en perpetuelle bri gue.

5-81 L'oyseau royal sur la cite' solaire,

Sept moys deuant fera noctu rne augure:

M ur d'Orient cherra to nnaire esclaire,

Septiours aux portes les ennemis a l' heure .

5-82 Au co nclud pache hors la forteresse,

Ne sortira celuy en desespoir mys: Quant ceulx d'Arbois, de Langres, contre Bresse, Auront monts Dol le bouscade d'ennemis.

5-83 Ceulx qui auront entreprins subuertir,

Nompare il regne puissant & inuincible…

On another site, already with its “hour”, one could see other “predicted” events, but the brick tower also appeared on it: “ to + ur bri + que ". From implicit words Here also "cri + er".

2-98 Celuy du sang resp er se le visaige,

De la victime proche sa cri fiee:

To nant en Leo aug ur e par presaige ,

Mis estre a` mort lors pour la fiancee.

2-99 Terroir Romain qu'interpretoit augure,

Pargent Gauloyse par trop sera vexee:

Mais nation Celtique craindra l' heure ,

Boreas, classe trop loing l'auoir poussee.

2-100 Dedans les isles si horrible tumulte,

Rien on n'orra qu'vne belli que brigue

And here is the place with the very first "hour" in the Centuries. Apparently, the idea with a brick tower was then born: " br + ique ".

1-26 Le grand du fouldre tumbe d' heure diurne,

Mal & predict par porteur postulaire :

Suiuant presaige tumbe d' heure nocturne,

Conflit Reims Londres, Etrusque pestifere .

1-27 Dessoubz de chaine Guien du ciel frappe',

Non loing de la est cache' le tresor:

Qui par longs siecles auoit este grappe',

Trouue' mourra, l'oeil crue' de ressort.

1-28 La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare,

Vn temps, lon g temps apres barque hesper ique :

Bestail, gens, meubles tous deux feront grant tare ,

Taurus & Li br a quelle mortelle picque?

In addition to the revealed, in quatrain 1-25 – " Dieu " – God. Maybe he missed it.

The topic is quite long. I think it's already clear that the brick tower will appear in every section of the text where the word " heure " is, along with the details that are still missing. As a result, the whole picture predicted by the royal bird, the crow, will develop.

Back to my old notes.


Despite the abundance of numbers, "Prophecy" is still a work of art, and contains a lot of philosophical conclusions. Sometimes – deep, sometimes – deliberately simple. Being anxious about the creation of his work, filling it step by step with "divine verbs", Nostradamus probably thought about the role of each word in the world he created. In it, apart from words, there is nothing more in essence. What happens with the birth of a new word? It comes into the world already special and unique, with its own rank, which can be called the "soul of the word." What happens to predecessors? If you philosophize, then perhaps they die, leaving to their descendants all the most precious thing that they had – their "souls". And all this looks natural and beautiful, almost like in real life, until you imagine a situation where two identical words are in the same quatrain. Not after a long period, when each word has time to live its natural life, but almost immediately after birth to see its death. The second identical word practically kills the predecessor in infancy.

4-60Les _ sept enfans en hostaige laisses ,

Le tiers viendra son enfant trucider :

deux par son filz seront d' estoc _ perces ,

Gennes , Florence lors viendra encunder .

Seven children were taken hostage

The third will come to kill his child:

Two of their children will be pierced with a sword,

Genoa, Florence will then multiply.

The hard-to-translate word " encunder ", perhaps from the Spanish " cundir " – to multiply, distribute, expand.

Seven " enfant " in the singular, before this quatrain – this is a fact. Having found the third one, there is a reason to reflect on the perishability of being. In quatrain 1-65 – the second and third " enfant " Centurius. It turns out that the unfortunate second child after almost seven breaths – words kills the third. The little man did not have time to live.

With sons – " filz " – exactly the same story. Two quatrains from the first cycle of the Prophecies contain two "sons" each. At 4-53 and 4-87.

Another, but in this case – a very brief commentary of "today's" me: despite such a peculiar philosophical digression, there is still something in it. Nothing has been said before about the process of piercing with a sword, but if you look closely at the areas near 4-53 and 4-87, you can see for yourself that there are prerequisites for such a statement of mine.

