Chapter 4 – Her Symbols


The scythe is used to cut off all the negative energies sent by our enemies and free ourselves from any influence or evil sent to us.

Since scythes are also used to till, it symbolizes the harvest of a new hope and brings prosperity. In general, it cuts negative energies and provides security.

The Earth

The Earth represents the physical, economic or material part. It also contains the spiritual images that are concentrated in certain moments of time. It is the representation of the afterlife.

Having the world in the hand of the Holy Death means that you will achieve power in any field, and you will be ensured success in whatever you start. It gives you confidence, security, success, leadership ability, conquest and independence.


It is associated with the god of time in Greek mythology. It is a symbol of investment and the relationships between the afterlife and this world.

It has been linked to the ideas of perpetual movement of magical and divine beings.

The sand governs the time in our lives; we don’t have to live fast, but with full awareness of what we do and without looking for problems or complications. It helps us to have patience and to have confidence that all the proposed goals in life will be achieved, without hesitation.

We ask the Holy Death to have the time in our favour for what we need, whether slow or fast.


The owl is a nocturnal animal, whose sight is very sharp and has an infallible sense of direction. It represents our eyes and feelings. It helps us to move forward, despite being blind and confused by adversity.

We may not see the way out of a problem, but the owl will help us to stay the course in life and in the right direction.

It is also related to wisdom, helping to overcome your cultural expectations to act wisely. It boosts intelligence.

One of its skills is to act as the messenger of the Holy Death; therefore, it is useful for asking favours. In general, it helps to improve our intelligence, knowledge, ideas, creativity and orientation.

Lamp or lantern

It is a symbol of spirituality and intelligence. Light always shows us the right direction, the clarity and the decisions that will be taken in life. We can move forward if there is light.

It also accompanies us in times of darkness, or when we see that everything is a problem. It lifts us from ignorance and leads us to the truth. It makes us search within ourselves and think about the solutions to possible problems, without losing confidence in solving them.

It helps to have spiritual peace, clarity and harmony.


It is the mystical symbol par excellence of justice (Themis, the goddess of justice also carries a scale), and is of Chaldean origin. It is the balance between punishment and guilt.

The most common form of scale has two hanging plates -both the same size- arranged symmetrically, indicating that justice is impartial.

If the plates are asymmetrical, punishment and self-destructive forces are triggered, since the balance is broken.

It is associated with our balance, and the achievement of inner peace and happiness. In general, it helps us to have stability, peace, strength, security and self-confidence.
