The second house defines the means of livelihood, is related to our ability to earn money and support ourselves materially. Besides that, the second house is connected to the mouth, meaning it characterizes appetite and can serve as a measure of taste—not only in food, but in a broader sense: artistic, intellectual, persuasive. Since this is the house of speech, it is also related to intellect and speech abilities, as well as to artistic and poetic self-expression. The second house follows the first and represents childhood (from infancy to adolescence). A damaged second house may indicate a difficult childhood or early separation from parents.
A strong second house can bring wealth, a high social status, speech and writing abilities. When the second house is damaged, it may indicate wastefulness or sharpness and roughness in speech.
In the first house: Receiving wealth due to your own efforts, the person's Dharma is related to money, speech, education, knowledge.
In the second house: The planet is in its own house, receiving wealth without many efforts, a career in banking or education, exceptional speech abilities, learning, happy family life, good expression, a beautiful face, good eyesight, nutritious food, poetry.
In the third house: Wealth may be received through the help of siblings, profits through art, music, drama, dance, communication, writing, the internet, organizing trips, work related to hands, efforts directed toward gaining wealth.
In the fourth house: Wealth or property may come from the mother, inherited property, receiving an academic degree, good education, profits through the mother, real estate, psychology, vehicles, institutions related to children (kindergartens, entertainment venues for children), architecture.
In the fifth house: Wealth, finances through speculation or ventures, wisdom, learning, family happiness, profits due to children, nutritious food. Due to the good karma earned by the person in previous lives (Purva Punya), they may receive money without many efforts in this life, profits through students, education, and accumulation while maintaining morals and ethics.
In the sixth house: The lord of Artha (success in the material world, houses 2, 6, 10) in another Artha house—excellent for finances, but wealth comes slowly, after many efforts. Since this house is considered a Dushthana (a challenging house), profits come through the medical profession or the service sector (hotels, public catering, warriors, police), there are difficulties with speech, which can improve with great efforts, rough language, non-nutritious food, problems with the right eye, limited imagination.
In the seventh house: The marriage partner is wealthy and helps in gaining wealth, receiving money through foreign trips or foreign institutions, through business partners, social work, active social life, travel, work with a large number of people, consulting work, embassies.
In the eighth house: Poverty, large expenses, defects in speech, servitude, rough language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, poor education, non-nutritious food, problems with the right eye, potential to earn money in undesirable or illegal ways, through supernatural powers, magic, mysticism, healing. The person may have limited imagination, a good inheritance is possible if the planet is placed in a favorable sign or receives good aspects.
In the ninth house: Wealth, finances from the father, elders, or religious organizations, inheritance due to fate, good speech, happy family life, learning, education, good imagination, nutritious food, profits from spiritual activity, preaching, teaching.
In the tenth house: The lord of Artha in another Artha house—especially favorable for finances, wealth due to career, high status, good reputation, possible profits from the government or high-ranking individuals, livelihood through organizational work, management, work with finances.
In the eleventh house: This may be the best position for wealth and easy gains, profits from a wide range of sources, possible help from an elder sibling, possible profits from banking or investments, as well as from influential people, independent business.
In the twelfth house: Poverty, lack of control over expenses, large debts, defects in speech, problems with the right eye, shyness, limited imagination, rough language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, non-nutritious food. There may be profits in undesirable or illegal ways, all money gets spent. There may be profits related to loans or foreign countries, long trips, foreign institutions, organizing spiritual trips, through translation work, linguistics.