My next adventures in the dark are below.


D got to quatrain 4-68, found in it a trinity of keywords, which will then be repeated in another quatrain.

4-68 En l'an bien proche non esloigne' de Venus,

Les deux plus grans de l'Asie & d'Affrique

Du Ryn & hister qu'on dira sont venus,

Crys, pleurs a` Malte & coste' ligustique.

In a year very close, not far from Venus,

Two very great ones from Asia and Africa

From the Rhine and Istria, as they say, they will come,

Screams, sobs in Malta and the Ligurian coast.

Katren itself is not far away.

5-11 Mer par Solaires seure ne passera,

Ceulx de Venus tiendront toute l' Affrique :

Leur regne plus Sol, Saturne n'occupera,

Et changera la part Asia tique.

I also note that in neighboring quatrains, surprisingly, the theme is supported by the words " Malthe " (5-14) and " Ryn " (5-12). (Well, yes, the site was identified correctly. “ Hi + st + er ” in quatrain 5-12 could not be discerned then):

5-12 Aupres du lac Leman s er a conduite,

Par garse e st range cite' voulant tra hi r…

I really wanted to reach out to quatrain 4-73. The culprit of this is the word "pantomime" from it. I really wanted to find out how, why it appeared in the Centuries?

4-73 Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera,

Le pache faict du coeur pusillanime:

Ferrare & Ast le Duc esprouuera,

Par lors qu'au soir sera le pantomime.

The great nephew will affirm with strength,

An agreement made with a fainthearted heart:

Ferrara and Asti the Duke will test,

Then, when there will be a pantomime in the evening.

" Pantomime " is not found anywhere else in the Centuries, but since there is nothing accidental in this book, it is simply necessary to find some kind of connection. And it was found: apart from " Panta " from the wonderful quatrain 4-32, there are simply no options.

4-32 Es lieux & temps chair au poisson donra lieu,

La loy commune sera faicte au contraire: Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste' du milieu,

Le Panta choina philon mis fort arriere.

In places and times, the flesh in the fish will give place,

The law of the commune will be drawn up in opposition to:

The old one will hold strong, then torn out of the environment,

“Friends have everything in common” is heavily delayed.

This is where my posts on this topic end. Since my interest in “pantomime” has not faded even now, I will show how things are going with it in this section, along with other little things: “ Pan + to + mi + me ”, “ so + ir ”, “ DVC ”, “ Es + pr + ouue + ra ", " Fer + ra + re ", " Ast ".

4-29 … De Vulcan Hermes sera faicte pa ast ure,

Sol sera veu pur rutilant & blond .

4-30 Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne vouldra,

To us aug me ntes & baisses de degre':

Et si bas mis que peu or on coudra,

Qu'a pr es faim, peste descouuert le secret.

4-31 La Lune au plain de nuict sur le hault mont,

Le n ouue au sophe d'vn seul cerueau la veu:

Par ses disciples estre immortel semond ,

Yeulx au midy , en seins mains, corps au feu.

4-32 Es lieux & temps cha ir au pois so n don ra lieu:

La loy commune sera faicte au contraire:

Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste 'du milieu,

Le Pan ta choina philon mi s fort arriere.

4-33 Iupiter ioinct plus Venus qu'a la Lune,

Apparoissant de plenitude blanche: V enus cachee soubz la blancheur Neptune

D e Mars frappe par la granee branche.

4-34 Le grand mene' captif d'est ra nge ter re ,

D'or enchaine ' au roy C HYREN of fer t…

In this section, as seen above, the Author drew inspiration for the last two lines of quatrain 4-73. Time to go back to the past.


The still mysterious character "Celine" is mentioned ten times in the first seven Centuries. Below is one from quatrains With him .

4-77 SELIN monarque l'Italie pacifique,

Regnes vnis Roy chrestien du monde: Mourant vouldra coucher en terre blesique, Apres pyrates auoir chasse' de l'onde.

SELIN – the monarch of peaceful Italy,

Kingdoms united, Christian King of the world:

Dying, he wishes to lie in the land of blessing,

Then the pirates will get exiled from the wave.

