The snag is in ignorance

Third law: It is impossible to get out of ignorance without knowing the truth, otherwise you are limited. What is truth again? Truth is the word of God, scientific evidence and a concept based on spiritual and moral faith, not an external deceptive form, but the deep inner meaning of all creation.

Each law is correct, true, and also neutral, just, universal. But even a person who looks good and handsome can have failures in life, but the problem is not in the laws of life. The reason is an unfair attitude to the laws of the Creator.

Disobedience to the law once does not mean that a person is already everything, bad and useless. Because any person can use the laws of life in a negative way. You just simply may not know all the laws and rules of life. But it is of course your choice whether or not to obey him. The laws of the Creator cannot harm a person. But no matter how good you are, no matter how beautiful you are, you may encounter difficulties and mistakes if you make the wrong choice.

The laws of life do not care whether a person is successful or unsuccessful. Therefore, the laws of life are not so important for us, we think that they are cruel, unfair or just random, but in fact every law is both neutral and selfless for our own good. The outcome of each of our choices depends on how we understand and apply God’s laws.

The environment is always ready to transmit the information that we consciously want to perceive. Some get wealth, fame, property more, while others less. Some get a lot, and some get a little. The laws of life have always been and always will be at the disposal of everyone, injustice and inequality are created by people themselves. Thoughts, values, principles and beliefs determine the extent to which we will receive good from life or vice versa.

A person who considers himself poor, unfortunate and continues to act against the laws of life will be obliged to be content with what he has. Since he has no other choice but to be jealous or interested in those who see the many benefits, pleasures and interests of this life.

The fourth law: whatever your internal environment (cause), your external environment (effects) will be the same. The Laws of Life exist constantly, the laws are sincerely generous. What then prevents us from accepting all these laws is the ability to perceive and the system of beliefs built on this ability. And it’s time to find out what persuasion is, but only from my point of view?

Persuasion, in my opinion, is a faith, that has sat down in the «unconscious» and does not want to leave it. Persuasion is not the same as confidence, but just the same confidence appears because of our faiths, and only then our consciousness begins to feel confident in something, in someone. And then we divide whether it is a true confidence (benefit and gain) or a false one (harm and loss).

In simple words, all our actions, deeds depend on the formed persuasions – faith, point of view, opinion and so on. Most importantly, we understood the reason for our actions and deeds. And Ignorance lies precisely in the fact that we refuse to understand the cause of all our problems, what and how this happens to us. Without understanding the reason, we will not be able to solve anything effectively.

If we continue to hypnotize and persuade ourselves, that we are unworthy and worthless, we will not be able to get everything, we need, and will not be able to achieve our dreams and goals. Fifth law: But no one can guarantee, that our free will, aspiration, desire in the end will please us, and amuse us, if our faith and understanding (persuasions) are false and do not correspond to the truth.
