

URL: https://www.vedomosti.ru/press_releases/2024/11/14/alfa-bank-luchshii-rabotodatel-rossii-po-versii-forbes. Прим. ред.


URL: clck.ru/3ExhhV. Прим. ред.


Philip Levinson, “3 Reasons Why Almost Every VC Investor Passed on Zoom,” The Next Web, January 26, 2021.


На момент выхода на IPO компании Qualcomm принадлежали 1,7 % акций класса В. См. “Zoom Video Communications, Amendment No.2 to Form S-1 Registration Statement,” US Securities and Exchange Commission, April 16, 2019, 121. Подробнее об IPO компании Zoom см. Alex Konrad, “Zoom IPO Values It at $9 Billion–and Mints New Cloud Billionaire Eric Yuan,” Forbes, April 18, 2019.


Здесь и далее: название социальной сети, принадлежащей Meta Platforms Inc., признанной экстремистской организацией на территории РФ. Прим. ред.


Tom Taulli, “Why Emergence Invested in Zoom in… 2015,” Forbes, September 4, 2020; Ron Miller, “Zoom Video Conferencing Service Raises $100 Million from Sequoia on Billion-Dollar Valuation,” TechCrunch, January 17, 2017, techcrunch.com/2017/01/17/sequoia-invests-100-million-in-zoom-video-conferencing-service.


“Zoom Video Communications, Amendment No. 2 to Form S-1 Registration Statement,” 96.


Ben Bergman, “SentinelOne’s First Investor Also Wrote Zoom’s First Check,” Insider, July 1, 2021.


Ron Miller, “Zoom Launches $100m Zoom Apps Investment Fund,” TechCrunch, April 19, 2021.


История стартапа Fab.com основана на следующих источниках: Matthieu Guinebault, “Fab.com’s $300 Million Fundraiser,” Fashion Network, May 22, 2013; Alyson Shontell, “Fab Hits 1 Million Users 5 Months After Launch,” Business Insider, November 14, 2011; Seth Fiegerman, “Fab Passes 10 Million Members, Sells 5.4 Products Every Minute,” Mashable, December 31, 2012; Alyson Shontell, “Fab, a Design Site That Raised $156 Million to Compete with Ikea, Now Has 10 Million Members,” Business Insider, December 31, 2012; Leena Rao, “Design-Focused Flash Sales Site Fab.com Raises $40M from Andreessen Horowitz, Ashton Kutcher,” TechCrunch, December 8, 2011; Brian Laung Aoaeh, “Case Study: Fab–How Did That Happen?,” Innovation Footprints, November 27, 2017; Zachary Crockett, “Sh*t, I’m F*cked: Jason Goldberg, Founder of Fab,” The Hustle, October 17, 2017; Christina Chaey, “Fab Now Offers Made-to-Order Products, a Physical Retail Store,” Fast Company, April 30, 2013; Steven Millward, “Fab’s $150M Backers Include Tencent and Itochu, Plans to Launch in China and Maybe Japan,” Tech in Asia, June 19, 2013; Ben Rooney, “Put Emotion at the Heart of E-Commerce, Says Fab Founder,” Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2013. Подробнее об «эмоциональной коммерции» см. Sarah Frier, “Chasing Growth, Fab.com Sheds Executives and Misses Targets,” Bloomberg, July 4, 2013.


Michael Haley, “Jason Goldberg, Best Known for Fab, Has Raised $8 Million in Seed Funding for Virtual Fitness Startup Moxie from Resolute, Bessemer, Greycroft, Others,” Insider, April 8, 2021.


“Market Share of Selected Leading Coffee Chains in the United States in 2020, by Number of Outlets,” Statista, statista.com/statistics/250166/market-share-of-major-us-coffee-shops.


Хоум-ран – ситуация в бейсболе, когда игрок, ударив мяч битой, отбивает его так, что тот выходит за пределы игрового поля, обычно за ограду или стену на стадионе. Хоум-ран – одно из самых впечатляющих и желанных достижений в бейсболе, так как он сразу приносит несколько очков. Прим. науч. ред.


Страйк-аут – ситуация в бейсболе, когда питчер (игрок, подающий мяч) успешно выбивает баттера (игрока с битой) из игры, сделав три страйка подряд. Прим. науч. ред.


Michael Salfino, “You Can’t Have Home Runs Without Strikeouts,” FiveThirtyEight, June 25, 2019.


Ingrid Lunden, “Apple Closes Its $400m Shazam Acquisition and Says the Music Recognition App Will Soon Become Ad Free,” TechCrunch, September 24, 2018.


Will Gornall and Ilya A. Strebulaev, “Venture Capital Fund Returns,” незавершенная работа, Высшая школа бизнеса Стэнфордского университета.


Wesley Gottesman, “Thinking of Venture in Bets,” Medium, July 15, 2019.