Italy – " Italie , Italies , Itaille " – is also present ten times in the first cycle of the book. The phrase “United Kingdoms”, obscure at first glance, takes on meaning in this context. All "Italy" Celine united himself. The same result can be obtained by summing all " chrestien " and " monde ".


The next quatrain 4-78 exposes the numeral 79 to the public, and although the quatrain following it with the same serial number is just a distraction.

4-78 La grand armee de la pugne ciuille,

Pour de nuict Parme a l'estrange trouuee, Septanteneuf meurtris dedans la ville, Les estrangiers passez tous a` l'espee.

Big city battle army,

Because of the night, Parma is found in someone else's,

Seventy nine killed inside the city

The foreigners have all been handed over to the sword.

Obviously, 79 is tied to " ville " – the city. Katren is clearly "urban". Even ' pugne ciuille " – "civil battle" or "city battle" in Latin – the same thing. But "city" – as " ville ", is mentioned infrequently in the Centuries, but "city" – " cite '", " cites " – by the result of ten! Centurius, will show a rating of 79, taking with him for beauty the Latin analogue " cita ".


In quatrain 4-80, everything is pure truth.

4-80 Pres du grand fleuue grand fosse terre egeste,

En quinze pars sera l'eau diuisee: La cite' prinse, feu, sang, crys, conflict mettre Et la plus part concerne au collisee.

Near the big river there is a big ditch, the earth is dug out,

The water will be divided into fifteen parts:

The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, conflict

And most of them are involved in conflict.

Nostradamus took a shovel, and divided the streams of river water into fifteen parts. In this quatrain – the fifteenth Centurian river – " fleuue ". There is nothing to add to this, the Author speaks the truth. And then, apparently, he reports on his work already done, suggesting that, in addition to rivers, he involved the words “ cite ”, “ feu ”, “ sang ”, and, at least, “ crys ” into the collision.

I don’t want to waste a lot of paper, in the next quatrain 4-80 there is a phrase: “ sept a ` picque " – literally – "seven in (at) the peak." Exactly seven times in the first cycle of the Centuries the word " picque ( pique )" is used.


Quatrain 4-84 seems to me much more interesting.

4-84 Vn grand d'Auserre mourra bien miserable,

Chasse' de ceulx qui soubz luy ont este': Serre' de chaisnes, apres d'vn rude cable, En l'an que Mars, Venus & Sol mis en este'.

The great of Auxerre will die very unhappy,

Cast out by those below him:

Tightened with chains, then with a rough rope,

In a year in which Mars, Venus and the Sun are placed in summer.

In the fourth line of this quatrain – an indication of where to search. The combination of Mars, Venus and the Sun in one quatrain is found only in quatrain 5-25. And it develops a situation similar to quatrain 6-35 with the word CLIMAT assembled from capital letters .

5-25 Le prince A rabe Mars , Sol , Venus , Lyon,

R egne d' E glise par mer succombera:

D euers la Perse bien pr es d'vn million,

Bis an ce, E gip te , ver. serp. inuadera.

Only in this case there is one nuance. The city " AVSERRE " is almost going here, the second capital " R " is missing . I think there is an explanation for this. Auxerre, now – Auxerre , earlier (well, in the 14th century – for sure) was called Ausedre . This is how he is presented in this quatrain: " AVSEDRE "

Another interesting observation. I don't know how unlikely it is to find " es + te " in this quatrain, which make up the words " este '" (see line 4-84), but they are here, as well as, of course, " an ". Of course, this is more like going somewhere away from the right direction, but on paper I will keep it. Would it come in handy?


B exactly in the next quatrain, probably something similar.

4-85 Le charbon blanc du noir sera chasse',

Prisonnier faict mene' au tombereau:

More Chameau sus piedz entrelassez,

Lors le puisne' sillera l'aubereau.

Coal white black will be pursued,

The prisoner is dragged in a cart:

Moor Camel on legs bound together,

Then the younger one will sew up the eyelids of the Hobby Falcon.

Camel – " Chameau " – the word is a conductor, which is present in another quatrain 5-68.

