In the new two-volume edition of the popular collection of jazz biographies and interviews there are materials about 145 musicians from the USA and Europe, who worked in different periods of jazz history, from the golden age of jazz in 1920-s till latter days. The life story of many of them covers several jazz epochs, that lets a reader imagine the historical perspective of the jazz history even better.
There was the only criterion for making the list of the musicians: the materials about them were earlier published in Russian jazz magazine “”.
The two-volume book is going to be interesting for all the people, who love jazz and are interested in its history.
P. Белик, Ю. Дизордер, T. Ильина, П. Корбут, В. Коробицын, Д. Лекай, К. Мошков, А. Филипьева, Г. Хаматова, Г. Хуцишвили.
Ряд фотоматериалов предоставлен пресс-службами фирм грамзаписи и продюсерских компаний.
В оформлении книги использованы картины А. Волкова (
© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», 2021
© Коллектив авторов, 2021
© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», художественное оформление, 2021