Тимур Агаев The Universe of Nothing: Land of the Orcs

Land of the Orcs

The Land of Orcs is a harsh and mysterious world full of contrasts. Huge mountain ranges cut through by deep gorges, side by side with endless steppes covered with thick grass. Forests made up of giant trees hide many secrets and dangers in their depths. The climate is diverse: from hot deserts to cold polar regions, where permafrost covers the earth with a thick layer of ice. But everyone knows that where the ice begins, the human world begins.

The first Orcish settlements appeared on the banks of rivers and lakesе, where water was the main source of life. These places became centers of trade and culture, around which the first clans began to form. Gradually, the Orcsdeveloped more territory, building fortresses and citiesеprotected by high walls and towers.

However, the Land of the Orcs wasn't always so calm. Beneathitssurface, there are huge reserves of rare metals needed to create weapons and protective armor. It was these resources that caused the endless wars between the clans to start. Everyone wanted to control as many deposits as possible to ensure theirе superiority over others.

Thus began the era of great battles, when the Orcs divided territories among themselves, creating empires and developing their technologies. But before you dive into this era, it's worth finding out where the Orcs themselves оcame from and how they ended up in the Land of the Orcs.

The history of the appearance ofOrcs in the Land of Orcs is shrouded in many legends and myths. According to one of the most ancient legends, theOroki were created by powerful gods who wanted to populate this world with strong and hardy creatures. The gods gave the Orcs strength and resilience, but also gave them a thirst for power and extraordinary cruelty. Maybe the Orcs were created by humans with the help of their advanced technology, but this theory is rejected by the Orc scientific community…

Another version says that the Orcs came to the Land of the Orcs from another dimension through a portal to escape from a world shrouded, as adherents of this theory say, by a Great Catastrophe. No one knows what kind of disaster it was, and there are many views on the subject in Orc culture, but everyone is sure that this portal was opened by an ancient magical ritual performed by an unknown magician.тему, но все уверены, что этот портал был открыт древним магическим ритуалом, проведенным неизвестным магом. This magician was called the Great Magician and there are also cults around this magician. One of the beliefs says that the magician lives among the Orcs and sooner or later will open a portal back so that the orcs will fight for their past land.

Be that as it may, the Orcs quickly adapted to the new world. Their physical strength and stamina allowed them to survive in the harshest conditions. They learned how to mine minerals, build fortifications, and craft weapons. Over time, they developed their own traditions and customs, as well as unique technologies, such as Arcadia submachine guns and metal spacesuits.