The expression " sillera l ' aubereau ", as I found out, a special term inherent in falconry. The eyelids of a bird of prey were sewn together so that it lived in complete darkness for a certain time of its training.

The whole full-fledged word " charbon " in quatrain 5-68 is not found, only part of it is " char ", but it is quite beautiful.

5-68 Dans le Dannube & du Rin viendra boire,

Le grand Cha meau ne s'en repentira:

Trembler du R osne & plus fort ceulx de loire

Et pres des A lpes coq le ruinera.

My fantasy, of course, has no limits, but it seems that Nostradamus, having arranged the necessary letters so closely that it immediately catches your eye, did it – so that even a falcon with sewn eyelids could see “ChaR” or “ChAR” through the gap .

I could not resist – "future – today." These two topics are the second kick in my ass for overclocking. In my opinion, he did. Halfway through the Centurian, everything began to come to life, even if not in all its glory, which, of course, I regret, but everything turned out quite productively. Further – the continuation of the second topic is still from my past.

By the way, “ char ” is a cart, a chariot, in this regard, I draw attention to the “prisoner dragged in a cart” from 4-85. This quatrain turned out to be very "prolific". Having settled down between two quatrains with "years" – " an " (4-84 and 4-86), he gave rise to increased attention. From the dictionaries, I found out that " charbon blanc "-" white coal "– this is the old name for the disease of leprosy -" lepre ". Thus, the secret of quatrain 4-7, which previously baffled, was revealed.

4-7Le _ mineur filz du grand & hay prince ,

De lepre aura a` vingt _ ans grande tache :

De dueil sa more mourra bien triste & mince .

Et il mourra la ou tombe chet lache .

Youngest son of a great and hated prince,

Because of leprosy, at the age of twenty he will receive a big spot:

His mother will die of grief, very sad and thin,

And he will die where the traitor fell – the lover.

" Chet " – from Old French. " escheotiter " – to change, deceive.

" Lache " – from Spanish. – " lacho " – lover.

Of course, it has long been suggested to count twenty " ans " – "years" from the beginning of the Centuries, and get to the right place (quatrain 4-84). But, in fact, nothing was tracked there compatible with the words of quatrain 4-7 (… Neither " grand prince " from 4-81, neither " filz " from 4-83, 4-87, nor " tombe reau " from 4-85? Oh, me!) … I didn’t know this about leprosy – leprosy – “ charbon blanc " (4-85). Conclusion – more often it is necessary to delve into dictionaries.


And the strict conjunctions of the next quatrain should certainly lead to the goal. Even V sky look Not certainly .

4-86 L'an que Saturne en eaue sera conioinct,

Auecques Sol, le Roy fort & puissant: A Reims & Aix sera receu & oingt, Apres conquestes meurtrira innocens.

In the year when Saturn in water is conjunct,

With the Sun, the King is strong and mighty:

In Reims and Aix will be received and anointed,

After the conquests, he will kill the innocent.

Again, as in a cheat sheet, you should look for "Saturn", "water" and "Sun" in close contact. Such a place was found in quatrain 5-11, with the next "Saturn" in a row.

5-11 Mer par Solaires seure ne passera,

Ceulx de Venus tiendront toute l' A ffrique:

Leur regne plus Sol , Saturne n'occupera,

E t ch an gera la part Asiatique.

From the three capital letters of this quatrain, “water” is assembled – “ EAV ”, so that it becomes exactly like in quatrain 4-86 – it is necessary to take into account “ Ve ” – “ EAVe ”. (I still can’t go beyond one quatrain and see what’s around. In the fourth line of quatrain 5-10 there is a missing “ E ”, and there’s nothing useful nearby!).


The next parsed quatrain gives numerical information.

4-96 La soeur aisnee de l'isle Britannique,

Quinz ans deuant le frere aura naissance :

Par son promis moyennant verrifique, Succedera au regne de balance.

The elder sister from the British Isle,

Born fifteen years before her brother:

Through its promised through verification,

Will follow in the realm of scales.

The first thing that is required is to find the "brother's sister" – " seur le frere". Here This place .

