"Who are you?" What race? The red-haired girl stared at the bear-sized man in the spacesuit. He was part of the separatist forces in the service of Lord Snow. These forces have recently occupied the city of Vetka, in the Republic of Chariot.
The man stared blankly at the girl. As they say, like a "dead" look. Who knows what he saw in battle.
"What's your name?" – for some reason, the girl was very interested in this representative of the orc race. At the very least, it was strange to her what other races were doing in a human force. Do the separatists, and Snizhne in particular, really not care? Although, most likely it is.
He said it with the same inflection.
"And the name?"
The girl started to get angry: "Does he not understand me?"
"That's the name. the man replied."
"And the race?"
"An orc."
Apparently, there wasn't much intelligence in this orc. All right, an orc named orc. So be it. In any case, it was necessary to get out from under the rubble. Although after such an impact from space, it is unlikely that there, behind these debris, something does not look like ruins and dust.
The Orc took Maria's hand and pulled her to her feet.
Seeing that the girl was injured andinjured, the Orc took her by the shoulder and dragged her along. It wasn't even debris, but a whole burrow of it. There were sounds everywhere, voices, and sometimes shouts from very far away. She hoped she wasn't imagining it and that she wasn't crazy. But if this is all real, then there are a lot of such burrows here, and there are wounded and survivors everywhere, who are gradually making ends meet…
After getting out, Orc and Maria looked around. The branch looked even worse than it had been before. It could hardly be called a city now.
I had to find food.
Twig, once a vibrant and vibrant city, was now completely submerged in darkness and destruction, like a living thing dying under the weight of a heavenly blow. Buildings that once soared proudly upwardhave collapsed, their twisted structures resembling skeletons of long-gone monsters. In their shadows roam the still-healed survivors-ghosts looking for food and shelter.
Through the rubble of the streets, you can hear the sound of feet treading carefully on glass and concrete. These people are not just victims of the disaster, but also evidence of unquenchable hope, their eyes full of determination. The life of the city has finally moved into their hearts and they are ready to fight and build their city anew. And they will succeed if the sky becomes clear and peaceful again…
The sky is filled with clouds of smoke as shuttles circle, flashing blue and orange lights overhead. The shuttles evacuated children and the wounded, as well as, in principle, all comers on a first-come, first-served basis. But few people agreed to leave their hometown, even in spite of everything that is happening, Inthe country, divided and wounded, still creates its own history.