Олеся Сугралимова Английский язык. Судовые механики. Базовая лексика

Sewage treatment plant

Sewage Part 1

sewage tank – танк с отработанной водой

settling tank – отстойник

sterilization tank – стерилизационный танк

chlorine – хлор

add running water – добавить проточной воды

diluting water valve – клапан разбавления воды

a lot of – много

are flushed out – вымываться

a little water – мало воды

sludge – ил

will appear – появиться

Put words in gaps:

sewage tank – танк с отработанной водой

settling tank – отстойник

sterilization tank – стерилизационный танк

chlorine – хлор

add running water – добавить проточной воды

diluting water valve – клапан разбавления воды

1. The …………………….. in a ship is a deep tank in the engine room which is used for gravity-based pre-cleaning of fuel oils.

2. We need to …………………………….if there are many bacteria.

3. The cruise ships pump their wastewater to these facilities, which convey the water in pipes to the ……………………….

4. ……………………………….is a valve for adding running water.

5. The pump is run on auto mode controlled by the level switches installed in the ……………….

6……………………… is a strong oxidizing agent (a chemical substance that gives up or takes on electrons from another substance).

a lot of – много

are flushed out – вымываться

a little water – мало воды

sludge – ил

will appear – появиться

7. Bacteria ………………………of the system, if you don’t give them enough time to go through the system.

8. In this case ………………must be treated and disposed of in a safe and effective way.

9. Mix the powder of one probiotics capsule with……………………

10…………. bacteria is bad for the system.

11. But in time cracks …………………….

Read the text and do exercises:

Sewage plant


Settling tank

Sterilization tank (chlorine)

We add running water with a diluting water valve.

If a lot of running water is added, bacteria are flushed out.

If a little water is added, a lot of sludge will appear.

Put sentences in correct order:

We add running water with a diluting water valve.

If a lot of running water is added, bacteria are flushed out.

If a little water is added, a lot of sludge will appear.

Settling tank

Sterilization tank (chlorine)


Sewage plant


Write words in the gaps:

Sewage plant


Settling tank

Sterilization tank (chlorine)

We add ………….. with a ………………….

If a lot of running water is added, bacteria are .………………..

If a little water is added, a lot of ……………. will appear.

Sewage Part 2

all contents – все содержимое

need to be mixed – нужно перемешать

barbotage – барботаж, аэрация

air is compressed – воздух сжимается

special blower – специальная воздуходувка

distributed with – распределяется при помощи

set of valves – набор клапанов

air is supplied – воздух подается

Put words in gaps:

1. During this process, the ………………………and discharged out of the pump.

2. The ……………………and removed from the premises by using ventilators.

3. Ensure that ………………….are protected from water ingress.

4. The Company is the largest Czech producer and supplier of ………………………….and equipment for the extraction and transport of explosive gasses.

5. These ……………………with water as well.

6. A copy of the Open Publication License is ……………………. this manual, the latest version is presently available at WEB.

7. Air is compressed with the help of a special blower and distributed with a……………..

8. Aeration (........................) – the process of saturation of liquid oxygen through distributors.

Read the text and do exercises:

All contents need to be mixed with the help of barbotage.

Air is compressed with the help of a special blower and distributed with a set of valves.

Air is supplied into all tanks.

Write words in the gaps:

All contents need to be ………. with the help of barbotage.

Air is compressed with the help of a special ………….. and …………… with a ……… of valves.

Air is …………… into all tanks.

Put sentences in correct order:

Air is compressed with the help of a special blower and distributed with a set of valves.

Air is supplied into all tanks.

All contents need to be mixed with the help of barbotage.

Sewage Part 3

another valve – другой клапан

If something floats – если что-то плавает на поверхности

it is extruded – выдавливается

for further recycling – для дальнейшей переработки

half filled with – наполовину наполнен

mixed components – наполнитель для перемешивания

Put words in gaps:

1. Material extrusion is kind of like squeezing toothpaste out of the tube, except that plastic hardens a lot faster after ……………….and cools down.