5-36 De soeur le frere par simulte faintise

Viendra mesler rosee en myneral:

Sur la placente donne a vieille tardifue,

Meurt le goustant sera simple & rural.


From here, according to quatrain 4-96, it is necessary to count back fifteen " ans ". Having done this, and having got into quatrain 2-39, it is necessary to find out in what interval to continue searching, i.e., step back for another “year” – “ ans ”. In this interval (2-9 – 2-39) something thematic should appear, connected again with "sisters and brothers." AND Here What found .

2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieux captifz,

Se trouueront passer pres du monarque:

Les contempler ses rameaux ententifz, Desplaisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques .

In this case, the conditional "sister" – a really delayed, healed old woman, the next one – will appear only in quatrain 4-96. I suppose that the connection with the British Isle is manifested in the very first line of quatrain 2-1: “Vers Aquitaine par insults Britaniques ”, is it possible to assume that the second Centuria, beginning with such a line, is “British Island”?

It is interesting that in the Centuries the "sisters" are presented in two images: " seur " is "correct", and " seur " is "wrong". Moreover, the very first "sister" – in quatrain 1-63 – is most likely not a "sister" at all: "Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer, & onde" – "the sister will pass through the sky, earth, sea and wave." Not too relevant, in my opinion. Finally – about how the "sister" will follow into the realm of "scales" – " balance ". After quatrain 4-96, all the remaining three “ balances ” are in the fifth Centurion (5-42, 5-61, 5-70). Probably, she is – "the kingdom of scales." The “sister” will follow there, where it will “end” according to the results of the first seven Centuries.


About operating with relatively small numbers, comparable to the number of words, maybe – letters, theoretically possible. How to be with a case when it is a question of one million? There are no comparable values, nothing to cling to.

5-25 Le prince Arabe Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon,

Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera:

Deuers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,

Bisance, Egypt, ver. serp. inuadera.

Prince Arabian Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,

The kingdom of the Church from the sea will perish:

Regarding Persia – very close to a million,

Byzantium, Egypt, ( ver . Serp .?) will invade.

I think the author did not plan millions of victims in his fictional world. Unlike the real world, his universe turns out to be much more humane and happy.

In quatrain 1-72 – the first million is " million " in Centuries, and in quatrains 1-73 and 1-70 – "Persians" and "Persia", respectively. By the way, the quatrain 5-25 itself is close to "Persia" (5-27).

Another quatrain with "million" – 1-92. "… Mors & captifz le tiers d' vn _ million " – "… A third of a million dead and captured." The word " tiers " can be translated both as "third" and as " third ".

The next "million" is in quatrain 2-94. "… Sans escaper vn quart d' vn _ milion " – "…A quarter of a million has not been saved." A similar situation, " quart " – "quarter" and " fourth ". This sequence draws attention to itself. In fact – in quatrain 1-92 – the second "million" Centurius, and it is argued that the third. In quatrain 2-94 – the third "million", but the Author claims that he is the fourth.

The fourth, in fact, "million" – in the considered quatrain 5-25, well, then, for a greater effect, you will have to cross the threshold of the second cycle of the Centuries. It is there, starting from quatrain 8-21, that the "millionth" theme gets its interesting continuation: "… Passant le pont mil milles embleront …" – "… Passing the bridge, a thousand thousand will be carried away … "A thousand thousand" is the next, veiled, fifth in fact "million" in the Centuries.

In quatrain 8-34 – the sixth "million": "Delues & brodes septieme million". The first two words are arguably translatable, but the last two are translated as " seventh million". There are no options here, definitely – the seventh.

A few words about "Delues & brodes". All letters, with the exception of " O ", are capitalized in quatrain 5-25.

5-25 L e prince Arabe Mars, S ol, Venus , Lyon,

R egne d' E glise par mer succombera:

D euers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,

B isance, E gipte, ver. serp. inuadera.

So – the sixth in a row and the last "millionth" quatrain, as well as the two considered above, stubbornly insists that there is another "million" hidden from prying eyes in the Centuries. The only thing left is to find him.

The boundaries of the searches are not too large. Since already in quatrain 1-92 – "the third million", then from the beginning of the Centuries – to it.

