Посвящается памяти:
– академика Б.Н. Буренко, инициатора этого труда
– моим ушедшим товарищам-соавторам П.Д. Киргуева и А.А. Утиралова
Objective. To give concise informative, reference and methodical information on pulse diagnostics allowing to proceed with its application, evaluations of the achieved results in determination of the functional state of an organism and recording of the achieved results on diagnostics in the recommended registration from in order to evaluate health status of an organism within certain length time.
Materials and method. Authors were consulted with respected Russian author›s bibliographical production, some translatable and original books authored by health care specialists from all over the world. The systematization of definite regulation has been effected.
The update information of some author fourth and fifth pulse zones of left and right handed radial arteries of radio саrpal joints has been used for caring out diagnostics.
Results. This knowledge has been used it in practice and could be used in professional practice of Western School of Medicine.
Conclusion. The use of this method in professional practice of Western School of Medicine could be effective for receiving efficient information on the state of an organism at a definite period of the time evaluation of external impact of medicines and procedures on an organism.
The fact of expedient using of the method has been proved for millenniums by a great East experience in the field of medicine.
Keywords. Pulse diagnostics, pulse structure, pulse diagnostics zones, types of pulses parameters.