2. Indeed, filtration through carbon results in a miracle: a virtually ready-for-use VODKA is produced from two …………………– alcohol and water.

3. The task of the first part of the technology is to sort the waste into individual fractions suitable ………………………

4. ……………………in the settling tank, it goes into tank number one.

5. The device must be placed in the tank when it is ……………..water.

6. When valve 11116 is opened, …………………….is also opened to allow air to enter the loop 1184 to compensate for air exiting through separator 11112.

Read text and do exercises:

For settling tank there is another valve for compressing air. If something floats in the settling tank, it is extruded into tank number one for further recycling.

First tank is a half filled with the mixed components.

Put words in correct order to make sentences:

For there is settling tank for compressing air valve another.


further recycling If something number one, it is extruded into tank the settling tank for further recycling floats in.


with is a half filled First tank the mixed components.


Write words in the gaps:

For settling tank there is ………….. valve for compressing air. If something ………… in the settling tank, it is ………….. into tank number one for further……………

First tank is a half filled with the mixed…………………

Sewage Part 4

without air – без воздуха

will die – умрут

floats – поплавки

discharge liquid – сброс жидкости

stop pump – остановка насоса

if something goes wrong – если что-то пошло не так

Put words in gaps:

1. There is no life ……………….

2. Saltwater equipment often builds up calcium which slows down water movement and can …………………completely.

3. Captain never gets angry ………………………..

4. Insects during this time …………..of hunger.

5. Well-preserved nets, net …………, and hooks were found at Key Marco

6. High start -.......................

Read the text and do exercises:

Without air the bacterias will die.

Inside the sterilization tank there are floats.

high start – discharge liquid

low start – stop pump

high alarm – alarm signal if something goes wrong

Write words in the gaps:

Without air the bacterias will die.

Inside the sterilization tank there are floats.

high start – ……………….

low start – ……………………

high alarm – alarm signal ………………………..


1.high star a.stop pump

2.low start b.discharge liquid

3.high alarm c. alarm signal if something goes wrong

Sewage Part 5

sample cock – клапан для взятия пробы ила

sludge test – тест на ил

special triangular flask – специальная треугольная колба

give time to settle – дать время, чтобы отстояться

look at the notches – посмотреть на риски

mens few bacteria – значит, что бактерий мало

add more – добавить больше

little sludge – мало ила

rarely – редко

Put words in gaps:

sample cock – клапан для взятия пробы ила

sludge test – тест на ил

special triangular flask – специальная треугольная колба

give time to settle – дать время, чтобы отстояться

1. We make the …………………to know how many bacteria are in the system.

2. We use the …………………..to make a sludge test.

3. ………………… – the valve for taking samples.

4. ………sludge………………..

look at the notches – посмотреть на риски

means few bacteria – значит, что бактерий мало

add more – добавить больше

little sludge – мало ила

rarely – редко

5. Continue to ………………..water when necessary.

6. They ……………do everything by themselves.

7. To know the result on the flask.

8. ………………….means a lot of bacteria.

9. A lot of sludge…………………….

Read the text and do exercises:

sample cock – the valve for taking samples.

Sludge test is made in the special triangular flask. Give time to settle. Look at the notches on the flask.

A lot of sludge means few bacteria, add more bacteria.

Little sludge means a lot of bacteria, add bacteria rarely.

Choose the correct options:

sample cock – the valve for taking ……………….




Sludge test is made in the special triangular………….




Give time to………




Look at the ………. on the flask.




A lot of sludge means few bacteria, add more bacteria.

Little sludge means a lot of bacteria, add bacteria …………….




Put sentences in correct order:

A lot of sludge means few bacteria, add more bacteria.

sample cock – the valve for taking samples

Little sludge means a lot of bacteria, add bacteria rarely.

Give time to settle.