Surprisingly, it exists almost almost at the very beginning of the Centuries – it is in quatrain 1-2: " milli + on ".

1-2 La verge en main mise au milli eu de BRANCHES

De l' on de il moulle & le limbe & le pied…

I specially checked the entire given area, there are no more such variants of assembling this word on it. With the finding of this, the very first "million" in the Centuries, absolutely the entire chain is lined up in an ideal way.

I want to finish this topic after considering one more quatrain, so as not to return to it again. IN it , by the way , another hidden "milli+on".

10-74 An reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,

Apparoistra au temps Ieux d'Hacatombe:

Non esloigne' du grand eage milli esme,

Que les entres sortir on t de leur tombe.

Year of completion of the great number of the seventh,

Appears during the Hecatomb Games:

Not far from the great age of the thousandth,

When the buried come out of their grave.

It clearly refers to the seventh "million" quatrain 8-34.

Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon

Sus la montaigne de IVRA Se catombe

Delues & brodes septieme million

Lyon, Vlme a Mausol mort & tombe .


M ost and the pontiff, what can be common between them? Any French speaker will immediately give the correct answer to this question, because the bridge is “ pont ”, and the pontiff is “ pontife ”.

5-44 Par mer le rouge sera prins des pyrates,

La paix sera par son moyen troublee: L'ire & l'auare commettra par fainct acte, Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.

At sea, red will be captured by pirates,

The world will be disturbed by it:

Anger and greed will cause a deceitful act,

The great Pontiff will have an army doubled.

Yes, the reality is that during the pontificate of Pope Julius II (1503-1513), there appeared its own Papal army – the Swiss Guard of the Vatican, consisting of 150 guards. Yes, pirates have captured someone at all times, be it red, black, green, etc. But the Prophecies are not so boring as to write about it.

So – "pontifex". Historians – researchers see the origin of this word from " pons " – bridge and " facio " – "one who makes (bridge)", explaining that initially the holders of this position were obliged to oversee the construction and repair of the Pile Bridge in Rome ( Pons Sublicius ), which was considered sacred. Yes, this is valuable information. We'll have to trace the interest of Nostradamus to bridges-pontiffs.

The first mention of the "bridge" appears already in the early quatrain 1-33.

1-31 Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spatieuse…

Near the big bridge of the spacious valley…

Further, already in quatrain 1-37, the task for the seekers of secret tombs, and, it turns out, bridges, is visible.

1-37 … Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux.

Bridge and tomb in two strange places.

Its solution is easy. The first quatrain with "tomb" and "bridge" (as part of the word " pont ife ") is in the third Centuria.

3-65 Quand le sepulchre du grand Romain trouue',

Le iour apres sera esleu pont ife…

When the tomb of the great Roman is found,

A day later, a pontiff will be elected…

The second quatrain with "bridge" and "tomb", however, in a different guise ( tombeau – grave, almost a synonym), is found in the seventh Centurion.

7-24 L'enseuely sortira du tombeau,

Fera de chaines lier le fort du pont

The buried will come out of the grave,

Will tie the fort by the bridge with chains …

Further, in quatrain 2-3, " pont " as part of " Negre pont ".

2-3 …De Negre pont les poissons demis cuits…

…The fish are half cooked from Negrepont…

Then, in quatrain 2-21, Negrepont and chains.

2-21 …Cordes & chaines en Negre pont trousses.

… The ropes and chains in Negreponte are wound up.

Then the first "Pontifex" of Centuria appears (2-41), then the second (2-97). Then – the "bridge" from quatrain 3-56, it will be replaced by the "pontiff" already noted here from 3-65, which will again be replaced by another "bridge" in quatrain 3-81. Exactly one hundred quatrains the next “bridge” appears (4-81), and then another one (4-89).

Next – "pontiff" (5-15), then two "bridges" follow – 5-30, 5-31. The next “pontiff”, just from the considered quatrain 5-44, then the “bridge” (5-54), again the “pontiff” (5-56), which will be replaced by a new bridge (5-58).

This whole race will subside for a while, showing itself only as "pontiffs" from 6-49 and 6-82 and "bridges" from 7-21 and 7-24.

