We would say that we have beautiful garden apple tree with sugar and water as reaction product. Celestial Earth has now new delta with Sun, Mars, Nebula, Sirius and Molar star. Orbital we have new moons with interesting moments and several particle extensions. In the Celestial kingdom, we have new mechanics with space approximation and new voids. Negative gravitation is now effect with function and real global application. Intelligently we have ideas raw with music sequence in research continuum. With new energy, we can create significant prototypes for white spectrum mission flights. In next two pre-new year months, we have to do several inferences with new rules and structure regeneration in temporal transduced space. This transformation is Earth flight with galaxy center in-rotation with central angle. Earth is every tree and forest, every bush, flower every sea and ocean, every sun and moon, every elementary particle from space and every comet flight.
Since century beginning we can say about new science and new spiral lap. We have sports with famous sea explorers; we have water inside and water cycle on planet biosphere. Flashes with dust and wind show us new way and new method of research with alternative results and new case. We have progress with new orbital stations and new trade policy in project mind; we have magnetic quantum and planet pulse with core procedures and screening. We have ar in the land measurements and rainbow with small rain in blue planet skies.