Sludge test is made in the special triangular flask.

Look at the notches on the flask.


Sewage Part 6

are added – добавляются

top point of the system – верхняя точка системы

clean all pipes – очистить все трубы

once a month – раз в месяц

clean water inlet – вход чистой воды

Put words in gaps:

1. Materials ……………….as they are prepared.

2. This involves used high-pressured water to unclog and…………………

3. A check will be performed ………………………

4. Bacteria are added at the………………………….

5. Clean sewage treatment plant once a month with the………………………

Read the text and do exercises:

Bacteria are added at the top point of the system, so they can clean all pipes and the system.

Clean sewage treatment plant once a month with the clean water inlet.

Put missing words in the gaps:

once a month clean all pipes top point of the system

Bacteria are added at the……………………., so they can …………………and the system.

Clean sewage treatment plant ………………… with the clean water inlet.

Put words in correct order to make sentences:

of the system Bacteria top point are added at the, pipes can all so they and the clean system.


sewage clean treatment a month Clean with the water plant once inlet.


Answer the questions:

How many tanks are in the sewage treatment plant?

What is barbotage?

Why do bacteria need air?

Why do we add bacteria at the top point of the system?

When do we need to add running water?

How do you perform a sludge test?

Oil mist detector

Oil Mist Detector Part 1

is sucked from всасывается из

into – в

crankcase – картер

measuring head – измерительная голова

oil mist opacity – непрозрачность масляного тумана

is determined – определяется

compressed air – сжатый воздух

which is connected to – который подсоединен к

pressure regulator – регуляторы давления

set pressure – установить давление

water column – водяной столб

Put words in gaps:

is sucked from всасывается из

into – в

crankcase – картер

measuring head – измерительная голова

oil mist opacity – непрозрачность масляного тумана

Both aircrafts crashed …………….. the ocean.

………………. is the key to activate alarm.

In the………………., oil mist is created when the lubricating oil is splashed by moving and rotating parts of the engine.

An indicator layer on a small glass component installed in the ……………….. is illuminated with blue-green-light.

Water ……………… the barrel with the pump.

is determined – определяется

compressed air – сжатый воздух

which is connected to – который подсоединен к

pressure regulator – регуляторы давления

set pressure – установить давление

water column – водяной столб

The dosage ………………. according to the instructions.

Suction is from the pipeline, ……………………. the camera.

The material flow rate is easily controlled with a ………………………….

It is necessary to …………………. of air, the flow of the coloring composition and the width of the "torch" correctly.

Better use of air for aeration due to the height of the…………………….

Pressure regulating valves – ……………………… control.

Read the text and do exercises:

Oil mist (oil gasses) is sucked from the crankcase into the measuring head.

In measuring head oil mist opacity is determined. We use compressed air, which is connected to the control air. With the help of a pressure regulator we set pressure 60 ml of water column.

Put words in the gaps:

set pressure measuring head oil mist opacity water column is connected to is sucked from

Oil mist (oil gasses) ……………….. the crankcase into the…………………….

In measuring head ……………… is determined. We use compressed air, which ………………… the control air. With the help of a pressure regulator we …………………… 60 ml of……………………..

Put words in correct order to make sentences:

is sucked from the measuring head the crankcase into (oil gasses) Oil mist.


is determined opacity head oil mist In measuring.


is compressed connected to the control air air, which We use


With we set 60 ml of water a pressure pressure the help of column regulator .


Oil Mist Detector Part 2

Firstly – сперва

siphones – сифоны

ejector sucks mist – эжектор всасывает туман

shock absorbers – амортизаторы

not to pass vibration – не передать вибрацию от

control the condition – контролировать состояние

Put words in gaps:

1. ………………………. from the engine.

2. The automated laboratory was established to ……………………….of the underground section.

3. There were also supplied stabilizers of transverse stability together with hydraulic………………………

4………………… are on the crankcase.