This thread has a good ending. The last "bridge" is the second in quatrain 7-24, in the form of the name of the Marquis.

7-24 …Grand de Lorraine par le Marquis du Pont .

… the Great of Lorraine by the Marquis du Pont.

As a result, according to the results of the first seven Centuries, eight "pontiffs" and "sixteen" bridges. Perhaps there are "bridges" – the doubled army of the Pontiff.


There are several quatrains in the Centuries, which are connected by the Rhone River, or rather its length.

5-71 Par la fureur d'vn qui attendra l'eau,

Par la grand raige tout l'exercite esmeu:

Charge' des nobles a` dixsept bateulx,

Au long du Rosne tard messagier venu.

Because of the rage of one who will be afraid of water,

Because of the great fear of water, the whole army is excited:

The noble ones are loaded into seventeen boats,

Along the stretch of the Rhone, the messenger arrived late.

" Raige " – rabies, rabies, hydrophobia. An infectious disease in which there is a fear of water.

"The length of the Rhone" – an amazing idea of Nostradamus. It lies in the fact that in the "Prophecies" there is a global Rhone, the length of which is from the source (the first Rhone in the Centuries) to the mouth (the last Rhone), i.e. from 2-25 to 7-22. While we are talking about the first seven Centuries, of course.

In quatrain 2-96, the Author reveals this idea a little.

2-96 Flambeau ardent au ciel soir sera veu,

Pres de la fin & principe du Rosne…

A fiery torch in the sky in the evening will be visible,

Near the end and the beginning of the Rhone…

Well, then – it launches a certain object along the Rhone: "Spain".

4-3 Ceulx long du Rosne saigneront les Espaignes…

Those along the length of the Rhone will bleed to Spain …

For starters – where does hydrophobia? Water – " eau , eaue , eaux ", in the interval of the length of the Rhone is mentioned seventeen times.

Secondly, various "Spain", in the same interval, are also found seventeen times.

In confirmation of the fact that the gap “the length of the Rhone” is real, associated with the number seventeen, and is tied to the topic of rabies – rabies, I will give here one more quatrain.

6-59 Dame en fureur par raige d'adultere,

Viendra a` son prince coniurer non de dire:

Mais bref cogneu sera le vitupere,

Que seront mis dixsept a` martire.

The lady is furious because of the hydrophobia of adultery,

He will come to his prince, conjuring not to speak:

But soon they will know, it will be a shame,

So seventeen will be put to torture.

Again rabies, seventeen, and the “lady”, probably infected by the prince, because according to the results of the first seven Centuries, she will enter the rank equal to seventeen .

For quite a long time I did not interfere with my past records, trying to preserve the atmosphere of that past, but – I could not resist now, I want to add a little. I will not talk about a dim lamp and darkness. All this, of course, is present. Only fragments of the truth are seen. Even now I am not sure that I will collect the whole picture. Simply, today I was interested in quatrain 2-96 with its phrase.

2-96 Flambeau ardent au ciel soir sera veu ,

Press de la fin & principal du Rosne …

A fiery torch in the sky in the evening will be visible,

Near the end and the beginning Rhone

Now, already knowing that there is absolutely nothing accidental in the "Prophecies", it is simply necessary to deal with this statement of the highly respected Michel Nostradamus.

Below is a section of the "source" of the Rhone. “The fiery torch in the evening” is absolutely distinct: “ fl + am + be + au arde + nt so + ir ”, “sky” – “ ciel ” – in quatrain 2-27.

2-24 Be stes farouches de faim fl euues tranner,

Plus part du c am p encontre Hister sera:

En caige de fer le grand fera treisner,

Quand rin enfa nt Germain obseruera.

2-25 La garde estrange trahira forteresse,

Espo ir & vmbre de plus h au lt marriage:

G arde deceue, fort prinse dans la presse,

Loyre, So n Rosne Gar, a` mort oultrage.

Now the alleged “mouth” requires review based on the results of the first seven Centuries. Literally everything except "-fl- " is also present here: " fl + am + beau ar + de + nt ci + el so + ir ". And with capital letters the same story: one single " B " is missing for " FLAMbE ".