5. We need shock absorbers ……………………………from the engine.

6. But,..............., we need order.

Read the text and do exercises:

Firstly, oil mist goes to the connection box.The mist is from the crankcase. There are pipes on the left and on the right, which are connected with the siphones on the crankcase.

Ejector sucks mist from the engine.

We use shock absorbers not to pass vibration from the engine to the measuring head.

Engineers must control the condition of shock absorbers.

Choose the best options:

Firstly, oil mist goes to the…………………


b.connection box

c.measuring head

The mist is from the …………….



c.shock absorbers

There are pipes on the left and on the right, which are connected with the…………………… on the crankcase.

a.measuring head



…………… sucks mist from the engine.




We use ………………………….not to pass vibration from the engine to the measuring head.

Engineers must control the condition of shock absorbers.


b. shock absorbers

c.measuring head

Put words in correct order to make sentences:

goes to oil Firstly, mist the box connection.


is from mist the The crankcase.


the left pipes on the right on There are and, with connected the which are on the crankcase siphones.


mist sucks from Ejector the engine.


not to pass We use the measuring head vibration from the engine shock absorbers to


condition must Engineers control the shock of absorbers.


Oil Mist Detector Part 3

infrared led beam – инфракрасный светодиодный луч

receiving photodiode – приемный фотодиод

too much oil – слишком много масла

cannot reach – не может достигнуть

reflect from – отражаться от

alarm activates – активируется тревога

Put the words in gaps:

Sunlight reflects from water.

If the sensor fails to detect any movement for twenty seconds, an alarm activates.

……………… goes through oil mist.

Beam must reach the …………………… not to activate the alarm.

The engine is eating…………………….

I ……………….the control panel.

Read the text and do exercises:

There is an infrared led beam and a receiving photodiode inside of the measuring head.

If there is too much oil in the mist, the infrared led beam cannot reach the receiving photodiode. It reflects from the oil. Alarm activates and then shut down of engine.

Put words in the gaps:

reach oil beam infrared led beam photodiode activates reflects

There is an ……………………. and a receiving photodiode inside of the measuring head.

If there is too much ….. in the mist, the infrared led ……….. cannot ………. the receiving………………… It ……………… from the oil. Alarm …………….. and then shut down of engine.

Put sentences in the correct order:

It reflects from the oil.

There is an infrared led beam and a receiving photodiode inside of the measuring head.

Alarm activates and then shut down of engine.

If there is too much oil in the mist, the infrared led beam cannot reach the receiving photodiode.


Oil Mist Detector Part 4:

low explosion limit

per liter of air – на литр воды

supply air – приточный воздух

through – через

calibrated orifice – калиброванное отверстие

Put words in gaps:

1. Very cold ………..can cause frost formation in the heat exchanger, which can damage it.

2.The concentration of oil is at a …………………

3. We do this ………… several programs.

4. From filters air goes to……………………..

5. Radon is measured in picocuries ……………….. (pCi/L), an indicator of radioactivity.

Read the text and do exercises:

If there are 5 percent of low explosion limit (2,5 mg per liter of air), oil mist alarm high activates.

Air filters are very important. Air must be very fresh not to activate alarms. Supply air goes through filters to calibrated orifice and then to measuring head.

Write words in the gaps:

If there are 5 percent of low …………….. limit (2,5 mg …… liter of air), oil mist alarm high activates.

Air filters are very important. Air must be very fresh not to activate alarms. Supply ……… goes through filters to ………………. orifice and then to measuring head.

Write sentences in the correct order:

Supply air goes through filters to calibrated orifice and then to measuring head.

Air must be very fresh not to activate alarms.

Air filters are very important.

If there are 5 percent of low explosion limit (2,5 mg per liter of air), oil mist alarm high activates.


Answer the questions:

How to determine oil mist opacity?

What is ejector for?

Shock absorbers.What are they for?

What happens with the infrared led beam inside of the oil mist detector?
